Educational Systems
презентация к уроку (английский язык, 11 класс) по теме

Презентация поможет провести фонетическую зарядку на дифтонги, повторить условное 2 и закрепить условное 3, организовать диалогическую речь по теме "телефонный звонок в языковую школу".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Schools and Educational Systems

Слайд 2

Phonetic Practice Here There Note [ ɪǝ ] [ ɛə ] [ əʊ ]

Слайд 3

Underline the sounds [ ɪǝ ] , [ ɛə ] [ əʊ ] in these sentenceses . Where is your homework? I hope you realise this is serious. My ideal school would be near a park. He spoke carefully and clearly.

Слайд 4

Spe e ch Practice . Finish the sentences using conditionals . If my family were millionairs , If I had studied in Oxford , Unless I finish univercity , If I was thirty now , If I had gone to a primary school abroad ,

Слайд 5

Gleeson Language Academy Dublin, Ireland The Hemingway Language Academy Key West, Florida Where would like to study English? Role-play the phone call to one of these schools.

Слайд 6

Conditional 2 To express an imaginary present or improbable future situations IF CLAUSE Simple Past If she studied If he ran If I went to China MAIN CLAUSE Would + infinitive Could + infinitive she would pass her tests he would catch the bus I could be with

Слайд 7

Conditional 3 To express a regret for an impossible situation happened in the Past with NO solution IF CLAUSE Past Perfect If it hadn't rained If she had studied If you ___(invite) them MAIN CLAUSE Would have + Past Participle We would have gone to the country She ____(pass) her tests They 'd have come to the party

Слайд 8

Listen to the song and fill in the gaps If you were a sailboat by Katie Melua If you were a cowboy I _____ trail you If you were a piece of wood I_____ you to the floor If you were a sailboat I _____ ____ you to the shore If you _____ a river I would swim you If you _____ a house I would live in you all my days If you _____ a preacher I’d begin to change my ways Sometimes I believe in fate But the chances we create Always seem to ring more true You _____ a chance on loving me I _____ a chance on loving you

Слайд 9

Check up your answers . If you were a cowboy I would trail you If you were a piece of wood I ’d nail you to the floor If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore If you were a river I would swim you If you were a house I would live in you all my days If you were a preacher I’d begin to change my ways Sometimes I believe in fate But the chances we create Always seem to ring more true You took a chance on loving me I took a chance on loving you

Слайд 10

Now, please, present your reports about educational systems.

Слайд 11

Your home task is to revise module 7 for the test.

Слайд 12

Thank you for your work!

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