creative ladies - creative minds (для районного конкурса среди учителей английского языка )
проект по английскому языку по теме

Корепанова Оксана Дмитриевна


Этап 1. «Мое педагогическое кредо» - визитная карточка учителя с использованием ИКТ на английском языке (5 мин.)

Этап 2. « Методический кейс» - мастер-класс представляет собой  фрагмент урока английского языка с использованием ИКТ технологий, в котором учитель представляет любую тему своего УМК в рамках национально-регионального компонента.

Этап 3. «Своя игра» - представляет собой интеллектуально-познавательную викторину с вопросами по страноведению, позволяющую выявить интеллектуальный, общекультурный уровень и эрудицию учителя. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

‘Knowledge is a food of the soul’

                        Plato (Greek philosopher)

Dear ladies! Dear colleagues! I’m glad to see you at our contest ‘Creative ladies – creative minds’.

We welcome the most beautiful, most fearless, most intelligent women of our district. Who will be the most creative lady of our party today? Who has the most creative mind? In this contest all tasks will be worthy of discussion, creative, unusual. Welcome our participants! (Introduction of participants)

Welcome our jury.  Applaud, please.

- Korepanova M.V. – the chairman of the jury, an English teacher of secondary school №1

- Sorochkina M.E. –an English teacher of secondary school №2;

- Kasatkina L.S. – an English teacher of secondary school №3;

- Korepanova N.A -  an English teacher of Chutyr school;

- Perevoshchikova N.V. – an English teacher of Chumoy school.

Our contest consists of three parts:

The first one is ‘My pedagogical Creed’

The second – ‘Methodical Case’

The third is – ‘Jeopardy Game’

Our guests are divided into groups. There will be different tasks both for our participants and for our guests too. I do not want you to be passive listeners. I want you to be active participants too. Which group will be the cleverest?

And now let’s warm up with our guests.

Famous Britons Quiz

 Do this quick quiz in your groups.

Can you name a famous British person for each of the titles below? Which group will be the first? (Sheets of paper)

Prime Minister


A well known footballer

A well known singer.

A famous group

A well known writer.

A famous artist

An inventor

A scientist

An explorer

Thank you very much. You are the quickest (fastest).

And now let’s begin our interesting and unusual competition. The first contest is “My pedagogical creed”. It is a calling card of our teachers, of our ladies. You can switch on your fantasy, imagination, creativity.

 I represent you the first participant. She is …

Our lady is brilliant. Your speech was extremely perfect. Exceptional performance. Great stuff!

Our ladies will rest. Our jury will discus and summarize the first results. And now there is the work for our groups of guests.  The task is called “Word Origins”. Do this quiz, find the right interpretation of the words or words combinations.

Quiz ’Word Origins’

  1. If something is du jour, what is it?
  1. very popular  now
  2. only available today
  3. a food that is very fresh

  1. Where does the word ka-ching (as in `I signed the deal, ka-ching!`) come from?
  1. It is word for `money` in an Indian language
  2. It sounds like the noise made by a cash register
  3. It comes from the surname of millionaire called Bob Kaching

  1. Who made the phrase D`oh popular?

a) Woody Allen

b) Homer Simpson

c) Charlie Chaplin

4. What does the word Brainiac (named after a character in the Superman stories) mean?

             a) good idea

             b) very clever person

             c) ability to think creatively

5. What is the Scottish equivalent of Westminster?

  1. Bourke
  2. The Forth Bridge
  3. Holyrood

6. From which language has English borrowed the word kaizen, which means `continuous improvement` in business?

  1. Chinese
  2. Korean
  3. Japanese

7. Which two words is the word pleather derived from?

  1. pleasant + weather
  2. plastic + leather
  3. pleasure + mother

 8. What name is given to programmes and viruses that a computer does not want?

  1. software
  2. malware
  3. freeware

9. What is the American English equivalent of `It`s like Piccadilly Circus in here!`?

  1. It`s like Madison Avenue!
  2. It`s like Grand Central Station
  3. It`s like the Mary Celeste!

10. What do Utopia, Ruritania and Shangri-La have in common?

  1. They are names of imaginary places
  2. They are the names of characters in films
  3. They are heroes of fairy stories

 11. Which TV series are the phrases beam someone up, and warp speed derived from?

  1. `Friends`
  2. `Star Trek`
  3. `Seinfeld`

 12. What kind of film director might be described as an auteur?

  1. one who makes films in French
  2. one who writes the whole screenplay
  3. one whose personal style shows in the film

KEY: 1a, 2b, 3b, 4b,5c, 6c, 7b, 8b, 9b, 10a, 11b, 12c

That’s enough for now. You will have to finish in a minute. Your time is up now, I am afraid.

Your answers were pretty good. You’re making progress. Thank you.

The following  part of our contest is  ‘Methodical Case’. Let me explain what you’ll do next. Our ladies share with their skills, experience and abilities. I’m looking forward to watching it. It will be the real sight.

Our first participant is …

The third task is very interesting. It consists of different parts. The first one is a computer quiz. Our teachers will use the Internet. Choose your computer, please. We’ll check your knowledge of prominent people of the UK. Click ‘How to play’. Choose ‘Statesmanship’. Who will guess more right answers? The groups will work too. But you will be quiet. Our participants mustn’t listen to you.

The second part of this task is called ‘Jeopardy Game’.

The idea of this game is to choose a category and an amount (e.g.100). You listen to categories column and think of the answer. If the answer is correct, you continue the game, if it is incorrect, another person gets a chance to answer. A person who has the biggest sum is the winner of the game. There are 7 categories in the game. Let’s begin.

Text 1

Who has the most recognized face in Britain at the moment? It’s not the Queen, nor is it the Prime Minister, David Cameron; it’s not even Robbie Williams! The image of his character is so familiar that even people who haven’t read any of the books or seen any of the films know exactly who he is and exactly what he looks like. He is the richest man in the UK thanks to JK Rowling’s books. There are eight films which are popular both in Britain and all over the world.

                                                                                                                                Daniel Radcliff

Text 2

He lead the British people during the Second World War and his inspirational speeches helped people continue to hope for peace during very difficult times. He is known for his determination and his ability to unite people with strong words. Many older Britons would be able to recognise the sound of his voice immediately. Some voters argue that more modern celebrities do not offer the same role models and inspiration as historical figures.                                                                                    

                                                                                                                           Winston Churchill

Text 3

 The cult of Monarchy began in Tudor Britain and for centuries the British looked to their Royal family for an example. However, the royals had a distant and very private life. The start of the 1980s saw the Royal family in a difficult and not very popular position. They were considered old fashioned and out of touch with real people. Then this young British aristocrat married the heir to the throne, Charles. It was like a fairy tale with a new Princess. When she died tragically in a car accident in Paris the British public showed their affection and admiration for this very special royal. She had improved the popularity of the Royal family because she made friends with ordinary people and was famous for being very modern and in touch with the real world. She was famous for her work with charity but her clothes and her physical image were as famous as well. Newspapers around the world continue to write stories about her life and her tragic death.                                                                                                                        Diana Spenser

Text 4

He is a brilliant and very popular footballer. The stories surrounding his celebrity marriage, his move to Spain and the scandal of a recent affair with another woman continue to make him and his wife Victoria front page news. The couple invited a celebrity magazine to photograph their wedding and it cost the magazine over one million pounds. He is best known as a Manchester United player and captain of his country's team. He is frequently presented as a role model for young boys and, until recently, as a perfect family man and father. His clothes and his hair are copied by many youngsters. This month his photograph is part of an exhibition at the National Portrait gallery. The exhibition shows a video sequence of him sleeping in bed.                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                  David Beckham

Text 5

He was born in the USA in 1963. He has Cherokee, Irish and German ancestors. His great-grandmother was a real Cherokee! His surname means ‘an idiot’ in German. The director of Pirates of the Caribbean says that his character Jack Sparrow closely resembles the actor’s own personality. The actor wears a silver skull ring on the ring finger of each hand. The skull ring is a constant remainder that life is short and each moment should be lived to the fullest.                                                          

                                                                                                                                     Johnny Depp


  1. What is Britain separated from the Continent by? (the English Channel)
  2. How many time zones is the continental part of the USA divided into? (four)
  3. What two islands is New York situated on? (Manhattan and Long Island)
  4. Britain is divided into areas (districts). What are they called? (counties)
  5. Where is Ben Nevis situated? (in Scotland)


  1. Who is the first president of the USA? (George Washington)
  2. What does ‘Oxbridge’ mean?( the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge in England, and the term is used to refer to them collectively, often with implications of perceived superior social status)
  3. Which country presented the USA with Statue of Liberty? What was the occasion? (France, the 100th anniversary of American independence in 1876) 
  4. During which period of American history was the novel ‘Gone with the Wind’ set? (The Civil War and Reconstruction)
  5. Which American President freed the slaves?(Lincoln)


  1. Who  gave London its name? (the Romans)
  2. The founder of the Tower of London? (William I)
  3. The oldest part of London. (the City)
  4. Which birds, according to legend, protect the Tower of London?(ravens)
  5. How much will it cost you to visit the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Modern Gallery, the Science Museum and the Imperial War Museum? (Nothing. They are free) 


  1. What political system does the UK belong to? (Constitutional  monarchy)
  2. Who rules Great Britain in fact? (the Prime Minister and the Cabinet)
  3. What place do we call as the residence of the US President? (the White House)
  4. What institutions does the British Parliament consist of? (the House of Commons and the House of Lords)
  5. What branch is much more powerful than in other countries? (judicial)


  1. Where the centre of cinema production in the USA? (Hollywood)
  2. The most ancient monument in Great Britain. (Stonehenge)
  3. The oldest university in Britain. (Oxford)
  4. What is ‘public school’ mean in England?(private school)
  5. This event is held throughout the year in Scotland and other countries as a way of celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage, especially that of the Scottish Highlands (Highland games ).

Royal Family

  1. What is the family name of the present royal family? (Windsor)
  2. What is the name Prince William’s wife? (Kate Middleton)
  3. What are the Queen’s favourite animals? (dogs)
  4. Which city did Princess Diana die in? (Paris) 
  5. Which member of the royal family once wrote a successful children’s book? (Prince Charles)

It is not so scary at all, isn’t it? Well done, you are brainy, you are clever. Thank you, ladies.

Our contest is over. The jury will discuss and summarize the results. And now the following task for our groups of guests.

What are your feelings about your participating in the contest? Complete these sentences, please.

It’s always interesting to take part in…

I was very …, when I was asked to participate in …

I had an opportunity to …

It’s like falling into a …

I enjoyed … the most.

Well, it’s funny to remember me in moments, when …

I can advise (wish) participants to …

Let’s listen to our jury and we’ll learn about the results of our extremely interesting contest.

Dear teachers, you helped us to receive new experience, learn new things and relax through your patience, tasks, questions, games. We will never forget feeling of the greatest pleasure after difficult work, happiness, enjoyment and relaxation. Thank you very much for this unforgettable day.

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