тест (9 класс за 4-ую четверть)
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Ефимова Инесса Евгеньевна

Тест для 9 класса  за 4-ую четверть


Файл itogovaya_kontrolnaya_9_klass.docx16.89 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Guess the job.
  1. A person who performs operations that involve cutting open someone’s body.
  2. A person who trained to look after sick animals.
  3. A person who helps people with the law or talk for them in court.
  4. A person who cuts, styles people’s hair.
  5. A person who looks after children while parents are not at home.
  1. Fill in :  get a student loan, get good results, get good experience, keep (one’s) word, keep trying.
  1. It’s very important to … in my Maths.
  2. I … and entered the university.
  3. If you can’t afford the university fees, you can …
  4. My friend is very reliable. He always …
  5. If your job doesn’t offer any training or opportunities for you to study and work, at least you will …
  1. Fill in: right choice, subjects, ninth, be satisfied, study, journalist, well-paid job, be tiring.

I’d like to stay on at my school after the … form. I think it  is important to … with your friends. As for me, it is important to have good teachers. I like the … to study. As for me, I like History, Russian, English. I want to be a … On the one hand, it’s important to choose a … On the other hand, I can’t agree that a person can … with the job he/she doesn’t like. This job can … and dangerous, but I am sure I have made the …

  1. Translate the sentences into Russian.
  1. Let me help you do the dishes.
  2. Who is going to do the cooking?
  3. Vitamins do good to your health
  4. I can’t do without Coca-Cola.  I drink it every day.
  5. Smoking does harm to your health.

  1. Match the words with their definitions. Translate the words.
  1. disability
  1. all people born around the same time

  1. citizen
  1. stopping work

  1. ethnic
  1.  high in rank or status compared with others

  1. minority
  1. the inability to use one’s body properly because of disease

  1. retirement
  1. a person who has full rights as a member of a particular country

  1. generation
  1. a nation or race that has a common cultural tradition

  1. senior
  1. a smaller group compared with another group

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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