Tsarskoselskaya railroad
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Статья с заданиями по теме "Первая имперсткая железная дорога"


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Предварительный просмотр:


The technological wonder in the Tsar’s village.

Crowds that were never seen, applause and yells “Hooray!” What were the attendance so desperately waiting for?

The grand opening of the railway communication from Saint-Petersburg to the Tsar’s village took place on 30 October 1837. “Everyone from royal court to the last peasant set off for the trial of steam carriages on the way”.

The first train consisted of the steam-engine and eight wagons. Its operator was the creator of the first railroad Franz Anton Ritter von Gerstner himself. First passengers – emperor Nicolas II and ministers – occupied their seats. And at 12.30 the church’s bell announced the departure. Audience, that gathered on the both sides of the rails, was deeply impressed. In half an hour train arrived at the station, where the feast for the first passengers was arranged.

All the constructions cost a great sum of money, 5 million rubles. No wonder the opening met enthusiastic response.

Affordable … Or only for the Tsar?

Soon every one could travel by the steam carriages. For that reason all the wagons were divided into classes, as the price was equal comfort of your trip. All in all there were four types; “Berlingue” was the most luxurious, the price to ride it was four times higher than first class carriage.

First tickets were reusable as they were made from brass. However, later government decided to modify them, and paper tickets, that we can see up to date, replaced the brass production.

And “Nimble” was his name. The first train “Provorniy” and its house.  

At the end of the last century the model of the first steam engine, that took its first journey from Saint-Petersburg to the Tsar’s village, was installed in the special glass pavilion.

The modern building of the Vitebskiy station appeared in 1904 to the project of the architect Brzhovskiy S.A. It was built in fashionable for those times Art Nouveau style, and was met with high response by the citizens.

The clock tower is a part of the complex of the building. It’s decorated with bas-reliefs and huge semi-circular windows. In one of the halls there are pictures based on the plotsof the Tsar’s village railroad construction.

On October 30, 2007 in a light hall of the station the monument to F.A. Gerstner –the builder of the first Russian railroad- was established.

Today the Vitebsk station is the dead-end siding passenger station. It is the only station in St. Petersburg where trains depart from the second floor. There are different destinations, as trains go as abroad as to the nearest suburban areas.  


Николай Некрасов. Железная дорога. 1864 год


Небывалое столпотворение в Царском Селе, крики «Ура!» и громкие аплодисменты. Чего же так ждали собравшиеся со столь явным нетерпением?

30 октября 1837 года состоялось торжественное открытие движения на участке Санкт-Петербург – Царское Село. «Все – от двора до последнего простолюдина – отправились смотреть пробупаровых карет на дороге…»

Первый поезд состоял из паровоза и восьми вагонов. Его машинистом стал сам инженер-создатель дороги Франц Герстнер.

Первые пассажиры – император Николай I и министры – заняли свои места, и в 12.30, по звону колокола, «величественный грозный исполин, пыша пламенем, дымом и кипящими брызгами», отошел от перрона. Зрители, стоявшие по обе стороны дороги, были поражены увиденным: «по настоящим рельсам и шпалам поезд идет к настоящим вокзалам». Уже через полчаса поезд прибыл на станцию Царское Село, где состоялся торжественный банкет.

Открытие железной дороги вызвало небывалый резонанс в обществе: всюду появлялись изображения паровозов. Ее строительство обошлось государственной казне немалой суммой в 5 млн. рублей ассигнациями.


Вскоре путешествовать на поезде могли не только высокопоставленные особы, но и все желающие. Неудивительно, что вагоны того времени были поделены на классы. Все зависело от комфортабельности поездки. Самым дорогим был вагон 1-го класса «Берлине». Билет в такой вагон стоил в четыре раза дороже, чем в вагон 4-го класса.

Билеты для проезда изготовлялись из металла, поэтому их и стали называть «жестянками». Они обладали преимуществом многократного использования, что не требовало от государства затрат на их воспроизводство.

Однако с апреля 1860 года взамен «жестянок» были установлены бумажные билеты разных цветов: белые, розовые и зеленые.

Сегодня используются тоже бумажные билеты, а образование цены определяется «Правилами перевозок пассажиров, багажа и грузобагажа на федеральном железнодорожном транспорте».


В конце прошлого столетия в специальном стеклянном павильоне на Витебском вокзале был установлен макет паровоза «Проворный», совершившего первый в России рейс из Петербурга в Царское Село в 1837 году.

Современное здание вокзала построено в 1904 году в стиле модерн по проекту архитектора С.А. Бржозовского. При открытии вокзал получил высокую оценку современников.

В комплекс этого здания вокзала входит часовая башня с декоративными барельефами и огромными полуциркульными окнами. В одном из залов находятся картины на сюжеты строительства Царскосельской железной дороги.

30 октября 2007 года в световом зале вокзала был установлен памятник Ф.А. Герстнеру – строителю первой российской железной дороги.

Витебский вокзал является тупиковым пассажирским вокзалом. Это единственный вокзал в Санкт-Петербурге, где поезда отправляются со второго этажа. С Витебского вокзала осуществляются перевозки международного сообщения, а также осуществляются пригородные перевозки.

Предварительный просмотр:

The technological wonder in the Tsar’s village.

Crowds that were never seen, applause and yells “Hooray!” What were the attendance so desperately waiting for?

The grand opening of the railway communication from Saint-Petersburg to the Tsar’s village took place on 30 October 1837. “Everyone from royal court to the last peasant set off for the trial of steam carriages on the way”.

The first train consisted of the steam-engine and eight wagons. Its operator was the creator of the first railroad Franz Anton Ritter von Gerstner himself. First passengers – emperor Nicolas II and ministers – occupied their seats. And at 12.30 the church’s bell announced the departure. Audience, that gathered on the both sides of the rails, was deeply impressed. In half an hour train arrived at the station, where the feast for the first passengers was arranged.

All the constructions cost a great sum of money, 5 million rubles. No wonder the opening met enthusiastic response.

1. Match with the definition.

  1. The number of people, who came to see the event
  2. A special meal for a large number of people
  3. Extremely
  4. To tell about sth officially
  5. Reaction to sth

2. Fill in the gaps using words in bold.

  1. The theatre announced a competition for the main role in a play.
  2. In the eighteenth century feasts during big celebrations could last for more than 4 hours/
  3. She couldn’t wait till the results of the test would appear, and was desperately checking her e-mail every five minutes.
  4. He didn’t believe his eyes, when saw the response to his application from a well-known company.

What were the expectations?

The railway companies were of the vital importance. Firstly, as the mean of transportation. Secondly, as the sphere of economic development. During Soviet times trains were mainly used as military or industrial transport. Information about Russian railway companies was a top secret for a long time, only recent years some of it has come to the surface.

When the steam engines were brought out of circulation, a large number of locomotives of different classes was restored and became the part of transport museums, where they were gently kept and maintained.

Until 1990 there were almost 9000 locomotives. Unfortunately, after the collapse of Soviet Union, a large part of them deteriorated in a bad condition and was lost. So there was no strategic reserve over, in case of crises or war.

However, some of locomotives remained and were protected by enthusiastic volunteers. These days the most part of them are the museum property, which is looked after by restorers and scientific workers.

Today there are several railway museums in Saint-Petersburg. One of the largest is near Warsaw railway station, where you can see exhibits even from 19 century.

However, the most interesting would be the first train, wouldn’t it?

3. True or false.

  1. Until 1990 the trains that went out of circulation became the part of strategic reserve.
  2. Mainly locomotives are preserved by volunteers.
  3. There are more than two railway museums in Saint-Petersburg.
  4. Trains were used to connect different parts of Russia.
  5. They didn’t spread information about Russian railroad companies for a long time.

4. Vocabulary: name the parts of the picture.

The background, smoke, wagons, attendance, engine, rails.

5.Complete the description of the picture

In this picture they might have depicted the arrival of the first train to the Tsar’s village. As the train looks very old with its wooden … and … coming out of the tube. In the … I can see several small houses and fields. The weather looks fine, as there are not so many clouds in the sky, and the picture is lit by the daylight. … that gathered around seems to be very enthusiastic.  People even climbed to the … to greet the first steam-engine entering the station.

  1. Replace the words from the text with synonyms.

Travel by/divided/luxurious/first/ / trip/ up to date/modify

Soon every one could change their location by on the steam carriages. For that reason all the wagons were split into classes, as the price was equal comfort of your journey. All in all there were four types; “Berlingue” was the most lush, the price to ride it was four times higher than top class carriage.

First tickets were reusable as they were made from brass. However, later government decided to alter them, and paper tickets, that we can see nowadays, replaced brass production.

  1. Describe the picture.

C:\Users\Vladimir\Downloads\екатериненский дворец\Из-Санкт-–-Петербурга-в-Прагу-на-поезде-500x276.jpg

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