итоговый тест за 4 четверть в 7 классе 2 варианта
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Клыкова Марина Владимировна

Тест позволяет оценить уровень сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков по темам 4 раздела УМК Биболетовой.


Предварительный просмотр:

Final Test 4 V1

  1. Choose the appropriate variant to complete the sentence:
  1. … is a violent sport, isn’t it?
  1. running  b. tennis c. chess d. boxing
  1. She’s so sporty. She ………. skiing and skating.
  1. is fond of b. she is bad at c. interested in d. really like
  1. The tickets to Madonna’s concert have … all gone, as she’s very popular in the USA.
  1. near b. hard c. hardly d. nearly
  1. My house is not … from the sports center.
  1. far b. farly c. near d. nearly
  1. Be …! Don’t cross the street here.
  1. honest b. carefully c. aware d. careful
  1. We have visited the British Museum …. .
  1. recent b. late c. lately d. early
  1. Let’s take this turn, it’s the … way from here.
  1. quickly b. quickest c. quicker d. faster
  1. To keep fit some people go … in the morning or evening.
  1. shopping b. watching c. jogging d. moving
  1. Sometimes slim women switch on the TV in the morning and follow …….
  1. cookery classes  b. boxing courses c. fitness classes d. grammar exercises
  1.  The rules of food combining …….. all over the world.
  1. know b. are known c. knew d. are knowing
  1.  Fruit and vegetables …. a lot of vitamins.
  1. consist b. contain c. has d. are consisted
  1.  All the vitamins ……. by the letters of Lateen alphabet.    
  1. are named b. is called c. name d. are naming
  1.  Can you switch off the tape? I ……… .
  1. have a runny nose b. have a cough c. take headache d. have a headache
  1.   You can eat …. with any kind of proteins or carbohydrates.
  1.  vegetables b. fruit c. bread d. fast food
  1.   Football is usually played on a … .
  1. court b. rink  c. gym d. pitch  
  1. Marry is really good … figure skating.
  1. at b. in c. on d. with
  1. Put in the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
  1. If I … you, I’d try this diet. (be)
  2. If she …tennis seriously, she ………. the trainings so often. (take, miss)
  3. What … you going to do tomorrow? – If the weather is fine, I ……...for a walk. (go)
  4. …. you already… your temperature? (take)
  5. Stop … . It’s only flu. (worry)
  6. I’m sorry I … speak well today. I’ve got a sore throat. (can)
  7.  You should …these medicines twice a day! (take)
  8. ……. proteins with carbohydrates at the same meal. (eat)
  9. How ...you … today? (feel) – I feel fine.

Final Test 4 V2

  1. Choose the appropriate variant to complete the sentence:
  1. … is an intellectual sport, isn’t it?
  1. running  b. tennis c. chess d. boxing
  1. She’s so slow. She ………. skiing and skating.
  1. is fond of b. she is bad at c. interested in d. really like
  1. The tickets to Pugachova’s  concert have … gone, as she’s not popular in the USA.
  1. near b. hard c. hardly d. nearly
  1. My house is … the sports club.
  1. far b. farly c. near d. nearly
  1. Jane took … the documents.
  1. honest b. carefully c. aware d. careful
  1. We have visited Red Square …. .
  1. recent b. late c. lately d. early
  1. It is the ….. joke. I’ve ever had.
  1. More stupid  b. stupidist c. most stupid d. stupid
  1. To keep fit some people go … in the morning or evening.
  1. shopping b. jogging c. laughing d. moving
  1. Sometimes slim women switch on the TV in the morning and follow …….
  1. cookery classes  b. boxing courses c. fitness classes d. grammar exercises
  1.  The rules of food combining …….. all over the world.
  1. know b. are known c. knew d. are knowing
  1.  Fruit and vegetables …. a lot of vitamins.

a. contain b. have had c. are consisted d. keep

  1.  Proteins … up to eight hours to digest.  
  1. are taken b. take c. takes d. have
  1.  I need a handkerchief. I ……… .
  1. have a runny nose b. have a cough c. take headache d. have a headache
  1.   You can eat …. with any kind of proteins or carbohydrates.
  1.  vegetables b. fruit c. bread d. fast food
  1.   People usually skate on a … .
  1. court b. rink  c. gym d. pitch  
  1. Mary’s father is keen … fishing.
  1. at b. in c. on d. with
  1. Put in the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
  1. If I were you, I ….. this diet. (try)
  2. If she …tennis seriously, she ………. the trainings so often. (take, miss)
  3. If Nick … a good mark, his mother will be glad. (get)
  4. …. you already… your temperature? (take)
  5. Things can’t be as bad as you …. . (imagine)
  6. I’m sorry I … go out today. I’ve got a sore throat. (can)
  7.  You should…. eat fast food. It’s harmful. ( not, take)
  8. ……. proteins with carbohydrates at the same meal. (eat)
  9. Well, she … seasick today as she is meteorologically sensitive. (feel)

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