Викторина по произведению Л.Кэролла «Alice in Wonderland»
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Федорова Лариса Ивановна

Игра- викторина, проведенная во время декады английского языка


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Слайд 1

Викторина по произведению Л.Кэролла « Alice in Wonderland » автор Федорова Л.И.

Слайд 2

Lewis Carroll He was born on 27 January 1832 in the village in the centre of England. His family had a large house and many servants. Family didn’t have much contact with the outside world. Lewis Carroll wasn’t very good at sports. He wasn’t very popular with the other students but he was very intelligent. He began studying Mathematics and became a teacher. And he wrote books and took photos. His two most famous books are “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and ” Through the Looking- Glass”.

Слайд 3

1. Who wrote “Alice in Wonderland”? Mark Twain Jack London Lewis Carroll Charles Dickens

Слайд 4

2. Lewis Carroll was …….. American Greek German English

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3. Lewis Carroll was born in…. Central America Central England Central France Central Africa

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4. He wasn’t very good at …. Mathematics English Sports Russian

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5. He became a …. Writer and photographer Writer and actor Photographer and actor Teacher and actor

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6.Alice thought that in New Zealand and Australia people…….. Don’t understand English Walks with their heads pointing down Are taller than she Don’t like cats

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7 .The Alice’s cat’s name was…. Dinah Pussy Barsik Tom

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8 .On the bottle there were words… “Eat me” “Break me” “Drink me” “Dance with me”

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9. The pool of salt water was.. Lemonade Coffee Juice Tears

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10. She ate … and became tall. An apple A cake Soup A potato

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11. The white rabbit had …. A hat A clock A watch A baby

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12. The caterpillar was …. In the white rabbit’s house In the Duchess’s house On the top of a tree On the top of the mushroom

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13. The caterpillar ……….. Smiled Smoked Played the guitar danced

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14. The caterpillar asked ……. Who is she? Who is you? Who are you? How do you do?

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15. Alice grew big again and put one arm out of the ………… Chimney Door Window Roof

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16. At a Mad Tea- Party they drank….. Water Coffee Tea Milkshake

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17. The rabbit lost his …… Watch Gloves Hat T-shirt

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18. Cheshire cat ….. Cried Slept Smiled Sang

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19.Gardernes painted …roses red. Pink Green Blue White

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20. The Queen played croquet with ….. Balls Boxes Cats Hedgehogs

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21.To play croquet they used……..to hit the balls. Sticks Dogs Flamingoes Geese

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22. Why was the Queen angry with Alice? Alice played croquet better than she. Alice didn’t play croquet Queen didn’t like Alice. Queen played croquet better than Alice.

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23.The Queen’s favourite sentence is… Off with his/her head! Off with his/her neck! Let’s play croquet! Go away!

Слайд 26

24. The soldiers didn’t do any harm on Alice because….. They were afraid of her. They were small. They weren’t strong. They were cards.

Слайд 27

25. Alice ran home and thought…. ‘’What a wonderful dream!’’ ‘’What a wonderful book!’’ ‘’What a wonderful story!’’ ‘’What a wonderful day!’’

Слайд 28

26. Don’t drink this! It will hurt or kill you. Coke Juice Poison Tea

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