конспект урока
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Андреева Маргарита Николаевна

Конспект урока на Past Simple к учебнику Primary Colours 3


Файл Where did you go last night? урок в 4 классе13.73 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Plan of the lesson.

Date: 25.11

Class: 4  «б»

Theme: What did you do yesterday?

Aims:  SWBAT review the words from the previous lesson: beach, lake, kitchen, park, school, garden.

             SWBAT use the Past Simple Tense (regular).

            To develop the children’s spoken and listening skills.

            To develop students’ grammar skills.

For book: Primary Colours 3



Type of interaction



Good morning, children!

Ch: Good morning!

I’m glad to see you! Sit down everyone!

1-2 m



Warm – up:

Girls and boys we have some problems. You need to solve them. For each solving problem you will get some letters and in the end of the lesson you will have some magic words.

The first: we can’t start our lesson because we don’t know the theme of our lesson. Look at the board, there is a sentence but it isn’t correct. You need to remember Past Simple and put the words in the right order, and then you will get the theme of our lesson.

Do, did, you, what, yesterday?

Yes that’s right! That’s the theme of our lesson: “What did you do yesterday?”

You get two letters (Th).

6-5 m




We solve the first problem but we have another one.

The second problem: some words are hiding in the puzzle! Let’s guess it and find the words.

You can play football here. (park)

You can swim here. (lake)

You can climb a tree here. (garden)

You can take the sun bath here. (beach)

You can have breakfast here. (kitchen)

You can have lessons here. (school)

You are right! Well done! You get two letters (an).

Look at these words carefully! They are places.

Now it’s time to know our third problem.

This is Clare, she said that last week she was in every of these places, but she can’t remember what did she do there.

Let’s help her. (Pupils need to match the head of the sentences with their tails) Write them into your copybooks.

Clare said “Thanks”, and you get three letters (k yo).




Physical exercise:

Now it’s time for rest.

Stand up and look around,

Shake your head and turn around.

Stamp your fit upon the ground,

Clap your hand and then sit down!

You have one letter (u).

1-2 m



Check up of home task:

Open your copybooks I’ll look through your home task.

2-1 m



Practice and production:

I think it’s time to work with your books.

P.B.p.17 ex.2a Look at the picture. What did children do last night? Ask your friend. Give your answer and check it.

 You have three letters (so m).

Reserve task: P.B.p.17 ex.4 sing a song. You have three letters (uch)

Now put your letters with each other and read the words that you get.

(Thank you so much!)

12 m




End of the lesson:

What have we learnt today?

What have we talked about?

What was most interesting?

Your marks for the lesson are…

Your h/t: W.B. p 19 ex. 3

The lesson is over! Good bye!

5 m


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