Улицы Лондона – топонимика и секреты навигации. Продукт исследовательской работы.
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Вера Викторовна Еремеева

Работа представляет собой продукт исследовательской деятельности ученика. Главная ее особенность - это предъявление пешеходной экскурсии одного дня по основным историческим достопримечательностям (Биг Бэн, Трафальгарская площадь, Букингемский дворец и т.д.) Лондона через улицы маршрута. Именно такой подход позволяет расширить представление об одном из величайших городов мира с позиции истории, культуры и перевода основных его улиц. Бэйкер стрит - это действительно улица булочников? Улица Мэлл - тенистая улица для прогулки? Именно такие вопросы возникали в начале исследования. Какие ответы мы получили, вы можете найти в этой работе. 


Подписи к слайдам:

Let’s travelWe suggest you to have a new (hiking) rout of a trip
Some tips to understand better the information of the slides
Pay attention to the frames colours of different pictures. The names of streets have the same colour in the text. Before reading review the map of our rout. Find different sights there. We hope our work can help you in your nearest journey!
Westminster streets for a hiking rout in London

Подписи к слайдам:

Turning into Mall, we continue moving the south-west and reach a memorial to Queen Victoria, which is in front of Buckingham Palace.

Подписи к слайдам:

The British buildings began to have numerals from “Post law” in 1765. The intermediate structures, generally have number with letter A, B, C etc. Numbering set in a clockwise direction. Until the early - mid-nineteenth century in England was a custom to give houses numerals along one side of the road and then continue it in reverse direction. This approach still exists, for example, in Pall Mall. Street names listed at the traditional street signs, area or alley, but under its there are official names of district. In the left down corner is zip code, or rather the first portion. During the reign of Queen Victoria the city was divided into eastern centre (EC), western centre (WC), east (E), west (W), south-west (SW), south-east (SE), north (N), north-west (NW). On the post map of London all directions are allocated except the north-east, because this abbreviation (NE) means not a city district but another city — Newcastle. Street signs in British capital almost always are located on the level of the second floor. But this is not to protect them from souvenir lovers. The height is ideal for double-deckers passengers. On the other hand, however, pedestrians sometimes turn out neck.
The walls of some London houses are decorated with blue signs. They were established by fund «English Heritage» on the houses where famous people had lived. On the basis of these signs can make an interesting walk route. It will allow you to explore the streets and neighborhoods that are not included in the official list of attractions. If you are going to attend the British Museum try to find next houses which are located a 10-minute walk from the Museum: 7 FitzroySquare: home of George Bernard Shaw. On Gower Street: House of the great scientist Charles Darwin. Conclusion: you can dedicate one day of your stay in London walking around the proposed route, and then use the transport to expand your understanding of one of the greatest cities in the world. To interpret the name of the street, you should be aware that it a) is formed by object name (geographical or historical) b) it is clear when translate, but may be misleading, because it is associated with the facts of the history of the city (mostly - these are cases of street names which were named in honor of famous people). Translation street names and their history logically complement each other in many cases.
Illustrative translation of streets which are not included in our rout, but they are located near it
Baker Street
Fleet Street

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