Задания по говорению по формату ЕГЭ.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Севастьянова Елена Владимировна

Данные методические рекомендации содержат задания по говорению по формату ЕГЭ в разделе монологического высказывания.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Give a 2-minute talk on what makes people successful.  

Think about different factors such as:

  • natural talent
  •  hard work, education and training
  • good luck or knowing the right people
  • drive, ambition and determination

Remember: “I want is more important than IQ”; “Genius is nothing but labour and diligence”; “Shoot for the moon…” Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm” (Sir Winston Churchill) etc.


Give a 2-minute talk on risky sports and daredevils – people who seek dangerous activities.

Think about:

  • which activities seem the most dangerous, what could go wrong, what precautions can be taken to prevent accidents
  • if government should ban sports such as parachuting, boxing and rock climbing
  • if such people are different from anybody else
  • if you would like to experience risky sports

Remember: “Nothing venture, nothing have”.

Give a 2-minute talk on creativity. Do you believe you are a creative person?

Think about:

  • if some people are born with creativity or it can be developed
  • if it can be developed, what kind of environment and activities  could encourage creativity
  • the advantages and disadvantages of being creative, what problems a creative person may face
  • famous people whose creativity benefited our country (writers, artists, musicians)

Useful expressions: to have a bee in one’s bonnet, to be out to lunch, flight of fancy etc.  

“To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing”. (Elbert Hubbard)

Give a 2-minute talk on friendship.

Think about:

  • if we choose friends who are like us
  • what kind of things might bring a friendship to an end
  • how you choose friends, which sides of people’s characters you admire
  • responsibility of being a friend

Remember: “If you want to have a friend, be a one”, “A friend is a one who knows us, but loves us anyway”.

Give a 2-minute talk on the problems of a modern family.

Think about:

  • changes in the way families live, role of men and women
  • how children may be affected by these changes
  • what is more important: children or career
  • if it is possible to live alone

“We make a living by what we get, a make a life by what we give”(Winston Churchill)

Give a 2-minute talk on honesty. Is it always the best policy?

Think about:

  • the benefits of being honest, why honest people are so nice to deal with
  • the situations when it is better to tell lies
  • our personal experiences when you had to lie, how did you feel afterwards

Useful expressions: to be honest as the day is long, “There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world and the worst of it is half of them are true” (Winston Churchill)

Give a 2-minute talk on juvenile crime. Why do you think young people commit crimes?

Think about:

  • social disadvantage (poverty)
  • lack of leisure activities, violence on TV, violent computer games
  • not enough love/attention at home, misunderstandings, a desire to rebel
  • how government can reduce juvenile delinquency

Expressions: to cross the line, to bend the rules; “Idleness is the mother of all evil.”

“Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it.” (Henry Buncle)

Give a 2-minute talk on celebrities. Do you admire any and why?

Think about:

  • some of the drawbacks of being a famous person (loss of privacy)
  • people’s behavior towards a celebrity: is it always acceptable (asking for autograph, following them home, sending gifts etc.)
  • a celebrity’s life: not as glamorous as you may think

Useful expressions: “A celebrity is one who is known to many persons he is glad he doesn’t know”.

Give a 2-minute talk on motherland and immigration. Do you think you could ever leave your home country and immigrate to another country?

Think about:

  • what makes you love your native country, feel a part of it
  • what you would miss if you left home
  • what are the benefits and drawbacks of moving

Expressions: to get itchy feet (a desire to travel, move), to settle down, a roof over your head, feel at home.  

Remember: “Home is where the heart is.”

Give a 2-minute talk on protection of endangered species. 

Think about:

  • passing legislation protecting the animals which are dying out
  • relocating the animals to a safer environment
  • educating public through wildlife documentaries and films
  • employ specialists to keep the species under surveillance

Remember: “Think globally, act locally.” “Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought”, “Because we don’t think about future generations they will never forget us”.

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