Дидактический материал к занятию по теме "Китай" (Раздел "Мы и наши соседи").
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Калугина Дарья Сергеевна

Данный дидактический материал содержит в себе небольшой текст про КНР, гимн страны на английском, русском и китайском языках. Далее представлены различные задания на формирование и развитие навыков письма, чтения, перевода, речевой догадки. Данные задания помогают студентам лучше понять содержание текста и запомнить новые лексические единицы. Материал рассчитан на студентов 2-курса всех специальностей.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Музыка:Не Эр 作曲:聶耳 Niè ěr
Слова:Тянь Хань 作詞:田汉 TiánHàn

Вставай, кто рабом стать не желает!
Из своей плоти Великую стену поставим!
Для судьбы нации грозный час наступил,
И из груди рвется клич наш последний:
"Вставай! Вставай! Вставай!"
Нас миллионы, но сердцем мы едины,
Под огнем канонады смело мы в бой пойдем,
Вперед! Вперед! Вперед!

Arise, you who refuse to be slaves!
With our flesh and blood, let us build our new Great Wall!
The Chinese nation faces its greatest danger.
From each one the urgent call for action comes forth.
Arise! Arise! Arise!
Millions with but one heart,
Braving the enemy's fire.
March on!
Braving the enemy's fire.
March on! March on! On!

Qilai! Buyuan zuo nuli de renmen,
Ba women de xuerou zhucheng women xin de changcheng.
Zhonghua Minzu dao liao zui weixian de shihou,
Meigeren beipo zhe fachu zuihou de housheng.
Qilai! Qilai! Qilai!
Women wanzhong yixin Mao zhe diren de paohuo,
Qianjin! Qianjin! Qianjin! Jin!


China is the one of the largest countries in the world. The total area of the country is over a million square kilometers. As for population, China is the first country in the world. Over one billion people live there. It means that one out of every five people in the whole world is Chinese. China is a great country, only it has a man-made object which is visible from outer space - The Great Wall.

China has a recorded history of nearly four thousand years. It was a monarchy till 1949 when Mao Tse Tung became a head of the state. Since that year China has been a Socialist Republic. In 1976 China started the Cultural Revolution. It finished in 1976, when Mao died.

And now China is in the hands of Deng Xiaping, who has given the country some freedom. Doors are now open to the rest of the world. And you can even come to China to study there. Some words about China’s education system. First of all, all foreign students will have to share a room with one Chinese student, which is very common. Days start very early, so they’ll have to get up at about six o’clock. There are morning exercises in the open air, and they will be invited to join. The breakfast is at about six thirty. The classes will probably be in English and Chinese, they begin at seven thirty. Lunch is at twelve and then more classes until six. After school day students usually go to the cinema. In fact it’s very difficult to get tickets. People also like to go for a walk, to play cards or just to sit outside talking. The air in the streets is not polluted, because there are few cars but literally millions of bicycles.

Chinese food is legendary that’s why you can find it in most cities in the world, and people like it very much. If you want to visit China you’ll have to get a visa. There are in fact many cities that you can visit with just the ordinary visa, and others that you need to get a visa from the local police station to go to. Now there is a very good train service and also an internal air service, but   I think that it’ll be better if you travel by trains because you’ll see so much more of the country. And I also think that China is worth seeing. You’ll never forget it if you visit it.

Translate the following words and word combinations:

The Great Wall

education system

foreign students

to share a room with

they will be invited to join

the air in the streets is not polluted

worth seeing

Unscramble the words:

Catednoitu, rtwho, gnierof, allwtrgea, oomrshear

Finish the following word combinations:

Foreign…., ……… is not polluted, ……..wall, worth….., ……… system, ………. a room with

Find out the title for each passage:

History of China

The Chinese wonder

Nowadays and students’ life

China is a very interesting country

Chinese food

Say it in English:

Общая площадь, сейчас двери открыты, утренняя зарядка, достать билеты, гулять, получить визу, внутренняя авиационная служба, население, свобода, культурная революция, сидеть на свежем воздухе и болтать, космическое пространство, созданный человеком, вероятно, иностранные студенты.

Find out the mistake:

The Gret Wall, to be poluted, forein students, worth seing, to chare a room since, ebucation system.

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