Урок "Spring Holidays and the Queen's Birthday"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Сназина Елена Евгеньевна
Этот урок был подготовлен для дня необычных уроков, который проводится в гимназии каждый год. Тема урока связана с весной, т.к. в 2014 году день необычных уроков проводился в мае. На предыдущем уроке дети были ознакомлены с темой предстоящего урока, а также с информацией о Public and Bank Holidays в Соединенном Королевстве. Они получили следующие темы для подготовки выступлений на открытом уроке:
  • Spring British Holidays: May Day and Spring Holiday

  • Queen Elizabeth ІІ
  • Trooping the colour


Дома они должны были внимательно изучить темы и подготовить доклады, выбрав основную информацию. Для лучшего восприятия доклада надо было продумать, какие таблички можно написать для представления доклада. Например, на табличках можно написать какие-то даты, имена, названия и т.д. Также приветствовался поиск картинок, иллюстрировавших соответствующую тему.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Школа экономики и права

2013-2014 учебный год

Открытый урок

в 8 классе

Цели урока.

  1. Расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языка.
  2. Развитие умения самостоятельно работать над материалом: искать необходимую информацию в разных источниках и отбирать наиболее важную.
  3. Развитие умения составлять доклад и продумывать наглядный материал к выступлению.
  4. Развитие умения представлять подготовленный материал перед учащимися класса и отвечать на возникшие вопросы.

Ход урока

  • Начало урока. Приветствие, постановка цели.

Hello, children!

Today we are having an unusual lesson. We are going to learn more about the UK. The topic of our lesson is “ Spring Holidays and the Queen's Birthday”

  • Краткое повторение информации о Соединенном Королевстве: страны, столицы, флаги и символы.

Let's answer my questions about the UK.

  1. What are the countries of  the UK?
  2. What is the capital of England?
  3. What is the capital of Scotland?
  4. What is the capital of Wales?
  5. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
  6. What are the flags of the countries?
  7. What are the symbols of the countries?

  • Первый доклад «Spring Bank Holidays».

        You know a lot about British Holidays: Christmas, Easter, St. Valentines Day. There are also some popular holidays in May.

The report includes May Day(the first Monday of May) with Maypole Dancing and Morris Dancing, May Queen и Spring Holiday(the last Monday of May) with Cheese Rolling.

  • Второй доклад «Queen Elizabeth ІІ».

 Доклад включает следующие пункты: когда и где родилась, где живет, официальный титул, когда взошла на трон, глава государства, о муже королевы.


        Now let's listen about the unique person and the main person for all British people. Queen Elizabeth II is the UK's Head of State. She is queen of 16 former British colonies, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand; and head of Commonwealth. Her official Title is “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

  • Третий доклад «Trooping the colour». 

Это военный парад, отмечающий второй день рождения королевы во вторую субботу июня. Доклад включает рассказ о том, что происходит во вторую субботу июня, об официальном дне рождении королевы, маршруте парада, времени парада.

As we have just heard the Queen was born on 21st of April. But she has got her official birthday on the second Saturday of June. The official birthday of the Queen is marked each year by a military parade and march-past, known as trooping the Colour. This is the biggest Royal event of the year.

        Образец наглядного материала, использованного учеником

  • Интересные факты про королеву.

Ученикам предлагается статья с данным заголовком. Они изучают ее в течение некоторого времени. Затем по памяти называют, с чем связаны данные цифры и слова.

Interesting Facts about the Queen

The Queen is the fifth longest serving British monarch

Only four other kings and queens in British history have reigned for 54 years or more. These are:

  • Queen Victoria 1837-1901 (63 years)
  • King George III 1760-1820 (59 years)
  • James VI of Scotland, 1567-1625, James I of England 1603- 25 (58 years)
  • King Henry III 1216-1272 (56 years)

Every Tuesday the Queen is visited by the Prime Minister

As Head of State, The Queen maintains close contact with the Prime Minister, with whom she has a weekly audience when she is in London.

Over the reign, Her Majesty has given regular Tuesday evening audiences to 10 Prime Ministers.

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh have been married for 60 years.
They were married on 20 November 1947 in Westminster Abbey.

The Queen sends a telegraph to people who reach the grand age of 100 years

The Queen has sent 100,000 telegrams to centenarians in the UK and the Commonwealth.

The Queen sends a telegraph to couples celebrating their diamond wedding aniversary.

The Queen has sent more than 280,000 telegrams to couples in the UK and the Commonwealth celebrating their diamond wedding (60 years) anniversary.

The Queen has two birthdays

The Queen's real birthday is on 21 April and the date is a private celebration.

The Queen's public birthday is celebrated in June with Trooping of the Colours.

Every year the Queen opens Parliament

The Queen has opened Parliament every year except 1959 and 1963, when she was expecting Prince Andrew and Prince Edward respectively.

The Queen favourite pet are her Corgis

The Queen has owned more than 30 corgis during her reign, starting with Susan who was a present for her 18th birthday in 1944. A good proportion of these have been direct descendants from Susan. Her Majesty currently has five corgis - Monty, Willow, Holly, Emma and Linnet.

The Queen is 5'4" (64 inches or 160cm) tall.

The Queen has 9 Royal Thrones

One at the House of Lords, two at Westminster Abbey, and six in the throne room at Buckingham Palace.

Things The Queen was first to do

In 1953–54 H.M. Queen Elizabeth II became the first monarch to circumnavigate the globe on a six month around-the-world tour with H.R.H Prince Philip also becoming the first to visit Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.

Queen Elizabeth II is the first monarch to send her children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media.

Queen Elizabeth II was the first, and so far only, female member of the royal family to actually serve in the armed forces, though other royal women have been given honorary ranks.

Buckingham Palace was opened to the public for the first time

Queen Elizabeth II was the first British Monarch to visit China when she visited in 1986.

Now try to remember what these numbers mean:

4            54            Every Tuesday             62 years               20, November, 1947

100                        100000             diamond wedding anniversary           280 000

2                   1959 and 1963                 30                     5                  160

9                       6-month around-the-world-tour


4,54 – years only four other kings and queens in the British history have reigned for 54 years or more.

Every Tuesday – the Queen meets the Prime Ministers

62 years  - on the throne

20th November, 1947 – her marrige to Philip

100 – the Queen sends telegrams to 100 years old people

100000 -  telegrams  the qieen sent to the centerians

Diamond wedding anniversary – the couple that celebrates it the Queen sends a telegrath

280000 -  telegrams the Queen has sent to the couples in the UK and the Commonwealth celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary

2 — birthdays the Queen has

1959 and 1963 – the Queen didn't open the Parliament

30 – corgis the Queen has at the monent

160 – the height of the Queen

9 – Royal thrones the Queen has


  • Завершение урока: оценки, подведение итогов и домашнее задание.

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