Types of ART (Виды искусства)
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Черепанова Юлия Васильевна


Закрепление знаний по теме "Искусство" в 8 классе (УМК АфанасьеваО.В. Михеева И.В.English-8)


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Слайд 1

The art and science of building. The art of performing movements to music. The art of making written works, which are of artistic value. The art of performing on the stage. The art of making pictures by using paints. The art of making pictures or representing objects, plans, etc. The art of making films. The art of shaping solid representations of people, animals or objects out of stone, wood, clay, metal, etc. The art of arranging sounds in patterns, especially to produce a pleasing effect. Architecture Dancing Literature Theatre Painting Drawing Cinema Sculpture MUSIC

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Check your answers: https ://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/crossword-arts-1.htm Arts Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across 1. A person who writes books 4. To copy a CD or DVD to a hard drive 6. An instrument in pop music 7. My favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is by Vincent Van Gogh. 8. Do you like _ _ _ _ _ _ popcorn at the movies? Down 2. Do you like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ books ? 3. A person who designs clothes 4. A performer of rap music 5. Printed copies of a painting

Слайд 4

Pop-up Galleries There's more to London's art scene than just its world-famous galleries. Join Joe as he finds out about a new kind of gallery... Before you watch Think about the following questions: 1. Where do you normally go to see art? 2. What kind of places new art for sale in your country? 3. Why might artists like a smaller place to show their art ? Now watch Joe discover the world of pop-up galleries . http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/pop-galleries

Слайд 5

Next go to the Tasks. What is a “pop-up art gallery”? Answer the comprehension question. Choose the correct description. 1. It’s a temporary exhibition in a traditional art gallery where you can meet and chart with artists. 2. It’s a temporary exhibition at a school which tries to get young people interested in art. 3. It’s a temporary exhibition in an empty building where artists can show their works. Check your answers: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/pop-galleries

Слайд 6

Watch again. Answer the true/false questions about pop-up galleries. 1. Pop-up galleries are quite a new idea in London. T F 2. They're created very quickly. T F 3. They're usually open for a few weeks or a month. T F 4. They're usually open for a few weeks or a month. T F 5. They sometimes use buildings without the owner's permission. T F 6. You have a pay a small fee to get in. T F 7. The atmosphere is less formal than in a normal gallery. T F 8. They usually show work by younger or newer artists. T F 9. Artists are not allowed to sell their work at a pop-up gallery. T F Check your answers: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/pop-galleries

Слайд 7

Roles In The Arts Complete each sentence with a word from the list: 1. actors 2.architect 3.artist 4.author 5.composer 6.dancers 7.director 8.musicians 9. photographer 10. playwright 1. A symphony is played by … 2. A building is designed by an … 3. A book is written by an … 4. A ballet is performed by … 5. A painting is painted by an … 6. A piece of music is written by a … 7. A film is directed by a … 8. A play is performed by … 9. A photograph is taken by a … 10. A play is written by a … Check your answers: www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/cloze-arts-1.htm

Слайд 8

Elements Of The Arts Complete each sentence with a word from the list: 1. architecture 2. dance production 3. fashion design 4. fiction writing 5. film-making 6. musical composition 7. painting 8. poetry 9. sculpture 10. theatre production 1. Harmony, melody, rhythm and instrumentation are elements of … 2. Plot, theme, style and characterization are elements of … 3. Colour , form, composition and brushwork are elements of … 4. Screenplays, camera angles and acting performances are elements of … 5. Spatial form, texture and materials like metal and wood are elements of … 6. Scripts, stage design, lighting and acting performances are elements of … 7. Choreography, music, stage design and lighting are elements of … 8. Rhyme, rhythm, meter, imagery and symbolism are elements of … 9. Construction materials, form, space and light are elements of … 10. Fabrics, cut, color, style and texture are elements of … Check your answers: https://www.englishclub.com/esl-games/vocabulary/cloze-arts-7.htm

Слайд 9

How do you think what is art ? What new information did you know ? What is art for you ?

Слайд 10

http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=i15gMKjWD84

Слайд 11

We hope that you had a good time. Thank you very much for your attention!

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