итоговый контрольный тест 9 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Оздоева Марет Абдуловна

итоговый контрольный тест по материалу 9 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Класс: 9


Тема урока:   Итоговая контрольная работа по материалу 9 класса.

Задачи урока:  контроль уровня обученности учащихся.

Variant I

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. Little boys often make much noise / money.
  2. He is making a mistake / report at the conference.
  3. He made / did a decision to go to university.
  4. The teacher always had a good attitude / joke / mood for the pupils.
  5. The manager showed / offered / required him a job.
  6. To work as a top manager requires lots of money / designer clothes / skills.

  1. Express the same idea using the complex object.

1. I want ______ to be my friend. (he)

     2. They would like ______ to learn English. (we)

  1. They expected  _______ to arrive at 6 p.m. (she)
  2. She doesn’t want ________to come home late. (you)
  3. Tom expects _____ to write a letter every day. (I)

  1. Use the complex object with or without to.
  1. I want you ____ understand me.
  2. Don’t let him _____ play with your feelings.
  3. He expected his parents ____ return by nine o’clock.
  4. They made him ____ join them.
  5. I would like you _____ stay.

  1. Use the verb in brackets in the right form. (Conditionals I, II, III)
  1. If he were in, he _______________________the phone. (answer)
  2. He would have been the best pupil in the class if he  _______________harder. (work)
  3. If you ____________________your examination, we would have a celebration. (pass)
  4. I wouldn’t have gone there if I _________________you. (be)
  5. If he knew that it was dangerous he____________________. (not, come)
  6. We would play football if it ______________________raining. (not, be)
  7. If I come late, I ____________________ phone you. (not, be)
  8. We shall leave before he _____________. (come)
  9. If I _________________him I would tell him everything. (see)
  10.  He knows when she _________ come. (be)


      V. Translate into English.

1. Если он спросит, она скажет ему правду._____________________________________

2. Я отдал бы ей документ, если бы она пришла сегодня в 5 часов.______________

3. Если бы я был старше, я работал бы лесником.___________

4. Джим закончил бы свою работу вчера, если бы он во время получил эту информацию._______________________________

Variant II

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. A waiter / a costumed character / a sales assistance serves food and clears the tables In a café or a restaurants.
  2. An outgoing person has a better chance to work as a ranger / office clerk / writer.
  3. In your CV you need to show that you are attractive / informative / rich.
  4. He embarrassed her and she got mad with him / made friends with him.
  5. I want to work in summer. I want to make money / do favours.
  6. Can I ask you to have more respect for me / drive me mad?

  1. Express the same idea using the complex object.

     1. Our parents want ____ to be friends. (we)

     2. I’d like _____ to offer him help.  (you)

3. I don’t want _____ to read the letter. (she)

4. I didn’t want ______ to phone her. (he)

5. Mum would like ______ to become a doctor. (I)

  1. Use the complex object with or without to.

  1. Tom wanted his aunt _____ believe him.
  2. She made him ______ obey her.
  3. He never let his friends ______ drive him mad.
  4. He expected his parents ______ return by nine o’clock.
  5. His aunt wanted him ______ grow up a good person.

  1. Use the verb in brackets in the right form. (Conditionals I, II, III)

1. If I come late, I ____________________ phone you. (not, be)

2. If I _________________him I would tell him everything. (see)

3. If he were in, he _______________________the phone. (answer)

4. If you ____________________your examination, we would have a celebration. (pass)

5. If she knew that it was dangerous he____________________. (not, come)

6. He would have been the best pupil in the class if he  _______________harder. (work)

7. I wouldn’t have gone there if I _________________you. (be)

8. We would play football if it ______________________raining. (not, be)

9. We shall leave before he _____________. (come)

10. She knows when she _________ come. (be)


     V. Translate into English.

1.  Если мне позвонит мой друг, мы пойдем в кино._______________________________

2. Если они спросят, он скажет им правду.______________________________________

3. Он отдал бы ей документ, если бы она пришла сегодня в 3 часа.__________________

4. Кейт  закончила бы свой доклад вчера, если бы она во время получила эту информацию._____________________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Класс: 9


Тема урока:   Итоговая контрольная работа по материалу 9 класса.

Задачи урока:  контроль уровня обученности учащихся.

Variant I

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. Little boys often make much noise / money.
  2. He is making a mistake / report at the conference.
  3. He made / did a decision to go to university.
  4. The teacher always had a good attitude / joke / mood for the pupils.
  5. The manager showed / offered / required him a job.
  6. To work as a top manager requires lots of money / designer clothes / skills.

  1. Express the same idea using the complex object.

1. I want ______ to be my friend. (he)

     2. They would like ______ to learn English. (we)

  1. They expected  _______ to arrive at 6 p.m. (she)
  2. She doesn’t want ________to come home late. (you)
  3. Tom expects _____ to write a letter every day. (I)

  1. Use the complex object with or without to.
  1. I want you ____ understand me.
  2. Don’t let him _____ play with your feelings.
  3. He expected his parents ____ return by nine o’clock.
  4. They made him ____ join them.
  5. I would like you _____ stay.

  1. Use the verb in brackets in the right form. (Conditionals I, II, III)
  1. If he were in, he _______________________the phone. (answer)
  2. He would have been the best pupil in the class if he  _______________harder. (work)
  3. If you ____________________your examination, we would have a celebration. (pass)
  4. I wouldn’t have gone there if I _________________you. (be)
  5. If he knew that it was dangerous he____________________. (not, come)
  6. We would play football if it ______________________raining. (not, be)
  7. If I come late, I ____________________ phone you. (not, be)
  8. We shall leave before he _____________. (come)
  9. If I _________________him I would tell him everything. (see)
  10.  He knows when she _________ come. (be)


      V. Translate into English.

1. Если он спросит, она скажет ему правду._____________________________________

2. Я отдал бы ей документ, если бы она пришла сегодня в 5 часов.______________

3. Если бы я был старше, я работал бы лесником.___________

4. Джим закончил бы свою работу вчера, если бы он во время получил эту информацию._______________________________

Variant II

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. A waiter / a costumed character / a sales assistance serves food and clears the tables In a café or a restaurants.
  2. An outgoing person has a better chance to work as a ranger / office clerk / writer.
  3. In your CV you need to show that you are attractive / informative / rich.
  4. He embarrassed her and she got mad with him / made friends with him.
  5. I want to work in summer. I want to make money / do favours.
  6. Can I ask you to have more respect for me / drive me mad?

  1. Express the same idea using the complex object.

     1. Our parents want ____ to be friends. (we)

     2. I’d like _____ to offer him help.  (you)

3. I don’t want _____ to read the letter. (she)

4. I didn’t want ______ to phone her. (he)

5. Mum would like ______ to become a doctor. (I)

  1. Use the complex object with or without to.

  1. Tom wanted his aunt _____ believe him.
  2. She made him ______ obey her.
  3. He never let his friends ______ drive him mad.
  4. He expected his parents ______ return by nine o’clock.
  5. His aunt wanted him ______ grow up a good person.

  1. Use the verb in brackets in the right form. (Conditionals I, II, III)

1. If I come late, I ____________________ phone you. (not, be)

2. If I _________________him I would tell him everything. (see)

3. If he were in, he _______________________the phone. (answer)

4. If you ____________________your examination, we would have a celebration. (pass)

5. If she knew that it was dangerous he____________________. (not, come)

6. He would have been the best pupil in the class if he  _______________harder. (work)

7. I wouldn’t have gone there if I _________________you. (be)

8. We would play football if it ______________________raining. (not, be)

9. We shall leave before he _____________. (come)

10. She knows when she _________ come. (be)


     V. Translate into English.

1.  Если мне позвонит мой друг, мы пойдем в кино._______________________________

2. Если они спросят, он скажет им правду.______________________________________

3. Он отдал бы ей документ, если бы она пришла сегодня в 3 часа.__________________

4. Кейт  закончила бы свой доклад вчера, если бы она во время получила эту информацию._____________________________________________________________

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