Авторский сценарий сказки на английском языке "Lion Hearted Kitten", опубликованный в интерактивном научно-методическом журнале "Сообщество учителей английского языка"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Альгинова Альфия Халиулловна

Стихотворное изложение сказки "Котёнок - Львиное сердце" для постановки в школьных драматических коллективах.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Lion Hearted Kitten.








Once upon a time there lived a kitten…

Do you think I’ll say,

«He lost his mittens»?

No, your guess will be surely beaten.

He was a very brave kitten

And proudly said,

«I’d like very much to conquer the world».

(a kitten appears)

KITTEN: (singing)

I’m trotting through the big dark wood

Looking fearlessly for adventures and some food.

(along comes a big grey wolf)


Grumble trumble in the jungle,

I’m hungry. Grumble trumble.


Who are you? Why are you so angry, my dear?

Your grumble-trumble reached my ear.

But never mind they’ll make me fear.


I’m a big grey wolf,

I walk through the wood

In search of some food.

I grab my victims all of a sudden

And never ask their pardon.

KITTEN: (tohimself)

I see he is full of anger

But I’m brave and clever,

I’m sure he’ll win me never.

(to the wolf)

Oh, Mr. Wolf, I’ve been looking for you.

My great- aunt the tigress asked me to visit you.

She told me to learn the way to roast lambs

And said you knew much more about cooking them.


Tell your great-aunt the tigress

That to roast lambs isn’t forbidden

And I do it the same way as I roast kitten.

KITTEN: (washing his face)

Of course, Mr. Wolf, if you really wish me

To tell her that,

I’ll do so, but I’m afraid

It’ll certainly make her mad.

For she has a great many dearest kittens of her own,

Her temper will be really blown.

She might take offence of what you say,

And you probably be a victim of this beast of prey.

WOLF: (to himself)

I see this little creature’s afraid of nothing

And I’m shocked at his fearless brushing.

( to the kitten)

Hmmm… you may tell her,

That roast lamb tastes nice

With a lot of onions, garlic and spice.

(he turns and runs into the wood)

KITTEN: (sings merrily):

Good news to tell!

Oh, mark it well!

Angry wolf has gone

And I’ll search on.

At last, at last

All danger passed!

KITTEN: (singing)

I’m stalking through the big dark wood

Looking fearlessly for adventures and some food.

(comes face to face with an enormous snake)

KITTEN: (to himself)

Has anyone seen such a huge snake?

I should be careful for God’s sake.


Hiss swish, hiss swish.

Wish for dinner a dish.


Oh, Miss Snake,

I’ve been looking for you everywhere.

You are so clever and wise,

Will you give me a piece of advice?

SNAKE: (to herself)

Oh, little stupid kitten,

Soon you’ll be with great pleasure eaten.

He seems to be fat and delicious,

Such creatures’re my favourite dishes.

(to the kitten)

What makes you worry, my dear?

I’ll help you to fight all your fear.


My great-aunt the tigress declares,

You’re good at catching rabbits and hares.

She’ll be much obliged to know

The best ways to get them all.


It’s not so easy to catch them at once.

If you watch me carefully staring in my eyes,

I’ll teach you to do it

And you’ll take your chance.

KITTEN: (to himself)

I won’t follow your advice

And stare straight into your eyes.

I won’t let you trick me

And so unfairly treat me.

(to the snake)

Oh, shrewd Miss Snake, look around

The most true answer is found.

My great-aunt the tigress herself is coming this way,

If you want to be safe, run quickly away.

(the snake whips away)

KITTEN: (sings)

Good news to tell!

Oh, mark it well!

Shrewd snake has gone

And I’ll search on.

At last, at last

All danger passed.

KITTEN: (singing)

I’m walking through the big dark wood

Looking fearlessly for adventures and some food.

(comes face to face with the tigress herself)

KITTEN: (to himself)

What an amazing surprise,

I can’t believe my own eyes.

(to the tigress)

Oh, Aunty Tigress, I’ve been hunting and hunting for you.

I’m tired and out of  breath too.


Oh, poor kitten,

Did you lose your mitten?

Are you troubled with troubles?

Are you looking for bubbles?

Are you worried by money?

When everything round us is funny.

Don’t hide your sorrows and grieves,

Try hard to depart them with.


I’m so sorry to trouble you

But I’m sure you’ll make my dream true.


I’m delighted to assist

If only I understand the gist.

Tell me the task you’ve been taught

And your problems will be solved.


My mum, the golden tigress of the next forest

Wants to know,

What way you make your little kittens grow.

They are so big and fat -

Can you tell us what they ate.

My mum is worried about my height,

Because I’m so small and cannot fight.

TIGRESS: (to herself)

This poor creature looks like my kittens.

But they’ve already grown

And left home.

So it’s so boring to stay alone

And it’ll be nice to adopt them home.

(to the kitten)

You certainly are much too small,

So you’re welcome to my hall.

I’ll feed and fatten you the way very nice

With all kinds of meat, ham, bones and mice.

(embraces the kitten, they dance happily)


So here they lived , whatever the weather

Long and happily together.

The tigress , if I’m not mistaken,

Supplied him sausage, ham, meat and bacon.

We should admit: her heart is big -

I greatly wish her never be sick.

How many scientists have already written -

The tiger is gentle as a kitten.

The kitten never ate everything through.

The more he ate, the more he grew.

But he never grew bigger than a cat,

Thus our tale has come to the end.


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