Буктрейлер к книге "Остров Сокровищ" Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Васильева Елена Васильевна

Среди новых форм продвижения литературы всё активнее заявляет о себе буктрейлер - короткий видеорассказ о книге.Этот буктрейлер создан в формате презентации, здесь раскрываются самые яркие моменты произведения, с целью заинтересовать юных читателей, заинтриговать их и побудить к прочтению. 


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Saint - Petersburg School № 180 presents a booktrailer on the book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson 2015

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Robert Louis Stevenson

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The novel “Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson is a fascinating story about the search for treasure hidden on a desert island by captain Flint.

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The book opens in a seaside inn named Admiral Benbow . Jim Hawkins, the boy, is writing down his experience about his voyage to Treasure Island. Jim is accidentally involved in this story , but nevertheless, he played a very significant role

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“The ship "Hispaniola", captain Flint, parrot talking, “ Yo Ho and a bottle of rum", the villain Silver, a pirate, a small island and treasure - here is my number of associations with childhood associated with it”.

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Once in the tavern owned by the father of the boy, settled an unusual guest. Despite the rough clothes and shabby appearance, it was immediately clear that this man named Captain Billy Bones was accustomed to command.

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Capitan Billy Bones told Jim to watch for the appearance of a one-legged sailor whom he was very afraid

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One day the first visitor comes to Captain Billy Bones b ut the short conversation with a stranger, whom Captain calls Black Dog ends with the f ight and Wounded Dog flees.

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The next visitor was a blind and loathsome beggar Old Pew, who gives the b lack spot to Captain Billy Bones. After the departure of the blind beggar Captain Billy Bones had a stroke.

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Because Captain Billy Bones has not paid for the boarding and lodging, the boy's mother is determined to open his chest and get all the money that the Captain owed.

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Jim found a treasure map in Billy Bones’ chest. H e told Dr. Livesey and Squire Trewlany about it. The Squire was a good-natured and trusting person but he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

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All the incidents take Jim away from the calm country life of Black Hill Cove to a voyage to Treasure Island with Squire Trewlany and Dr. Livesey . Jim leaves home to sail in search of buried treasure

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Treasure Island is an exciting adventure story, filled with morals that need to be incubated in a growing child . The author narrates these through the protagonist, Jim Hawkins, who is an immature, naturally curious and adventurous young boy.

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Jim Hawkins and his friends set off to search for Flint’s treasure. Dangerous adventures wait them in their voyage. But everything ends good. If you read this book you will be a witness of unusual events.

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I have read this book with great pleasure and advise you to read this wonderful novel. Read it and enjoy its plot!

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An English teacher Elena Vasilievna Vasilieva and the student of the 9 th form Andrew Maslov worked over the booktrailer o n the book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

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