British Fashion
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Антоненкова Марина Викторовна

Мода в Великобритании


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England - the country, the mention of which is associated with the concept - “tradition", "foundations", "quality", and commonly referred to as "old and good", today is the style and creates modern fashion trends.

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London - one of the main cities in the world where fashion is born. Many streets of London ancient traditions live together with trendy trends, here is the place for conservative and reserved for the classics and for the most unexpected and bizarre innovative ideas.

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Epochs and styles, interacting with each other, creating the very famous English street fashion for which the inherent desire for individuality, originality and looseness, coupled with an absolute tolerance. The clothes from England you can combine everything that comes to mind! Appearance - this is a private matter. Nobody will inspect and whisper behind your back.

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People are used to the fact that in England thriving fashion industry,which is create and sell a variety of things, and of sufficient quality, so the attitude to the clothes they are more than comfortable.

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In the late 18th century London was the capital of men's fashion. The bourgeoisie has created the light classics - coats, frock, leather briefcases, and of course, hats. The famous dandy was one of the first who began to set the tone for the high society. Combination of classical and avant-garde turned male English casual clothes in trend. Eg English brand Gloverall now produces now the classic military officers dafla that is still very popular. But there is a constant English classics in the flesh. That will not change any age or style. This Burberry: the world-famous cell that does not rest either male or female part of the world. In most cases, a classic in England now - this is no experiment. Neither the color nor the cut. Suit or a sweater under the neck, pants with arrows, coats and sometimes - an umbrella.

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CLASSIC Once the favorite pastime was hunting the English aristocracy. I think you do not need to tell you that it is very energy-intensive, so the clothing should be comfortable and practical. Walk in with anything aristocrat ought not, therefore, have had to adapt suburban entertainment urban clothing. Prim jacket was too long for riding - it was shortened and turned into a frock. The same thing happened with a shirt - it is more voluminous. Such clothing gave much more freedom of movement. Pants also became narrower and more practical. British Isles did not act like a lush fashion, coming from France, and changed all their own way with their usual uporstvomTsveta clothes were kept – then bright chemical dyes have not been, designers used natural fabrics natural shades. The use of black in the locker room is a tribute to the practicality of a gentleman (the English in general are very practical.)

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Vintage But there is another side to the English men's fashion. Following the classic vintage appeared. He burst into fashion in the mid-20th century so rapidly that virtually all collections of famous designers included elements of vintage fashion (see photo gallery). Love for all things vintage - an attempt to revive the trend of previous years: excessive waist, colorful shirt and moccasins worn briefcases straight from the 60's. English dandies set an example around the world, taking the habit of going for shopping is not shopping malls, flea markets in Portobello and Kemdone. Top designers often visit such markets. Dndi that were in the 19th century and remained in London and in the 21st century. Slightly modified appearance: it is now cuffed shorts or pants with perfect hands and slightly shorter, or colored plaid shirt, sunglasses Ray Ban, with blind black lenses, coat or cape, or a classic leather jacket, leather jackets, old school shoes or moccasins. Wardrobe modern dandy - a trendsetter - can be replenished depending on the popularity of a particular era: punk, rave, house, techno - it's the 80's and 90's, David Bowie - this is the 70's, David Niven - 40 th , James Dean, 50's, The Beatles - 60th.

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CASUAL But there is a "boundary" in the style of English fashion. If you do not like classical or extravagant vintage, in Britain there is casual. He is far from the fashion trends and is designed for the half of the English and their followers, who preferred fashion comfort. Sports bags, jeans, sweaters and pullovers - the theater, the museum, for a run. These Brits look back in disgust at trendy flea flea and sadly look like a young man with a bright bow tie instead of a classic paces on Piccadilly.

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Surely, you think that the British fashion prim. But this is misleading. Britain is still one of the major trendsetters!

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