Презентация к уроку-соревнования Mass Media
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Попова Наталья Владимировна

Урок соревнование Mass Media направлен на закреплени навывок употребление знаний в различных ситуациях,догадки, разватитие умения делать выводы,


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Today we’ll have a competition. Let’s divide into two teams and think of the names for the names for the teams .

Слайд 3

Grammar Abbreviation Books Proffesion “a cat in the box” categories

Слайд 4

Choose the correct variant in reported speech. ‘I am tired and cannot work anymore,’ she says. She says that she … and cannot work anymore. a) am tired b) is tired c) was tired Grammar 1

Слайд 5

My friend asked me, ‘What holidays do you like?’ My friend asked me what holidays…. a)I liked b ) have I liked c) did I like grAMMAR 2

Слайд 6

‘Don’t swim too far,’ ask her parents. Her parents ask her … too far. a)don’t swim b) hasn’t swim c) not to swim Grammar 3

Слайд 7

‘ Will you be free tomorrow?’ Colin asked Richard. Richard asked would Colin be free tomorrow. Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day. Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow. Grammar 4

Слайд 8

Catherine said, ‘I hope you haven’t forgotten to post the letter.’ GRAMMAR 5

Слайд 9

Give the full variant of the following abbreviation THE UK ABBREVIATION 1

Слайд 10

Give the full variant of the following abbreviation Etc. ABBREVIATION 2

Слайд 11

Give the full variant of the following abbreviation IQ a ) intelligence quantity b) intelligence quality c) intelligence quotient Abbreviation 3

Слайд 12

Give the full variant of the following abbreviation BBC British Broadcasting Company b) British Broadcasting Corporation c) British Broadcasting Counsel Abbreviation 4

Слайд 13

Give the full variant of the following abbreviation WWW Abbreviation 5

Слайд 14

In which fairy story does a witch say, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all ? a) Snow White b) Snow Queen c ) Snow Man books1

Слайд 15

Complete the title of this novel by Ernest Hamingway The Old Man and … a) … the Sea b ) …the Old Man c ) …the Weather books2

Слайд 16

What was the name of the English boy in a book by J.M.Barrie who learnt how to fly and went to Never Never land with a fairy called Tinkerbell ? books3

Слайд 17

What was the surname of three sisters named Anne, Emily and Charlotte? books4

Слайд 18

Match the author to his book. J.R.R . Tolkien 2) Oscar Wilde 3) J. K. Rowling 4) W. Shakespeare 5)Daniel Dafoe a) The Picture of Dorian Gray b) Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone c) Robinson Crusoe d) Romeo and Juliet e) The Hobbit books5

Слайд 19

The person who gives students knowledge, helps them learn about subjects, works at a school, college or university. proffesion1

Слайд 20

The first person to think of something unusual or make it. Profession 2

Слайд 21

They plan and design convenient towns and houses for us. Profession 3

Слайд 22

Someone who writes news articles or broadcasts news reports. Profession 4

Слайд 23

The person who organizes a play, film or record and decides how it should be made. Profession 5

Слайд 24

Which came first? a) the Roman Coliseum b) Egyptian Pyramids c)Great Wall of China “Never buy a pig in a poke” (« Кот в мешке »)1

Слайд 25

Translate into Russian. I do but jest. a) Шучу b) Показываю c) Мне плевать на камешки “Never buy a pig in a poke” (« Кот в мешке »)2

Слайд 26

The meaning of the rose. Hope b) Love c ) Love at first sight d)Happiness “Never buy a pig in a poke” (« Кот в мешке »)3

Слайд 27

How many irregular verbs are there in the English language ? a) about 175 b ) about 275 c ) about 375 “Never buy a pig in a poke” (« Кот в мешке »)4

Слайд 28

What is the name of very strong winds of between 480 and 800 km per hour swirling everything in their path into the funnel ? a) Hurricane b) Tsunami c) Tornado “Never buy a pig in a poke” (« Кот в мешке »)5

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