План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "What do you know about school life in English-speaking countries?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "What do you know about school life in English-speaking countries?" предназначен для поведения урока в 7 классе по учебнику Биболетовой М.З.


Предварительный просмотр:

План конспект урока по английскому языку, проведенного в 7 классе  на тему « What Do You Know about School Life in English-speaking Countries?».



  • отработка произношения звука [p];
  • повторение изученной ранее лексики по теме “School Life”;
  • введение новой лексики и ее отработка посредством упражнений ex.47-48,p.71, ex.24,p.94;
  • развитие умения письменной речи посредством выполнения упражнения;
  • развитие навыков чтения и понимания при разборе текста об идеальной школе.


  • развитие памяти, мышления и внимания;
  • развитие коммуникативных умений;
  • развитие речевых способностей и языковой догадки;


  • совершенствование умения и навыков практического владения английским языком по данной теме в монологической и диалогической форме;
  • обогащение знаний о школьном предмете;
  • расширение кругозора учащихся.


  • воспитание в школьниках чувства коллективизма, ответственного отношения к учёбе;
  • воспитание культуры общения на занятиях и в повседневной жизни (формирование речевого этикета);
  • воспитание интереса к изучению иностранного языка;
  • развитие эмпатии.


  • учебник «Enjoy English» для 7 класса;
  • доска;
  • мел;
  • иллюстрационный материал;
  • раздаточный материал.

Формы работы с классом:

  • фронтальный опрос;
  • индивидуальная и групповая работа.

Структура урока:

  1. организационный момент;
  2. фонетическая разминка;
  3. речевая разминка;
  4. работа с лексикой;
  5. выполнение упражнений по тексту;
  6. домашнее задание;
  7. подведение итогов урока.



Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся



2 мин

Организационный момент

  • Good morning, girls and boys!
  • I’m very glad to see you! Sit down please.
  • How are you?

  • I’m fine too, thank you.

  • What is the date today?

  • And what is the date of the week today?

  • Now let’s take attendance. Who is absent today?

-Good morning dear teacher!

-We’re fine, thanks, and you?

- Today is the 19th of February.

-Today is Friday

На доске дата и тема урока


3 мин

Фонетическая разминка

  • It is time to train our tongues. You can find a card on your tables with the tongue-twister.
  • First you’ll listen to me. Repeat after me and then you will try it on your own

If practice makes perfect 
and perfect needs practice, 
I’m perfectly practiced 
and practically perfect.

Students repeat after the teacher.

Раздать скороговорки на карточках.


5 мин

Речевая разминка

  • Yesterday I’ve prepared for you puzzles to guess the theme of our lesson. So I need 2 volunteers for doing these two puzzles. So you have 3 minutes to get ready with your words.
  • Are you ready? What is the first word? And the second?
  • Yes, you are right. Today we continue to speak about School Life. We will speak about school subjects, learn new words and work with the text which was your homework.
  • So now let’s speak up.
  • Yura, do like to study?

  • Yana, what subjects are you best at?

  • Lera, what is your favorite subject?

  • Aynur, do you enjoy studying English?

  • Lisa, what classes do you dislike?

  • Misha, who is your favorite teacher?

  • Semen, do you do your homework every day?

  • Yulya, what is the easiest subject for you?

-School; Life

-Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

-I am best at history.

-English, Russian and PE are my favorite subjects.

-Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

-I dislike Maths and Physics.

-Liliya Radifovna is my favorite teacher.

- Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

-Maths is the easiest for me.

Раздать пазлы


15 мин

Работа с лексикой

  • At home you were to do exercises 47 and 48. Let’s analyze the difference between the words “learn” and “study”. Open your books on page 71 exercise 47. Let’s read and translate.
  • As you have seen there is difference between “learn” and “study”. We use “learn” when we gain knowledge or skill (I learnt English in 5 years). As for “study”, it refer to the process of gaining knowledge or skill (In order to study English, I had to study really hard).
  • Now I will look through your homework.
  • As we have said, practice makes perfect let’s do exercise 24 on page 94 in writing. So, open your notebooks, write the date, classwork and ex.24, p.94. In this exercise you should put “learn” or “study” in correct form.
  • Dinar the first sentence is for you

  • Sasha, the second please.

  • Kirill, the third sentence is yours.

  • And the last sentence is for Alsu.

To learn

  1. Мы сейчас учим новые слова
  2. Ты уже выучил стихотворение наизусть?
  3. Век живи, век учись

To study

  1. Студенты буду изучать 8 новых предметов в следующем году.
  2. Мой лучший друг учился в Сити Лондона год назад.
  3. Сколько языков ты изучаешь в школе (колледже)?

-How many students study English in your class? (Сколько учеников изучает английский язык в вашем классе?)

-Have you learn all new expressions and words? (Вы выучили все новые выражения и слова?)

-Does he study in your school? –No, he studies in the school over there (-Он учится в ваше школе? –Нет, он учится в той школе)

-Must I learn this long and boring poem by heart? –No, you needn’t (Я должен выучить эту длинную и скучную поэму наизусть?- Нет, вы не должны)

На доске примеры использования “learn”  и “study”


15 мин

Выполнение упражнений по тексту

  • I guess now you’re full of go and full of energy. And this means that it is turn to work with our texts. Your task was to read and to translate these three texts at home and now we will check how you understand them. You can find a card with tasks. So take it.
  • The first task is connected with the first text about Marina who is from Russia. You task is to choose the correct variant.

1.What is the perfect school for Marina?

              a)small building   b)brightly decorated building   c)skyscraper

2.What rules should be in school?

              a)democratic   b)strict   c)there mustn’t be rules

3.Will it be nice to have a school newspaper and school radio?

a)not stated   b)no   c)yes

  • I see that you have understood the first text. Now it’s high time to work with the second text which is about Alfred’s perfect school. There are some statements and you task is to define whether the statement is true or false.

1.The perfect school should start at 10 o’clock for Alfred.

                     a)TRUE   b)FALSE

2.The breaks should be smaller.


3.Students should only study the subjects they really enjoy


  • Well done. And the last task for you is to complete the sentences with the help of the text about George.

1.My perfect school is ……  ……. the school I study in

2.Discipline should be quite …..

3.I prefer the subjects that prepare us for the …..   ……. school

  • Good job guys. I see that you all have understood these texts. But I have the question for you. What is the perfect school for you?

-Brightly decorated building is the perfect school for Marina.

-Rules should be democratic in schools.

- It would be nice to have a school newspaper and school radio.

-False. The perfect school should start at 11 o’clock for Alfred.

-False. The breaks should be longer.


- My perfect school is much like the school I study in

- Discipline should be quite strict

- I prefer the subjects that prepare us for the life outside school

Раздать карточки с заданиями


3 мин

Домашнее задание

  • Now write down your homework. Exercise 55, 56 and 58 on page 73. There are 2 exercises connected with the words “quite” and “
    quiet” and one more exercise is to make the image of the perfect school.


2 мин

Подведение итогов урока

  • What new information have you learnt today?

  • Do you like our lesson today?

  • We’ve done a great job. Thank you for the lesson and for your work. You may be free.

-We learnt the difference between “learn” and “study”, spoke about school life and worked with the text.

- Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

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