Материал для подготовки к устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Все темы составлены по материалам заданий ФИПИ и определенному шаблону


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Предварительный просмотр:

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

  • ·         why a healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays;
  • ·         what you do to keep fit;
  • ·         what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I am going to give a talk about a healthy lifestyle.

  1. In my opinion a healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays than some years before. Many people have to work hard at offices sitting at the computers all days long. It’s rather harm for their health. So people try to find time for doing sport, walking, gardening and spending weekends outside. There are lots of sports clubs and gyms where people can train to keep fit.
  2. As for me I try to do morning exercises every day to keep fit. I also walk with my friends and swim in the swimming pool not far from my house. Sometimes I jog in the nearest park. At weekends I usually visit my grandparents who live in the country. There is a big farm where I help my grandpa. Fresh air and activities make me feel much better than in town.
  3. There are lots of sports activities popular with teenagers in our region. Boys prefer playing football and wrestling. As for girls they are fond of dancing and running. Both girls and boys from our school take part in skiing competitions.

In the end I’d like to say that a healthy lifestyle is the best choice for young people.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

·         what you like most about your school;

·         what weekday you find the most difficult, and why;

·         what you would like to change in your school life.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I am going to give a talk about my school.

  1. I’m finishing the 9th form and I’m going to continue my studying in the 10th form because I like my school. Most of all I love my school friends and teachers. I also appreciate that my teachers are ready to help me with advice and they are very skillful. I am happy to meet my friends at school. We have lots in common and spend almost the whole day together.
  2. We are very busy at school. As for me I find Monday the most difficult weekday because it’s the first day after a weekend and we have 7 lessons. Two of them are Physics. It isn’t my favorite subject. I can’t understand it. And after school I have an extra Russian lesson because we prepare for our final exam. I’m very tired on Monday.
  3. Personally I would like to change a timetable because we have to do much homework every day.  Most of my classmates have after school activities and very little time for relax.

In the end I’d like to say that despite of being very busy I love my school  and I’m happy in it.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

·         what your city, town or village is famous for;

·         what your favourite place in your city, town or village is, and why you like it;

·         whether you are going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or move to another place, and why.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I am going to give a talk about my hometown.

  1. I live in Samara.  It’s the 9th biggest city in Russia. It’s famous for its space industry and the largest railway station in Europe and the longest embankment. Samara is situated on the left bank of the Volga River. Our city will be the host of The Football Championship in 2018. And tourists can admire very beautiful nature: the river and the mountains, lakes and fields.
  2. There lots of interesting places to visit in Samara. The city center is a mixture of old and modern buildings. But my favorite place is the embankment. It’s very long with comfortable cafes and playgrounds. There is a nice park where I like relaxing in hot weather. In summer my friends and I prefer to go to the beach and play volleyball there. The water is rather cool but I am always glad to spend a day near the Volga River. The most important city events such as Victory Day and Day of  Russia take place at the embankment. It’s also very popular for cycling and roller-skating.
  3. As for me I’d like to stay in Samara. I’m going to enter the university and work in me hometown because I want to be useful in a place where I was born.

In the end I’d like to say I’m proud of my city and its people. The English proverb says “There is no place like home” and I agree with it.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about foreign languages. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

·         why lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays;        

·         why you have chosen to do the English exam this year;

·         what you did to prepare for your English exam.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I am going to give a talk aboutwhy lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays.

  1. The first reason is travelling, I think. It’s much more interesting to live in apartments among the local people by your own, meet and speak with them and learn another culture from inside. Also knowledge of foreign languages can help to find a well-paid job and gives an opportunity to study abroad. Some people learn foreign languages just for a hobby because it improves memory and helps to make friends all round the world.
  2. As for me I need English for my future career that’ why I’ve chosen the English exam this year. I want to try myself, to check my knowledge of English and take an attempt to pass the exam.
  3. Of course, it’s impossible to get ready for the exam for a short time. I like English and I always do my homework. I am active in the lessons. I took part in Olympiads at school and won them several times. In my spare time I enjoy listening to English songs and watching films with subtitles. Sometimes I do tests on-line to check myself. So I’m not nervous before the exam. I’m sure I’ll pass it successfully.

In the end I’d like to sayevery educated person should know a foreign language.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about weather and seasons. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.


  • which of the four seasons you like most, and why;
  • how the Earth’s climate has changed recently;
  • whether you trust the weather forecast, and why.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I am going to give a talk about weather and seasons.

  1. All 4 seasons are beautiful but most of all I like summer because it’s the warmest time of the year. The weather is usually fine, it’s sunny and hot. And I love summer because I have the longest holidays. I can walk all day long, swim, ride a bike and have picnics with my parents.
  2. But the Earth’s climate has changed recently and we often have very hot and dry summer. It’s bad for plants, animals and people. Scientists say about environmental problems and global warming. People try to get everything from the Earth and they forget about consequences. As a result we have polluted air, water and soil and the climate changing. People face to ecological problems and if we don’t start  solving them, the Earth will be in great danger.
  3. Personally I trust the weather forecast because scientists can predict the weather very clear and accurate with a help of modern techniques. And it’s very useful to know the weather when you are going to have a picnic or plan to go to the country. Nowadays the weather forecast can say the weather for the next 10 days.

In the end I’d like to say that every season is special and nature doesn’t have bad weather.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about public holidays in Russia. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

  • what public holidays are celebrated in Russia;
  • what your favourite public holiday is, and why you like it;
  • how your favourite public holiday is celebrated in your city, town or village.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I am going to give a talk about  public holidays in Russia.

  1. There are many public holidays in Russia. They are New Year’s Day, Christmas, Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day, Dayof Russia.

I think the most popular of them isNew Year’s Day because people have a week of holidays and can spend a good time with their families and friends. As for children they like winter and New Year’s presents. Another popular public holiday is Victory Day. It’s the most important day for our country because lots of our people fought in the Word War 2 and defended our Motherland andhad a great victory. Thereуare always parades, meetings and fireworks in all parts of Russia this day.

  1. As for me my favourite public holiday is Women’s Day because it’s the first spring holiday. We celebrate it at school and of course at home. Children make crafts at school and give small gifts to their mums and grandmothers, men give flowers to their wives. There are lots of flowers and smiles this day.

  1. We always celebrate Women’s Day. At school we prepare a concert for our teachers. We perform dances and songs, small kids recite poems. Every class has a party where boys congratulate girls. We usually have funny contests and competitions this day. I always take part in a school concert. I’m fond of dancing and my friends and I prepare a dance for our teachers.

In the end I’d like to say that  like holidays. It’s an opportunity to follow our traditions and have a nice time with relatives and friends.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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