Эссе "Почему я выбрала эту профессию?"
материал по английскому языку на тему

Шарафуллина Гузель Фаритовна

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Why did I choice this profession.

After check-up


 My grandfather was a headmaster and he worked as a Math teacher. My great grandmother and her brothers were teachers too. People respected them. They were very intelligent, cultural, the cleverest people in the village of that time.

     In my childhood we played with neighbor’s children «in school». We imitated teachers, we did as they. We liked it. When I was in 5 form I strongly wanted to become a head teacher. Our head teacher was ideal for us. She could interest her students. We stayed at school from morning to night. After 9 form I decided to become a teacher. Because our generation supposed teachers are the best people in the world. This profession is needed everywhere. In the village people know each other. They name you Guzel Faritovna. They show their respect to you, you have authority in your society. They ask your advice when you have problems while raising the children. Their children become my children. I like not only teaching English. I try to understand their feelings? Direct them. Also I dance, sing, draw, play, run with my students. We are very active, optimistic and fun. We dream, progress together.

     As for me I dislike my salary in school. When a teacher is poor she will not want to teach well, goes to her work so on. A rich teacher can have a modern computer, mobile, notebook, digital camera, which helps her in her work.

      I suppose I need practice with my English to improve it. My English teacher (former) and now we work together all of her money is used to travel. She is not married, she lives with her parents. I have not so possible.

      I am very thankful and happy I take part in this course. It was my big dream to speak with real Americans. My parents did not believe in it.



Why did I choice this profession.

Before check-up


         My grandfather was a headmaster and he worked as a Math teacher. My grand grandmother and her brothers were teachers too. People respected them. They were very intelligent, cultural, the cleverest people in the village that time.

     In my childhood we played with neighbor’s children «in school». We imitated teachers, we did as they. We liked it. When I was in 5 form I strongly wanted to become a head teacher. Our head teacher was an ideal for us. She could interest her students. We stayed at school from morning to night. After 9 form I decided to become a teacher. Because our generation supposed teachers are the best people in the world. This profession  need everywhere. In the village people know each other. They name you Guzel Faritovna. They show their respect to you, you have authority in your society. They ask your advice when you have problems during raising  children. Their children become my children. I like not only teaching English. I try to understand their feelings? Direct them. Also I dance, sing, draw, play, run with my students. We are very active, optimistic and fun. We dream, progress together.

     As for me I dislike my salary in school. When teacher is poor she will not want to teach well, goes to her work so on. Rich teacher can have modern computer, mobile, notebook, digital camera, which helps her in your work.

      I suppose I need practice my English to improve it. My English teacher (former) and now we work together all of your money  uses to travel. She is not married, she lives with your parents. I have not so possible.

      I am very thanked and happy I take part in this course. It was my big dream to speak with real Americans. My parents did not believe in it.

                                Our first teachers

The first teachers we have in our lives are our parents. They teach us to walk, to speak and to have good behavior, before we approach the real world. They teach us all aspects of our lives.

Surely, at the beginning of our lives, the parents are the best teachers, who are the most involved in teaching their children. They have an instinct to sacrifice a part of their lives for the betterment of their children. They have great patience while giving their knowledge to us other than anyone because they love us.  And there are some implicit lessons for the children when they face their parents’ habits and styles of behavior. The most different thing between the particular professional teacher and our parents is that parents are the most involved in the education and development of children. The parents can spend more time for their children than a teacher.

 During the children’s youth, parents still are the best teachers to offer the best advice even though the children may not accept it. In this period, the children often love to do anything they want, even though they do not concern with their parent’s advice.

Furthermore, in the puberty of the children, parents could become a closest friend of them. They could share all secret with their children.

On the other hand, we would say that parents are not professional teachers/ Being a teacher of growing child become more and more complicated, therefore parents are not able to meet  the more increased demands of the children, but parents also treat their children with great kindness, because of their love. In many cases, parents usually can present only their point of view of the world, while professional teachers should do in different attitudes. For instance, when children ask their parents about particular scientific subjects, they might not answer them with their limiting knowledge; the professional teachers could answer them in this case.

 To sum up, while parents are not the ideal teachers, children still need the parents as the first teachers in their lives and then they also will need a great diversity of the professional teachers in their lives in order to have a more accurate view of the world, but the most important thing is that parents are the most involved in creating their children’s future.



                          About myself

     First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Guzel. My surname is Sharafullina. I was born in Orsk, Orenburgskaya region, Russian. When I was 1 years old my family moved to Tatarstan.

I live in the western district of Republic of Tatarstan, Apastovo. It  is agricultural district of our republic. It has wonderful nature and people.

I am married. My family  consist of my husband, daughter and son. My husband works in militia, he is major. I am proud of my husband. He is loving, hardworking, optimist and careful. His job is dangerous. It takes him much time and power. But he does his job very well.  My daughter’s name is Inzilya. She is 14 years old. Her favorite hobbies are dancing, play volleyball, sing songs and paint. She often takes part and wins in different competitions. She finished art school: piano, art and dancing classes. She is in 8 form. She is doing very  well at school. My son’s name is Azat. He is 11 years old. He is in 4 form. He likes to sing songs, read poems, act, dance and go in for sport. He studies in art school too: art and dancing classes.

I enjoy spending time with my family very much. We often go for a walk, travel by car, swim in the river, work in the garden, help our relatives, take part in different competitions.

    I work in school for 15 years. I like my job and students. When I was child I dreamed to become a teacher. It is wonderful profession. You are always young, active and full of optimism.

Speaking about my character, I can say that I am friendly, kind, generous and honest. I do not like falsehood. I have my own likes and dislikes. I am modest and sometimes shy, but do not advice someone tricking or kidding me. But in spite of all these characters, I can keep secrets; I never let my friends



Task for students:

    Write a song

Songs, which we wrote ourselves

How beautiful how wonderful                                                                                                                                  

to meet together now!

The more we learn American

The more we speak American

The more we are together

The happier we are.

When Sarah’s smiling brightly

When we are laughing gaily

How beautiful how wonderful

To meet together now!

We learn improve the language

And make up conversations

We read a lot of stories

Ask questions and discuss.

We thank you for your program

Ask presents that are given

Thanks for Stephen and Kevin,

For Sarah and for Joy!

Task for students:

Write your own stanza of  poetry. The theme – Love. Include alliteration, internal rhyme and end rhyme.


              Poems, which we wrote ourselves

1.   How difficult to loose someone

Love, respect needs everyone

Sadness, suffering and sorrow

Everywhere they just follow

But life as going ahead

We can not see it before hand

May be darkness will go away

And I forget it someday.

                    2. What a terrible day

    My darling went away

    He broke my heart

    Live and suffer so hard

    Oh my love! Oh my heart!

    I’m so sad, it is so hard.

Game:  Taboo

Directions:  Get the class to guess your word, without you saying the taboo words.

For example:

If the word is «Frog»      





If the word is «Street»



Rush – hours


Writing practice

Task for students:

 Individual work.

Choice a picture from journal and describe it.

Describe the picture

Look at the picture and describe it

-check student’s understanding

-make a dialogue

-describe what happened later

-what happened before

-act out situation

-describe every colour you see

-describe several details

-interview one of the people in the dinner

Interactive poetry

Task for students:

Answer the questions, make up a poem.

1. Who are you?

2. Describe some items.

3. Describe your feelings.

4. Describe some colours.

5. What do  you see in outside?

6. What do you do during that day?

7. What do you do outside at night?

8. Do you have many friends?

9. What fears do you have?

10. What dislikes do you have?

11. What likes do you have?

12. Describe. What emotions do you have?

13. Describe any outside sounds that you hear outside.


I am a visitor. I am tall.

Travel over the world.

I am interested everything.

Darkness and mysterious.

I see grey building outside.

Spend time with my friend.

I have a rest

Have a lot of friends.

I am fine

I dislike when my friends are rude.

I like my job.

I wish good luck

Sounds of cars, voices of people.

Home reading

-  Read the text

-  Write a one paragraph summary of your section

-  Prepare a brief presentation about section

-  Create 3 discussion questions about your section

-  Try to explain any interesting words you find

-  Present one fact or piece of information that surprised you

-  Present one fact or piece of information that  you expected to find out

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