Презентация к МРПЗ "Дыхательная система. The Past Continuous Tense"
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Презентация сопровождает практическое занятие "Дыхательная система. The Past Continuous Tense"


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Слайд 1

Дыхательная система . The Past Continuous Tense Специальность: Лабораторная диагностика (3 курс) Преподаватель: Семенова Н.В. ГБОУ СПО «Тольяттинский медколледж» 2014г.

Слайд 2

Студент должен уметь: – вести беседу по теме; – понимать лексические единицы и выражения в потоке речи; – читать и переводить тексты по изученной теме. Студент должен знать: – функции и органы дыхательной системы; – употребление The Past Continuous Tense; – лексику по теме.

Слайд 3

Лексика breathe – дышать breathe in - вдыхать breathe out - выдыхать oxygen – кислород carbon dioxide – углекислый газ gas exchange - газообмен respiration – дыхание occur – происходить throat (pharynx) - глотка voice box (larynx)- гортань windpipe (trachea)- трахея nostrils - ноздри moisten – увлажнять cilia – реснички nasal passageways – дыхательные пути

Слайд 4

Лексика ( o ) esophagus – пищевод epiglottis – надгортанник vocal cords – голосовые связки cartilage – хрящ sweep –выметать resemble – напоминать limb – ветвь bronchiole – бронхиола tiny – тоненький, крошечный, микроскопический air sacs – воздушные мешочки alveoli – альвеолы enable – давать возможность, позволять get rid (of) – избавляться swapping - обмен

Слайд 5

Here you can see the organs of respiratory system

Слайд 6

Lungs The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system.

Слайд 9

Why do we yawn?

Слайд 11

Let’s check your knowledge of grammar! Choose the correct answer: 1. When I arrived, Tom (lie) on the sofa and (speak) over the phone. a) lied, spoke c) was liing, was speaking b) was liing, speaking d) was lying, was speaking 2. The police caught Dan when he (rob) a shop. a) has robbed c) was robbing b) was robing d) robed 3. He couldn’t speak because he (die) of laught е r. a) had died c) was dying b) were dying d) was diing 4. What you (do) between one and two? I phoned you several times. - I (play) the piano and heard nothing. a) will you do, I’ll play c) were you doing, was playing b) are you doing, am playing d) was you doing, was playing

Слайд 12

5. When I got up that morning, the sun (shine) brightly and the birds (sing). a) shone, sang b) was shining, were singing c) were shining, was singing 6. When you rang me yesterday, I (have) a bath. a) were having b) had c) had had d) was having 7. Somebody stole the money from Dad’s pocket while he (sleep). a) slept b) was sleeping c) were sleeping 8. I (sit) by the window when I heard the noise. a) was sitting b) sat c) sitted 9. As Tom (cross) the street, a car came round the corner. a) crossed b) were crossing c) was crossing 10. I glanced at Mary who (still/ shiver) from the cold. a) still was shivering b) were still shivering c) still shivered d) was still shivering

Слайд 13

11. At six o’clock I (wait) for Jennie at the station. a) am waiting b) was waiting c) wait 12. On coming up to the house I saw a man who (try) to unlock the door by force. a) tried b) was trying c) tried 13. The student (reply) to the question when the headmistress came in. a) had replied b) was replying c) were replying 14. I saw a light in your window as I (pass) by. a) was passing b) had passed c) passed 15. I (lose) my purse while I (shop) a) lost, was shopping b) was losing, shopped c) was losing, was shopping

Слайд 14

16. Liz’s elder brother said that he (go) to enter Leeds University. a) will go b) would go c) was going 17. While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door. a) had waited b) was waiting c) waited 18. We (just/talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in. a) were just talking, was coming b) just were talking, came c) were just talking, came 19. She (leave) the office when she (see) her husband in the hall. a) left, was seeing b) was leaving, saw c) were leaving, was seeing 20. Yesterday while Dad (shave), he (cut) himself slightly. a) shaved, cut b) was shaving, cut c) was shaving, cutted

Слайд 15

Your hometask: learn new words by heart Thanks for attention!

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