Подготовка учеников 9-11 классов к олимпиаде (Говорение)
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Коваленко Юлия Николаевна

Подготовка учеников 9-11 классов к олимпиаде (Говорение)


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Слайд 1

Forms 9-11 Speaking

Слайд 2

To begin with… Firstly… It seems to me… Personally I believe… In my view/opinion… As far as I can see… From my point of view… I guess…

Слайд 3

It’s common knowledge that… It’s well known that… So far as we know… We have every reason to believe that… As far as I’m concerned… This plays a key role in… If I’m not mistaken… It comes as no surprise that…

Слайд 4

Finally… From these facts we can c onclude that… Thus,… Therefore,… Summing it up… In conclusion…

Слайд 6

Look at the pictures and answer the following questions: You are to speak for 1 minute. Then answer 2 questions of your partner.

Слайд 7

You are to speak for 1 minute. Then answer 2 questions of your partner.

Слайд 8

As far as I can see the first picture describes us people performing on the stage, the second picture i s about playing football. The third picture shows us people watching a film at the cinema. So, which ideas are the most effective for encouraging understanding b etween cultures? It comes with no surprise that misunderstanding between cultures it is a common thing for our world . It is not surprising that people do their best to get closer. Have you ever been at the concert of the foreign rock band? If it is so, you would definitely know that this is one of the best ways to encourage understanding between cultures. The atmosphere of the foreigners give you an opportunity to feel what they feel , to realize how they live and what they do . As for football, it is another great way to get to know other nations better. Thousands of people meet and communicate while watching the game . Some fans are so fond of football that they are able to cross the oceans in order to see the game. While doing it they instinctively start to understand different cultures. From these facts we can conclude that ideas shown in pictures 1 and 2 would be the m ost effective for encouraging understanding between the cultures.

Слайд 9

To begin with I would say that picture 1 shows us people wearing traditional clothes, in the 2 nd picture we can see traditional songs, dances and food. Picture number three describes a big bookshop f ull of books. So, what are the ideas for keeping national culture? As far as I’m concerned people should be aware of national traditions, music, dances, they definitely should know the taste of national cuisine. It is an essential part of every folk. Frankly speaking books are important for people as well. People want to share their experiences through generations. Therefore books can be a powerful tool in case of keeping national culture. The more people read the more self conscious they get. Summing it up I can conclude that ideas described in pictures number 2 and 3 are the most effective in keeping national culture.

Слайд 10

Thanks for your attention

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