Can we survive?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Комар Елена Викторовна

 Конспект урока в 9 классе по теме " Global Warming". УМК Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык.  8 класс ( для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей) 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок по теме “Global Warming”

 в 9 классе

подтема урока:

 “Can we survive? Is there a way out?”

Учитель Комар Е.В.

Вид урока: актуализация и систематизация знаний учащихся.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цель урока: практическое применение полученных знаний по теме.


Познавательный аспект: дать представление о глобальных проблемах человечества.

Развивающий аспект:  формирование умений работать в группах.

Учебный аспект: совершенствование навыков  аудирования, лексики и грамматики, говорения.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание ответственного отношения к сегодняшнему образу жизни каждого человека для понимания будущего всего человечества.

Ученики должны знать:

-основные лексические единицы по теме; правила словообразования, образования грамматических слов слова в зависимости от контекста;

-структуру составления разных типов предложений;

-слова и выражения, помогающие высказывать собственное мнение.

Ученики должны уметь:

-понимать прослушанную информацию;
-давать краткие и развернутые отваты на предложенные вопросы;
-находить специфическую информацию при чтении текста;
-принимать участие в диалоге;
-выражать собственное мнение по рассматриваемым вопросам;
-быть терпимым к высказываниям других

- применять правила словообразования и употребления видовременных форм глагола;


Оснащение урока:

Видеоматериалы,  карточки

Ход урока

I. Введение в тему урока


Teacher: We have just seen some video trek which might become an epigraph ['epɪgrɑːf] to our lesson. What we are going to say about today?

II. Актуализация темы урока.

Pupils: Earth, nature, destruction of wildlife, environment, different forms of pollution, things that kill and destroy the planet we live on).

Teacher: Of course, the future of Earth and humanity is widely discussed  in Mass media and not only. The theme is hot. They say about the end of times, the Doomsday and the catastrophe of the civilization in 2012. Who knows?

Nevertheless today we are going to investigate the other side of problem. We are going to summarize all facts related with human activities which threaten the existence of civilization.

Could you name them?

Pupils: Wars, global warming, different forms of pollution.

Teacher: So, it’s quite evident that nowadays global warming is a very serious problem. Try and answer the questions:

  1. What things cause global warming?
  2. What do you know about natural and manmade causes of global warming?

Task 1. Listening “If the world becomes 6 degrees warmer”.

Teacher: Now we are going to see a short episode. While seeing make your notes about the statements you hear.

True/ False/ Not stated

  1. If the world warms by 6 degrees deserts will march across the continents like armies. True
  2. The natural world will have more diversity than now.  False.
  3. Natural disasters will become common events. True.
  4. Some of the world’s greatest cities will be flooded and abandoned. True.
  5. There will be underwater cities and towns which provide people the better place to live. Not stated
  6. People will face the problem of food. True.
  7. Natural disasters will help to solve the problem of overpopulation.

(проверка- самоконтроль)

Teacher: And now to summarize all these points what you can say about the possible effects of global warming.

Now we are going to see why overpopulation is so dangerous and serious problem. What things people need to exist?

Pupils: food, clothes, space to live, transport …

Teacher: What kinds of pollution do you know?

Pupils: Air, water, nuclear, soil, plastic, noise pollution …

Teacher: What things causes pollution?

Pupils:  Such things as factories and plants, traffic, some people’s activities cause pollution. We produce a lot of waste. Besides we have to take into consideration some natural disasters (fires, volcanic eruptions).

Teacher: How can pollution affect people’s life?

Pupils:  Pollution can cause serious diseases, the destruction of wildlife and the beauty of the countryside.

Teacher: How does people’s activity affect the natural world?


Teacher: What can we do to save animals and other living creatures?

Pupils: We can stop killing animals, protect their habitats, create national parks and reserves …

Task 2. Grammar and Vocabulary ( см. Приложение 1)

Teacher: So, how can ordinary people help the environment?


Teacher: Of course all these measures might be efficient. In addition to them there is a law of three R’s which also help to protect the environment.

Now say what things can be reduced, reused, recycled.

Pupils: (topic)

Teacher: Will you see a video trek on that point?

“Reuse, reduce, recycled”

While watching it, make up the additional list of things which can be recyclable.

Then complete your list with some more things not mentioned above.

Let us see how well you’ve done it?

Teacher: Do we recycle these things? Why not?

Pupils: The problem is that we don’t sort these things out when we throw them away as we don’t have special containers for different kind of trash. Besides, we don’t know where we could bring them to be recycled or re-used. So, Russian people are not enough ecology-friendly and educated for now. And also people in Russia don’t care about such a problem very much.

Teacher: Who must be responsible for the protection of the environment?


Teacher: Do you know any international organizations who act to protect environment?

Trek “Green Peace”

Write down what actions Green Peace is carrying out?

  1. Preserve precious biodiversity.
  2. Defend our fragile oceans.
  3. Eliminate toxic chemicals
  4. Work to stop dangerous climate change.
  5. Protect the endangered forests.
  6. Lobby (обращаться с запросом) the governments for a change in the law.

III. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: So today we have tried to analyze the problem and find the way out. Can we survive? Will we survive? A lot of things depend on us.

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