How to write a film review. Презентация
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему

Ершова Марина Александровна

Как писать рецензию к фильму. Урок в 10-11 классах


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How to write a film review 10-11

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Before you start with writing your movie review The 1th stage in learning how to write a movie review is watching the film . There is no way that you are going to be able to write a good review without actually watching the film. When you watch the film try to take notes of anything that you think is particularly good or poor; this can be about any aspect of the film , the acting or even the story line itself .

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Introduction to your movie review A movie review starts with the introduction , remember that this writing is for entertainment so it will be best to open with something that will get the interest of the reader. In y our introduction you need to cover: The basic outline of the movie What is the main plot Major events within the movie Don’t give away any surprises; nobody likes a spoiler before they watch the movie Who are the main characters Who is the director Be unique and do not copy.

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T he main body of your review The most important part of your review is the part where you give your opinion about the film itself. Depending on the expectation of your audience will depend on how much and to what depth you will write. You have to consider your audience before you start to write and then cover some or all of the following: • The plot of the movie; is it believable, well paced, well written, interesting? • The cinematography; is it effective, are the stunts and effects believable? • Is the movie set correctly? • Are the actors believable, do they do the roles justice?

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Finishing your movie review The last stage is to write your conclusion and ensure that your review is well written. The conclusion should summarize the main points that you have covered within your review before you give your overall opinion of the movie that you have watched.

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