Итоговая контрольная в 5 классе ( УМК Биболетова)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

3 задания:

1.Put  the verbs in the correct form


2. Put in the missing words. Some words are extra.


3. Read the text. Are the sentences after the text true or false?


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                    Variant 2

1.Put  the verbs in the correct form.

1.        He ……… this book tomorrow. (read)

2.         He  often …….in the   park.(work)

3.        Listen! She …..the guitar (play)

4.        They  ……..the  flowers at that moment.(water)

5.        I ….in the forest last month. (walk)

2. Put in the missing words. Some words are extra.

My mother is a … . She is sociable and kind. She … in the library near our school. She helps children to … a book. All children like … interesting stories. There are a lot of … in her library. My mum knows everything about books.

Reading, books, works, talkative, librarian, hobby, find.

3. Read the text. Are the sentences after the text true or false?

Hi! My name is Alison. I am 10 years old. I am shy and serious. I am in the fifth form. The name of my school is Roswell North Elementary. I have one elder sister, a mum and a dad. My family has a pet dog. His name is Montana. He is very clever and funny. My hobby is collecting postcards. I also like skating and riding my bike.

  1. Alison is ten years old.
  2. She is clever and funny.
  3. Her family has a cat.
  4. She likes collecting postcards.
  5. She has a mother, a father and a sister.


1. Put  the verbs in the correct form.

  1. Look! He … his car. (wash)
  2. They …TV yesterday. (watch)
  3. We …a  test next week. (write)
  4. She …her mother every day.(help)
  5. I…to the theatre now. (go)

2. Put in the missing words. Some words are extra.

My father is a taxi… . He is … and responsible. He drives a … , not a bus. His taxi is very comfortable. There are a lot of cars in our town, but my father's car is the best. It is … and called a black cab. I … sitting in his car.

Like, driver, hobby, black, car, read, sociable.

3. Read the text. Are the sentences after the text true or false?

Hi! My name is Natalie. I am sixteen years old and live in Roswell. I am sociable, creative and talkative. I enjoy reading, writing, playing with my dog, watching TV. Also I like listening to pop music. I live at home with my mum, dad and younger sister Alison. I am planning to go to the college and become a doctor.

  1. Natalie is 15 years old.
  2. She is very shy.
  3. Her hobby is listening to pop music.
  4. She has a mother, a father and a sister.
  5. She is going to be a doctor.

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