Открытое занятие на тему "65 Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War"
материал по английскому языку на тему

Комкова Мария Викторовна

Цель: продемонстрировать умения и навыки в области изучения английского языка и информационных технологий.

Назначение: практическая подготовка студентов к публичному выступлению в соответствии с поставленной задачей.

Содержание: Победа советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.

Категория пользователей: школьники и студенты, изучающие английский язык, для осмысления исторического значения Победы советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне 1941 – 1945 гг.

Для какой специальности: для любой специальности по классификатору специальностей СПО в блоке общеобразовательных дисциплин.



Предварительный просмотр:

British Council

TeachingEnglish Russia

Lesson plans

Открытое занятие

преподавателя английского языка

ГОУ СПО Политехнический колледж № 19 г. Москвы

Комковой Марии Викторовны

Level: pre-intermediate

Age: 18-22

Topic: 65 Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Aim: By the end of the final term lesson the students will create a positive evaluation of the Great Patriotic War events by demonstrating the obtained skills and knowledge

Equipment: Power Point Presentation equipment: notebook, OHP, Interactive Board

Materials: World WAR II Quiz, students’ presentations, key-words for Haiku, 9 May celebrations video  


1. «The Practice of ELT» Jeremy Harmer, Longman, 2001;

2. “English Journal of ELT“vol 7, 1997, Chinese University of Hong Kong;

3. “Speak out” Глосса-Пресс, № 2, 2005;

4. Wikipedia


Teacher Says/Does

Students Do



1. Introduction

The main aim of the lesson is

“Not to forget what happened in the years of the Great Patriotic War and to love our Homeland…”  

Ss pay tribute to the defenders listening to the Minute of Silence recited by a S in English watching a corresponding video on IB. In the end all rise

5 min

See: Appendix # 1 (Minute of Silence – adapted English version)

2. World War II Quiz

(the obtained results form the basis for prepared talks )

Monitoring and brainstorming. “Your knowledge of WW II events will be greatly appreciated…”

SS chose the right answers from the questionnaire demonstrated on IB by a S in the form of presentation.

5 min

See: Appendix  # 2 (World War II Quiz excerpts)

3. IB performance and presentation of prepared talks on the chosen topics

Acting as a feedback provider having been a motivator, supplier of info and language, editor at the pre-writing phase

Ss individually/pairs/ groups recite and present on IB the obtained and processed info on the topic of their own choice

5-8 min each

See: Appendix # 3 (list of topics)

4. Creative writing

Asks to write Haiku using the key words from the refrain of  «Den’ Pobedy» song

Ss recite the poems, in the end discuss them in short choosing the best one

10 min

See: Appendix # 4 (examples of Ss Haiku)

5. Watching for a gist news video segments (native presenters’ coverage of Victory Day 2009)

Demonstrates short video extracts devoted to 9 May 2009 celebrations (pre-listening tasks i.e. key words, expressions, note-taking were completed in the last class)

Summarize the content both in writing and verbally

10 min

See: Appendix # 5 (a video from «RT»)

6. Round up

Analyses the overall level of Ss involvement in creating a positive attitude to the Great Patriotic War events

Ss highlight the most moving moments of the lesson

3 min

Appendix # 1   Minute of Silence – adapted English version

Let us remember! Three years, ten months and eighteen days, twenty six million four hundred and fifty-four thousand lives took away the Great Patriotic War.

By the light of our gratifying memory, by the light of our sorrow let the names of fallen soldiers will be light up.

Let us remember about villages that were completely burnt down, about settlements that were wiped off the face of the earth. Let us remember about hundreds of towns that were destroyed but were not subjugated. About every street let us remember, about every house!

Eternal memory to victims of Great Patriotic War! Eternal glory to heroes that fell in battle for freedom and independence of our Motherland!

We bend our heads before the sacred memory of those who never came back from that War: Sons. Daughters. Fathers. Mothers. Grandfathers. Husbands. Wives. Brothers. Sisters. Comrades. Relatives. Friends.

Here comes the Minute of Silence!

Appendix  # 2   World War II Quiz (excerpts)

1. When did Adolf Hitler come to power?

a) In 1923

b) In 1933

c) In 1938

2. When did the Second World War start?

a) In 1938

b) In 1939

c) In 1940

3. What two countries were Germany’s allies?

a) Italy and Japan

b) Spain and Italy

c) Japan and China

4. What two countries declared war on Germany after the Nazi troops invaded Poland?

a) Great Britain and the USA

b) Norway and Denmark

c) France and Great Britain

5. What does the word Blitzkrieg mean?

a) a ‘lightning war’

b) a gas attack

c) an air raid

Appendix # 3    List of topics

1. Soviet partisans

2. The Leningrad Blockade

3. Night Witches

4. Cold War

5. Great Victory. Survey

Appendix # 4   Examples of Ss Haiku

Haiku # 1

Gunpowder in the air

Grey hair temples, tears in eyes, joy on lips

This is the Victory Day Holiday

Haiku # 2

The Victory Day – a holiday everywhere

A joy with trembling lips

The gunpowder on temples, tears in eyes and grey hair

Haiku # 3

This is Victory Day with gunpowder in the air

This is holiday with grey hair on temples

This is joy with tears in eyes

Предварительный просмотр:

The Minute of Silence (adapted)

Let us remember! Three years, ten months and eighteen days, twenty six million four hundred and fifty-four thousand lives took away the Great Patriotic War.

By the light of our gratifying memory, by the light of our sorrow let the names of fallen soldiers will be light up.

Let us remember about villages that were completely burnt down, about settlements that were wiped off the face of the earth. Let us remember about hundreds of towns that were destroyed but were not subjugated. About every street let us remember, about every house!

Eternal memory to victims of Great Patriotic War! Eternal glory to heroes that fell in battle for freedom and independence of our Motherland!

We bend our heads before the sacred memory of those who never came back from that War: Sons. Daughters. Fathers. Mothers. Grandfathers. Husbands. Wives. Brothers. Sisters. Comrades. Relatives. Friends.

Here comes the Minute of Silence!

Предварительный просмотр:

Appendix #      Haiku

Haiku # 1

Gunpowder in the air

Grey hair temples, tears in eyes, joy on lips

This is the Victory Day Holiday

Haiku # 2

The Victory Day – a holiday everywhere

A joy with trembling lips

The gunpowder on temples, tears in eyes and grey hair

Haiku # 3

This is Victory Day with gunpowder in the air

This is holiday with grey hair on temples

This is joy with tears in eyes

Haiku # 4

Victory Day is a joy holiday

Gunpowder is our history

Our eyes are in tears and temples are grey

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