план-конспект урока по теме "Экология" в 8 классе
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Балина Ирина Анатольевна

Данный план-конспект содержит материал по теме "Экология", рассматривает разные экологические проблемы, содержит различные формы работы с учащимися.Урок является обобщающим


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Предварительный просмотр:



Let’s make the world a better place”

Учитель  английского языка Балина И.А. МОУ СОШ№1им.Т.Г.Мазура г.Пугачева

Дата проведения : 22.03.2017

Цели и задачи урока:


- закрепление лексики по теме «Экология» и отработка её употребления в речи;

- знакомство с экологическими проблемами и их решениями, а также с наукой, занимающейся этими проблемами;

- Развивающие:

- формирования умения правильно и связно переводить аутентичный  текст, понимать текст на слух;

- развитие интонационного слуха и языковой догадки;

- развитие внимания, восприятия и воображения;

- развитие любознательности и наглядно-образного мышления.

 -развитие памяти, умения обобщать, делать выводы.

- воспитательные :

- воспитание бережного отношения к природе;

- формирование экологической грамотности, чувства любви к природе и ответственности за её сохранение.

Оснащение: мультимедийный проектор, плакаты  «экологические символы» 

Ход урока

  1. Начало .

Teacher: Hello! I am glad to see you. Let’s start our English lesson. We have a lot of work to do today. Before beginning the lesson I would like you to answer some of my questions.

 What is the most important thing in people’s lives?

Let’s choose from the list : popularity, career, health, education, fortune, success.

Pupil 1 – I think it’s health

Pupil 2 – I think it’s health

Pupil 3 – I think it’s health

Teacher : I agree with you , because health is the most important thing in people’s lives. If we are healthy we can learn and work and be active in life. What does our health depend on?

Pupil 1 – On the food we eat

Pupil 2 –on the water we drink

Pupil 3 – on the air we breathe

Teacher : These are parts of our environment. The tear 2017 is declared as the year of ecology

Today we have a very serious topic . We’ll discuss ecological problems and the ways of saving nature in order to make the world a better place.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

Ecology    ecologist   Greenpeace  waste   landfill   greenhouse effect   Earth  power station

habitat  nature reserve  oxygen      carbon dioxide      exhaust fumes  poacher  recycling

  1. Работа с лексикой.       Задание на соответствия.

 Teacher: Match the words with their definitions        


the planet that we live on


an international organization whose aim is to protect the environment


the scientist who studies the environment and the way that plants, animals, and humans live together


the scientific study of  the relationship between living things and the environment

5.power station

- a place where animals and plants live and are protected

6. Greenpeace

a large building with machines which produce electricity

7. nature reserve

the natural environment of an animal or plant

8. poacher

toxic gases produced by cars

9.exhaust   fumes

someone who illegally catches or kills animals, birds, or fish

(работа со слайдами)

Ученики называют экологические проблемы, изображенные на экране:

Air pollution   Endangered species    Soil erosion   Ozone holes        Acid rains            Global warming



Teacher:  What ecological problems are  worried most of all?

Pupil 1 –  I’m worried about acid rains  because they poison the rivers, lakes and soil.

Pupil 2 – I’m worried about  global warming because sea level is going up and it can destroy many cities.

Pupil 3 – I’m worried about air pollution because we need clean air to breathe.

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования

T;       The next task is to listen to the native speakers speaking about ecological problems. You are to understand them and to give the Russian equivalents.

( учащиеся прослушивают видео и дают ответы)

  1. Развитие навыков устной речи

T;       The next task is to watch some video tapes and give your comments. What problems do they feature ? What is the aim of the video?

Видео1   - This video  tape shows world pollution. It says we must keep the Earth clean for the future generation.

Видео 2-  This film shows air pollution. It says we must save energy to reduce air pollution.

Видео 3 - This video features that the air is badly polluted by the exhaust fumes produced by cars. It says we must use less cars, walk, use public  transport , ride bikes.

Видео 4 -  This video teaches us to save electricity and turn it off when we don’t need it.

Видео  5  - This video teaches us to save water and use it wisely.

  1. Работа с экологическими символами

What do these signs mean?

  1. 1.Plant trees and flowers                                                 сажать деревья и цветы
  2. 2. Don’t cut trees                                                           не вырубать деревья
  3. Don’t pick up wild flowers.                                                 Не рвать дикие цветы
  4. Don’t leave the fire in the forest                                  не оставлять костер в лесу
  5. Don’t burn fires in the forests                                      не разжигать костер в лесу
  6. Feed birds in winter                                                          кормить птиц зимой
  7. Stop killing animals                                                          прекратить убивать животных
  8. Stop hunting animals and birds                                        прекратить охотиться на животных и птиц
  9. Make bird-houses and feedboxes                                     делать скворечники и кормушки
  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи

Teacher     Your home task was to prepare projects . Your are to present the ways of saving the nature.

(Учащиеся защищают проекты)

Project “ Save the forests!”

    Forests are our treasure. They are the lungs of our planet, they transform carbon dioxide into oxygen that we need to breathe. People cut down trees

to build houses, roads, factories and plants. Deforestation is a very serious environmental problem because forests are very important for us. Forests is the homes  for exotic animals, birds, reptiles, insects, plants and beautiful flowers. If we destroy their habitat many of them will not survive. So we appeal to all people :

  1. Save the forests!
  2. Plant trees and flowers!
  3. Don’t cut trees  !
  4. Don’t pick up wild flowers!
  5. Don’t burn fires in the forests!
  6. Don’t leave the fire in the forests!
  7. Don’t leave liter in the forests!
  8. Create national parks!
  9. Set up nature reserves!
  10.  Recycle paper !

Project “ Save endangered animals!”

Animals are our friends and we must take care of them. A lot of animals , birds become extinct because of the man’s activities: deforestation and loss of habitats, hunting, pollution. People hunt and kill them for skins, fur, fat, tusks, fish for their caviar. We can find the names of many animals, fish and birds in the Red Book.

They are blue whale, Siberian tiger, Jackas Penguin, Indian tiger, Mandarin Duck and many others. So we address to all people:

  1. Stop killing the animals !
  2. Stop hunting them for money and fun!
  3. Don’t buy things made of the animals’ skin, fur, tusks!      
  4. Fight with poachers!
  5. Feed birds in winter!                                                          
  6. Make bird-houses and feedboxes !    
  7. Create national parks and reserves!        


Project “ Save  the Earth clean!”

The Earth is our home and we must take care of it. We can’t live without nature because it gives us food to eat, water to drink , air to breathe. We all need healthy planet, healthy air, healthy food. It ‘depends on each of us.

Stop polluting!                                                       Reduce consuming                            

Recycle paper, glass, plastic, metal                     Don’t throw things you can reuse                              

 Avoid buy single-use things                                 Design  cars free of exhaust fumes                                

 Use public transport                                               Save electricity                                                                      

Use bicycles instead of cars                                        Save water   and energy          

Clean rivers and lakes        

  1. Teacher :    When we look down at the Earth, you will see how wonderful our planet is. You will see blue seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, high snow-capped mountains, green forests and fields.  There is a nice song “ what a wonderful world”

Звучит песня Л. Армстронга  «Какой прекрасный мир!»

  1. Итог урока . Домашнее задание

Teacher :  The lesson is going to be over and we have to make a conclusion. What have we leaned ? What can you do? What will you do now?

Pupil 1 – I can speak about ecological problems.

Pupil 2 –I can understand the real English.

Pupil 3 – Now I will recycle paper, plastic, glass.

Pupil 4 -  I’ve learned many words about ecology.

Pupil 5 –  I will  plant trees, flowers and feed birds in winter.

Teacher : Your home task is to write an essay “ If I was a mayor….”

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