Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2-ю четверть УМК Комаровой для 7 класса
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Письменная Екатерина Александровна

Контрольная работа для 7 класса по английскому языку за 2-ю четверть


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Предварительный просмотр:

7 Form. 1 Variant

1. Listen to the radio extract and circle the correct words.

1) Alan always/ sometimes works as an actor.

2) Alan played a policeman/ thief in one series.

3) Alan is in drama/ comedy series with Ben Johns.

4) His character in Two’s Too Many was bad/ mad.

5) He is/ isn’t in a film with Cate Blanchett.

6) The film was very long/ short.

7) Alan lived/ lives in a hotel.

8) Alan is making a documentary about a murder/ wild animals.

2. Write sentences in the past simple.

1) C.S. Lewis/ write/ the Narnia stories.

2) Katie Holmes/ become/ famous in Dawson’s Creek.

3) Matt Groening/ create/ The Simpsons.

4) John Logie Baird/ not invent/ the telephone.

5) Pele/ not play/ basketball.

6) Alfred Hitchock/ not make/ cartoons.

3.Write questions for these answers.

1) …………………………………………………….

Yes, I did. I really enjoyed the film.

2) When ………………………………………………

The class started ten minutes ago.


No, he didn’t write the book in 2008, he wrote it in 2007.

4) What time……………………………………………

I got up at about eight o’clock.

5) When ……………………………………………….

She learned when she was young.

4. Rewrite the sentences in the past simple.

1) He is a British writer.

2) She isn’t from Australia.

3) They are famous in Japan.

4) My parents aren’t at home.

5) Are you OK?

6) Is the film in English?

5. Answer the questions for you. Use ago and the words in brackets.

1) When were you born? (years)

2) When did you last watch TV? ( days)

7 Form. 2 Variant

1. Listen to the radio extract and circle the correct words.

1) Alan always/ sometimes works as an actor.

2) Alan played a policeman/ thief in one series.

3) Alan is in drama/ comedy series with Ben Johns.

4) His character in Two’s Too Many was bad/ mad.

5) He is/ isn’t in a film with Cate Blanchett.

6) The film was very long/ short.

7) Alan lived/ lives in a hotel.

8) Alan is making a documentary about a murder/ wild animals.

2. Write sentences in the past simple.

1) Johny Depp/ not appear/ in Shrek.

2) The first man/ land/ on the Moon in 1968.

3) The USA/ win/ 46 gold madals in the 2012 Olympic Games.

4) George Lucas and Steven Spielberg/ not work/ together on the Men in Black films.

5) She/ learn/ when she was young.

6) They/ not finish/ the film until 1973.

3.Write questions for these answers.

1) How many ………………………………………………

I think they made about 1000 films in Bollywood last years.

2) What ……………………………………………………

They had toast and coffee for breakfast.


Yes, I did. I went to the cinema yesterday.

4)When  …………………………………………………….

Hollywood celebrated the first Oscar’s ceremony 80 years ago.

5) ……………………………………………………………

Yes, I did. I met a lot of famous people at the awards ceremony.

4. Rewrite the sentences in the past simple.

1) He is only ten.        

2) She is always late.

3) It is never too late to start over.

4) We are happy for you.        

5) You are rather busy, aren't you?

6) There are so many opinions on this.

5. Answer the questions for you. Use ago and the words in brackets.

1) When did  you celebrate your? (months/ days)

2) When did you start at this school? (years)

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