Direct and Reported Speech exercises
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Кустенко Юлия Игоревна

Небольшая самостоятельная работа на грамматику.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Direct and Reported Speech

Ex. 1 Change the place and time which is used in the Reported Speech

  1. today - _________________
  2. this - ___________________
  3. next week - ______________
  4. yesterday - _______________
  5. tomorrow - _______________


Ex. 2 Change the direct speech into reported speech.

  1. “Do you like Jake?”

She asked me_______________________________________________________________

  1. “I want a cup of tea”

My friend said ______________________________________________________________

  1. “My grandpa has already been to Japan”

She said___________________________________________________________________

  1. “We are doing our homework at the moment”

They said__________________________________________________________________

  1. “What did you do last night?”

My dad asked me____________________________________________________________

  1. “Are you a doctor?”

He asked __________________________________________________________________

  1. “Sit down!”

The teacher said ____________________________________________________________

  1. “Who is your friend?”

Jake asked me______________________________________________________________

Ex. 3 Change the reported speech into the direct speech.

  1. Jim promised he would come the following day. "___________________________________________________________ ," promised Jim.
  2. He said that he had not eaten anything that day. "_________________________________________________________________ ," he said.
  3. We told them that we had started working on it two days before. "____________________________________________________________," we told them.
  4. She asked me if I worked in London.

"_______________________________________________________________," she asked.

  1. My Mum told me not to be late.  

"_________________________________________________________," my mum told me.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

DIRECT and REPORTED SPEECH. Правила трансформации.

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Direct an Reported Speech

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