Презентация по теме "Спорт"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7, 8, 9 класс) на тему

Ивлева Екатерина Сергеевна

Содержание: определение, этимология слова "Спорт", история спорта, предпосылки для появления олимпийских игр, направления в спорте и преимущества занятия спортом.


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Подписи к слайдам:

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DEFINITION Sport (UK) or sports (US) are all forms of usually competitive physical activity or games which , through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases , entertainment for spectators.

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Etymology The word "Sport" comes from the Old French desport meaning “ leisure", with the oldest definition in English from around 1300 being "anything humans find amusing or entertaining". Other meanings include gambling and events staged for the purpose of gambling; hunting; and games and diversions, including ones that require exercise.Roget's defines the noun sport as an "activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement" with synonyms including diversion and recreation.

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HISTORY Artifacts and structures suggest sport in China as early as 2000 BC. Gymnastics appears to have been popular in China's ancient past. Monuments to the Pharaohs indicate that a number of sports, including swimming and fishing, javelin throwing, high jump, and wrestling , were well-developed and regulated several thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt. Ancient Persian sports are the traditional Iranian martial art of Zourkhaneh , polo and jousting.

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A wide range of sports were already established by the time of Ancient Greece and the military culture and the development of sports in Greece influenced one another considerably. Sports became such a prominent part of their culture that the Greeks created the Olympic Games , which in ancient times were held every four years in a small village in the Peloponnesus called Olympia.

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Sports have been increasingly organised and regulated from the time of the ancient Olympics up to the present century. Industrialisation has brought increased leisure time, letting people attend and follow spectator sports and participate in athletic activities. These trends continued with the advent of mass media and global communication. Professionalism became prevalent, further adding to the increase in sport's popularity.

Слайд 7

Climbing Climbing is basically using your hands and feet to move up the surface of a steep object. Rock climbing is the most familiar form of climbing but there are other types such as ice climbing and buildering . Mountaineering is just using various climbing techniques to ascend mountains.

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Country Sports Country and field sports includes hunting, shooting, fishing, falconry along with ferreting and dog trailing. We have covered fox hunting, fishing and game shooting under other headings but include here hunting with hounds, dog trailing, falconry and ferreting.

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Extreme Sports This section contains the extreme sports which have not already been covered under the other main headings. These include sky diving, bungee jumping, base jumping, paragliding and free running.

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