План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме "Достопримечательности Англии".
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Мандзюк Мария Александровна

План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме "Достопримечательности Англии".


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Предварительный просмотр:


Предмет (направленность): английский язык.

Возраст детей: 5 класс.

Место проведения: класс.

Учебник: М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева “Enjoy English 5”


Учитель английского языка

Мандзюк М.А.

Цель: обобщение представлений учащихся о достопримечательностях Лондона.



1. Активизировать лексику по теме “Достопримечательности Лондона”

2. Формировать навыки и умения иноязычной речевой деятельности: аудирование, монологическая и диалогическая речь.


1. Развивать память, внимание, логическое мышление, эмоциональную сферу личности.

2. Развивать умение применять полученные знания в конкретной ситуации


1. Формировать познавательный интерес к культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка;

2. Воспитывать культуру общения.

Тип урока: Обобщение и систематизация.

Оборудование:  Мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, видеоролики, наглядный материал, учебник, фото достопримечательности Лондона, фламастеры.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.
  • Good day, my friends!
  • Good day, Good day, Good day to you!
  • Good day to sun! Good day to news!

 Sit your place. Are you ready for the lesson? Very nice. Today we shall  have an unusual lesson. We have 3 teams: the bulldogs, the ravens, a red rose. You should be very attentive today and each team will get a point for the correct answer. Let’s start our lesson!  

At first I would like you to guess the theme of our lesson from the names of your teams.  

- What is the theme of our lesson?

- The theme is London!

 - Yes, you are right!  At our lesson you will have a trip, watch the videoclips about the places of London.  

 Фонетическая зарядка.

- And now I want you to prepare your lips and tongues to do the sound drills.

- Look at the blackboard! You see some sounds and the words. Repeat them after me for one time. Pay attention to the right pronunciation. Very good!

Речевая разминка.

- Did you notice that these words are connected with our theme “the places of interest of London”? There are tourists and square and palace and so on. Can say me what place of interest you know with the word “square”?

- Trafalgar Square!

- With the word “palace

- Buckingham palace!

- With the word “Tower”?

- Tower of London!

- Wow! You are the brilliant pupils!

Тренировка навыков аудирования.

- And how you guessed we start to work with the places of interest of London. How many places of interest do you know? May be 2 or 5?

- Ok, good. I see you know 6 sights. But can you guess the riddles?

- Yes, we can!

- Are you ready? Start!

1). It is very old. It has a long and cruel history. You can see it from the river Thames. It is not just one building. Many years the Kings and the Queens of Britain lived in this place. (The Tower of London)

2) It is next to the Tower of London. It opens and ships go up and down the River Thames. It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames.

(Tower Bridge)

3) It stands near the Houses of Parliament. It is really a bell. It weighs 13,720 kilograms. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio. It is a famous clock. (Big Ben)

4) A lot of tourists go to there. Important visitors often go to the palace. They meet Queen Elizabeth and the royal family inside the palace. They stand outside and see the Changing of the Guard (смена караула)

(Buckingham Palace)

5) It is not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is a symbol of England. It was founded by St. Peter and built by King Edward in 1065. Some famous people are buried there. (Westminster Abbey)

6) They stand besides the river Thames. You can also see them from Westminster Abbey. The country’s leaders speak at this place. The famous clock Big Ben stands near them. (The Houses of Parliament)

Физ. минутка

Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

Make up the dialogue between the tourist (who lost) and Londoner. Use the ex. 49 p. 102, ex. 66 p 106 from you text-book and the exercise 18 (b)  p. 53 from your Workbooks.

- Let’s check your dialogues .

- Which dialogue was the best?

Презентация - буклет

– Make up, please, the list of places of interests in London with some important facts that you remember from our lessons. Or you can do a small booklet of sights of London. You have only 5 minits.

- Thank you for your work. I see that you liked our trip to London. But that brings us to the end.

- Write down your Homework. Ex.7 p.73. You should look at the list of places and write down which of them are in London and which in Moscow.

Подведение итога урока. Рефлексия.

- Do you remember my questions at the beginning of our lesson?

- Would you like to visit London?

- Yes, I would.

 - What places would you like to see there?

- I would like to see Big Ben (Trafalgar Square …)


 - I enjoyed your work. I think you know many things about London.

Your marks are….  Diana is excellent!

- Did you like our lesson?

- Yes, we did.

- How is your mood? Choose the smile and put it on the blackboard.

The lesson is over. You may be free.

That is all for today. Thank you for your work. You were active and friendly today/ I think all teams are the winners today.

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