Module test 4. Spotlight 7
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Козлова Ксения Дмитриевна

контрольная работа


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Module test 4

  1. Put the word into the sentence.

  1. attractive b)go on  c) go with d) porridge e) conservation f) broke a record

g) pollution h) advertisement i) glossy j) go off k) mayor l) fashion m) local o)daily

  1. Such a ____________may also control a general council’s or a region’s presidency or both.
  2. Nature _______________is the essential part of the modern recreation complex
  3. He began to eat his _______________
  4. She ________________the __________________of the half-mile run
  5. An _________________woman greeted us at the door
  6. Prints are available on matt or ___________paper
  7. The company has spent a lot of money on __________________
  8. We're doing a project on _______________
  9. That shirt doesn't ___________those pants.
  10. The show must ______________as Freddie said

                                                                                         ___________(10 points)

  1. Open the brackets using Past Simple
  1. I __________ (be)  happy.
  2. You  _______(not be)  angry.
  3. She ___________(be)  in London last week.
  4. He ___________  (not be)on holiday.
  5. It  ______________(be) cold.
  6. What ___________your neighbors _____________(to do) yesterday?
  7. Mr. Smith _________________(to fix) his car yesterday morning.
  8. His wife _________________(to water) plants in the garden.
  9. Their children ______________(to clean) the yard and then they________ (to play) basketball.
  10. In the evening their boys___________ (to listen) to loud music and (to watch) TV.
  11. Their little girl _______________(to cry) a little and then ________(to smile).
  12. Her brothers_______________ (to shout) at her.
  13. What __________ (you do) last night, Lisa?
  14. Who _____________ ( you go) with?
  15. What film _____________ (you see) ?

                                                                                               ___________(15 points)

  1. Open the brackets using Past Continuous

1) When I phoned my friends, they __________(play)   monopoly.

2)Yesterday at six I _____________(prepare)   dinner.

3)The kids ____________(play)   in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.

4)I______________ (practice)   the guitar when he came home.

5)We _____________(not / cycle)   all day.

6)While Alan ___________(work)   in his room, his friends___________ (swim)   in the pool.

7)I tried to tell them the truth but they____________- (not / listen )   .

8)What _______________(you / do)   yesterday?

9)Most of the time we____________ (sit)   in the park.

10)I_____________ (listen)   to the radio while my sister (watch)   TV.

                                                                                                      ___________(10 points)

  1. Open the brackets using Past Simple and Past Continuous

1. When I …………………… . (drive) to work, I ……………………… (see) Peter.

2. When I ………………… (have a bath), the telephone …………………… . (ring).

3. I ……………………… (sleep) when someone …………………… . (knock) on the door.

4. While she ………………… . (play) games, I ………………… .. (work).

5. As I ………………… (open) my eyes, I ………………… (see) a strange sight.

6. James ……………………… (tidy) the lounge while I …………………… .. (cook) supper.

7. While they ……………………… (play) caroms, somebody …………………… . (break) into the house.

8. I ………………… .. (think) of it just when you …………………… .. (open) your mouth.

9. When she …………………… .. (have a bath), the child …………………… . (begin) to cry.

10. She …………………… .. (take) out her pen and ………………… . (start) writing.

                                                                                               ______________(10 points)

  1. Read the text and answer T,F,NS

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