Peterhof - The Capital of Fountains
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Филиппова Татьяна Александровна

Презентация об истории создания одного из самых уникальных культурных наследий России и Санкт-Петербурга - дворцово-паркового ансамбля - Петергофа на английском языке.


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Санкт-Петербург ГОУСОШ №127 Красногвардейского р-на Филиппова Татьяна Александровна у читель английского языка

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Peterhof is located 30km west of St. Petersburg on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. It was the summer residence of Peter the Great, built to commemorate victory over the Swedes in 1709 and to show the strength of the Russian Empire . The official opening of Peterhof was on the 15 of August in 1723.

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Peterhof was designed to resemble Versailles in France and architects from all over the world were involved in its design. Over 4000 peasants dug the gardens, parks and canals, and Peter I himself helped to plan the layout of the gardens and fountains. Versailles in France

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Vasily Tuvolkov , Russia’s first hydraulics engineer, built the fountains in 1721-1722.

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The Great Cascade fountain in the gardens has 17 waterfalls, 142 water jets, 66 fountains, 29 bas-reliefs and 39 gilded statues, including the famous five-ton Sampson Fountain. The Grand Cascade divides the Lower Park into east and west.

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Another fountain , the Chessboard Hill, contains some of the best waterfalls cascading over bronze dragons.

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The Triton Fountain shows Neptune’s son wrestling with a sea monster.

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The Pyramid fountain was designed by Peter I and is made up of seven tiers and 505 jets .

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Some of the fountains are there to surprise and amuse visitors. The Little Umbrella fountain sprays out water from 164 jets as soon as anyone sits on a bench underneath it.

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The Little Oak fountain sprays out water if it senses any weight approaching it.

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The Pebbles fountain also drenches visitors who sit on a nearby bench.

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To feel happy and make their spirits high, Russians and foreign visitors come to Peterhof to enjoy its magic charms .

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Resources: Evans V ., Afanasyeva O., Vaulina J.. Click on Russia Culture Clips 2 / Express Publishing – Centercom , 2003. – p.32 G. Kenyon. The Environs Of Saint Petersburg. Peterhof. Tsarskoye Selo . Pavlovsk. P-2 Art Publishers, St Petersburg, 2002. – p. 63 http :// uploads/2015/03/Fontanyi-Petergofa.jpg / wx1080.jpg http:// - petersburg / IMG_40991-SAINT-PETERSBURG-PETERHOF.JPG

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