Презентация "How to write a Curriculum Vitae"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Принглаева Жанна Калдар-ооловна

Презентация формирует знания о структуре, правилах оформления резюме, расширяет словарный запас. В презентацию включены задания на первичное освоение материала. 


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Слайд 1

How to write a Curriculum V itae CV (curriculum vitae) in British English means “life story” in Latin Resume in American English Résumé is a document used to summarize work history and skills in an attempt to show a reader that the person is qualified for a posted job. You need to "sell" your skills, abilities, qualifications and experience to employers .

Слайд 2

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Create your heading – personal details This is the section at the top of your resume which gives your contact information including your name address e mail phone number. Your name should be the most visible in a slightly larger size - either 14 or 16 point font.

Слайд 3

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Choosing a style This should be as simple as possible. Recruiters often have little time and read resumes very quickly: yours shouldn't be longer than two pages . Your name should be the most visible item in the page. Start and end dates should also be clearly visible. Use elements such as lines or boxes to separate different sections sparingly. Size 11 or 12, font Times New Roman. For headings may be 14 or 16.

Слайд 4

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Make your writing simple and short Avoid using full sentences and try to be as schematic as possible. Avoid using I. Write the truth.

Слайд 5

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Write your Objective o r Personal Statement This is where you should address the specific position and how your knowledge and skills make you suitable for the role. The section shouldn't take more than three or four lines. You should draw attention to what makes you unique. Why you are sending the resume to them.

Слайд 6

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Education You should list your education in reverse chronological order. Include any college degrees, trade schools. If you have not yet graduated, simply state the year you expect to graduate . Give the university/program name, their address, and your degree or area of study, modules of studies.

Слайд 7

How to write a Curriculum Vitae List your Work Experience All your previous jobs should be listed in reverse chronological order with start and end dates. After the job title and employer, write a short list of your duties, responsibilities and achievements for each position . If you are currently employed, write "-Present" instead of the end date. If you have no work experience, you should put skills in a resume.

Слайд 8

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Skills This should be organized by subheadings such as " Computer skills" and " Foreign languages ". Draw attention to those that are more relevant to the job. In the "Foreign languages" section, specify your proficiency by using words such as " advanced", " intermediate ", " basic “ or “ fluent ”. You can also list interpersonal skills such as communication or leadership .

Слайд 9

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Skills Identify which skills you can transfer to the kind of job you're applying for. Think through keywords that employers might be looking for. Be flexible and creative. Focus on these three skills Communication skills Problem solving skills Technical skills

Слайд 10

How to write a Curriculum Vitae

Слайд 11

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Match headings and translations Work experience Education and qualifications Interests Skills References Personal profile (objective & key skills) Personal details Персональные данные Опыт работы Умения и навыки Рекомендации Цель Интересы, хобби Образование

Слайд 12

How to write a Curriculum Vitae Match the following points and heading which it s hould put under Work experience Education and qualifications Interests Skills References Personal profile Personal details Fluent in English Russian Assistant Project manger Excellent communication skills Driving license Diploma Business Studies Skiing and travelling Computer literate Able to work on own initiative and under pressure Responsible for customer service Dr H. Mayer, University of Bath

Слайд 13

How to write a Curriculum Vitae

Слайд 14

How to write a Curriculum Vitae

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