Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Великая Отечественная Война глазами молодежи», посвященное 70 – летию Победы
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему

Аптулаева Наталья Павловна

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Великая Отечественная Война глазами молодежи», посвященное 70 – летию Победы, направлено на формирование уважительного отношения к героям ВОВ, развитие патриотизма; знакомство  учащихся с историческими фактами  Великой Отечественной Войны, знаменитыми участниками войны на английском языке.


Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

"Великая Отечественная Война глазами молодежи»,

посвященное 70 – летию Победы

Цель урока:  формирование умения ведения монологической и диалогической речи.

Задачи урока:

социокультурный аспект: знакомство  учащихся с историческими фактами Великой Отечественной Войны, знаменитыми участниками войны.

развивающий аспект: развитие способности к распределению и переключению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию при восприятии речи на слух, к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного и услышанного на уроке.

воспитательный аспект: уважительного отношения к героям ВОВ, развитие патриотизма.

учебный аспект: развитие речевого умения  диалогической речи, развитие речевого умения монологического высказывания по модели.


Сопутствующие задачи: развитие умения читать с общим охватом содержания, с целью извлечения конкретной информации, развитие навыков аудирования с детальным пониманием.

Предварительный просмотр:

Викторина по английскому языку «День Победы».

Victory Quiz.


1Ответьте на вопросы  

  1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?

  1. Which was the first major battle of the Soviet Army?

  1. How many days did the battle of Stalingrad last?

  1. How long was the siege of Leningrad?

  1. What heroes of the Great Patriotic War do you know?

  1. What Hero Cities do you know?

  1. What famous military commanders do you know?

  1. Which order of the Great Patriotic War is this?

  1. Who did you congratulate on Victory Day?

  1. When did the Great Patriotic War end?

2.Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы.


Victory Day

  In Russia and other countries Victory Day, or 9th May, is one of the great holidays of the year. It is a holiday of all people. In all towns there are decorations, flags and placards in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings.   On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the Great Patriotic War. On that day there is military parade in all big cities of our country. Flowers and souvenirs are given to those who took part in the Great Patriotic War. There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks. In the evening there is a holiday salute and a minute of silence to remember all those who did not come back from the war.

  1. Which is one of the great holidays in our country?

  1. How do people prepare for Victory Day?

  1. How do people decorate the streets for Victory Day?

  1. How do people celebrate Victory Day?

  1. Where do people go in the evening?

3.Нарисуйте открытку ветерану с пожеланиями.

Congratulations to the veterans on the Great Victory Day!


4.Разделите слова по теме «Victory Quiz» по частям речи.

battle, to remember, enemy, ally, Great Patriotic War,peace, to defend,victory, great, hard-won, front, to fight, memorable, important, to win, German invasion, to lose, general, unforgettable, to retreat, glorious,to take by storm, World War II, soldier, to honour, to commemorate, to celebrate, tragedy




5.Поставьтебуквы в словах  в правильном порядке.









6.Допишите предложение. A lot of people met their death during this war. How are they remembered by the Russian people, by present generation?


We name the________, the_________, cities and _______after their names.

7.Напишите Ваше мнение, почему наша армия и наш народ выиграл войну(7-8 предложений).In 4 long years came the Great Victory. Why did our army, our people win it?


This day __________ the end of WWII (The Great Patriotic War, as Russians know it), in which Russia lost  ______ million people. This is a holiday with ______ in the eyes.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Викторина «День Победы» Victory Quiz

Слайд 2

i . ответьте на вопросы

Слайд 3

1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?

Слайд 4

2. Which was the first major battle of the Soviet Army?

Слайд 5

3. How many days did the battle of Stalingrad last?

Слайд 6

4. How long was the siege of Leningrad?

Слайд 7

5. What heroes of the Great Patriotic War do you know?

Слайд 8

6. What Hero Cities do you know?

Слайд 9

7. What famous military commanders do you know?

Слайд 10

8. Which order of the Great Patriotic War is this?

Слайд 11

9. Who did you congratulate on Victory Day?

Слайд 12

10. When did the Great Patriotic War end ?

Слайд 13

ii. Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы

Слайд 14

1. Which is one of the great holidays in our country?

Слайд 15

2. How do people prepare for Victory Day?

Слайд 16

3. How do people decorate the streets for Victory Day?

Слайд 17

4. How do people celebrate Victory Day?

Слайд 18

5. Where do people go in the evening?

Слайд 19

iii. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами

Слайд 20

iv . Разделите слова по теме « victory quiz »по частям речи

Слайд 21

v . Поставьте буквы в словах в правильном порядке.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

70 th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Слайд 3

22d of June. The German fascists attacked the SU – our country. The Great Patriotic War began.

Слайд 4

22 June, 1941

Слайд 6

There were a lot of great battles and great victories: Famous Battle for Moscow.

Слайд 7

The Battle for Stalingrad

Слайд 8

The Tank Battle on Kursk Bulge

Слайд 9

Defense of Novorossiysk and Sevastopol.

Слайд 10

The Main Steps of Great Patriotic War the Event date Beginning of the war 22.06.1941 Moscow battle December, 1941 Stalingrad battle July – February, 1942 – 1943 Battle at the Kursk Bulge July – August, 1943 Liberation of Leningrad, Odessa, Kerch, the Crimea 1944 The End of the GPW 9 May 1945

Слайд 11

Operation Barbarossa 22 June 1941

Слайд 12

Largest military offensive in history. - 600,000 motor vehicles -750,000 horses

Слайд 13

Three directionS Operation Barbarossa the front line

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Leningrad 1941

Слайд 2

The ’’Siege of Leningrad”

Слайд 3

The ’’Siege of Leningrad” lasted for a total of 900 days, from September 8, 1941 until January 27, 1944.

Слайд 4

Food and fuel stocks were limited to a mere 1-2 month supply, public transport was not operational and by the winter of 1941-42 there was no heating, no water supply , almost no electricity and very little food.

Слайд 5

By the end of 1942 , the city had a population of less than 1 million. In June 1941, it had been 2.5 million.. Disease, starvation and those who fled the city may well have accounted for 1.5 million people.

Слайд 7

Even children Worked for 12 – 18 hours without days off

Слайд 8

Tanya Savitcheva’s diary

Слайд 10

"Road of Life"

Слайд 12

It was a great effort of all our country. There were a lot of heroes (about 12000 become the titles the Hero of SU), a great number of brave actions.

Слайд 13

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Слайд 14

Lisa Tchaikina

Слайд 15

Pilots- komsomols Stepan Zdorovtsov , Petr Kharitonov and Mikhail Zhukov

Слайд 16

BM-13 multiple rocket launcher “ Katyusha ”

Слайд 18

“Katyusha” Apple-trees and pear-trees a blooming Mists were floating on the river deep And Katyusha’s gone out in the gloaming On the river bank so high and deep. She went out and sang so sweet and clearly Of the soft grey eagle of the steppes Of the one, the boy she loves so dearly Of one whose letters she still keeps. Song, oh maiden song above the water Fly forward the sunset bright and fair To the soldier on the distant border Bring Katyusha’s greetings on the air. May he think of her so young and lovely? May he hear her singing song above? May he guard and keep his native country? As Katyusha guards and keeps her love.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Berlin, 1945

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Nazi Germany signs the act of Capitulation

Слайд 4

Moscow, 1945

Слайд 6

Victory Parade

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