Lesson plan on theme "Foods"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему

Кононенко Екатерина Михайловна

Reading lesson

Topic: Food and Drinks. Eating Out

Target Language: food and drinks vocabulary; language used while ordering food in a restaurant;

                            a verb would like for asking for and making request

Students: 14-15 year-olds; 8th-9th graders

Level: Intermediate


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Plan

Reading lesson

Topic: Food and Drinks. Eating Out

Target Language: food and drinks vocabulary; language used while ordering food in a restaurant;

                            a verb would like for asking for and making request

Students: 14-15 year-olds; 8th-9th graders

Level: Intermediate

Assumed knowledge:  vocabulary students are going to practise is mostly familiar to them, but they

                                    are unused to making orders in English

Materials: pictures; menu and dialogue worksheets; food and restaurant worksheet

Anticipated Problems & Solutions: students may mispronounce restaurant; they may confuse verbs would

                                                         like and like. So they need pronunciation practice at the beginning of

                                                         lesson and they also need context sentences to clarify meanings of the



Stage, aims



5 min

5 min

1-2 min

4 min

6 min

6 min

8 min

2 min

2 min

Lead-in – introducing the topic of the lesson

Orientation – eliciting the words about eating out + FB

Reading for gist

Doing a task - refreshing food and drinks vocabulary + peer FB

Reading for specific info + FB

Reading for detail

Follow-up activity – practising target vocabulary and speech pattern

Giving a home task

Reflection –highlighting what was done well in the lesson  

  • Find what is common in the following pictures. (showing the pictures 1 and 2).
  •  Answer the questions: What is the topic of the lesson? Where can we eat?

  • When you go out for a meal, you usually do a number of things. Look at the list of actions and, with a partner, put them into the correct order. (worksheet 1)

  • Read the dialogue (worksheet 2)

Answer the questions:

  • Who is talking? What are they talking about?

  • Read the dialogue again. Underline words connected with food and drinks.

  • Read the dialogue and now choose the sentences which refer to ordering food in restaurant.

  • What are the people talking about in these sentences? Guess the riddles. (worksheet 4)

  • Make an order using the menu (worksheet 3). Remember you have only $100.

  • Write an e-mail to a manager of the restaurant, use the menu you have chosen.

  • Think of what you have learnt today, write three new words, two questions, and choose one word boring or interesting about the lesson.







Group work




Предварительный просмотр:

1. When you go out for a meal, you usually do a number of things. Look at the list of actions and, with a partner, put them into the correct order. Number one has been done for you.

Decide to go out for a meal


Look at the menu

Have the starter

Give the waiter a tip

Go to the restaurant

Have a dessert

Have the main course

Pay the bill

Sit down

Book a table

Order the meal

Leave the restaurant

Ask for the bill

2.  What are the people talking about in these sentences? In some cases there may be more than one answer.

  1. I never have it late at night because it keeps me awake.
  2. I like it rare of medium.
  3. It makes you sneeze if it goes up your nose.
  4. If you leave it in the sun, it will melt.
  5. They often make you cry when you chop them.

Students should be able to deduce meaning of unknown items, so do not preteach them. The order is usually this:

  1. decide to go out for a meal
  2. book a table
  3. go to the restaurant
  4. sit down
  5. look at the menu
  6. order a meal
  7. have the starter
  8. have the main course
  9. have dessert
  10. ask for the bill
  11. pay the bill
  12. leave the restaurant

coffee / meat / pepper / butter or ice or chocolate or ice cream / onions

Предварительный просмотр:

C:\Users\ЕКАТЕРИНА\Desktop\pizza.jpg  Picture 1

C:\Users\ЕКАТЕРИНА\Desktop\iтигр обедает.jpg  Picture 2

Worksheet 2

                 A Dialogue 

Waiter: Hello, Can I help you? 
Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch. 
Waiter: Would you like a starter? 
Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please. 
Waiter: And what would you like for a main course? 
Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich. 
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? 
Kim: Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please. 
Waiter... After Kim has her lunch.: Can I bring you anything else? 
Kim: No thank you. Just the bill. 
Waiter: Certainly. 
Kim: How much is the lunch? 
Waiter: That's $6.75. 
Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much. 
Waiter: You're welcome. Have a nice day. 
Kim: Thank you, the same to you. 

Worksheet 3




Chicken Soup




Sandwiches - Main Course


Ham and cheese






Grilled Cheese


Piece of Pizza












Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, etc.


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