Контрольная работа, 5 класс, 5 модуль, Spotlight
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Чупакова Альбина Александровна

Данная контрольная работа разработана для 5 модуля, тема животные, в нее включены задания на знание грамматики- настоящее простое время, задание на чтение текста и вопросы по нему.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test ( the 5th module)

  1. Write the third person singular of the present simple


  1. Put the verb in the brackets into the correct present simple
  1. Frogs___(live) on all continents except Antarctica.
  2. The blue whale ____(weigh) 50 tons at birth.
  3. A deer ___9eat) grass.
  4. Leopards _____(keep) moving. They never stay in the same place.
  5. John ____(wash) the car every day.
  6. The rhino ______(like) to sit in the mud.
  7. Monica ____(watch) TV every evening.
  8. The Bengal tiger _____(live ) in India.
  9. Hippos _____(give) birth underwater.
  10. A cheetah___(run) very fast.
  1. Read the text and ask questions.

The Arabian Camel is an animal of North Africa and the Middle Est. It is brown with short fur and long, thin legs. It has a large body and a long neck. It’s got a hump on its back with fat in it. It lives in dry places like deserts and can go three weeks without water. It carries people on its back for miles. The camel is a friendly animal.

  1. Where does the camel live?
  2. What does it have?
  3. What does it have on its hump?
  4. How many weeks can it go without water?
  5. What animal is the camel?
  1. Fill in    do\does\don’t\doesn’t
  1. A. ________Helen take the bus?


  1.  A. ________I need my book?


              3)   A._________a lion eat leaves?


             4)  A. ________you want milk?

                   B.Yes, I________________.

       5. Match the words from the two columns

1. elephant

2. peacock

3. lion

4. bear

5. giraffe

6. monkey

7. deer

8. tiger

9. camel

10. crocodile

a) mane

b) horns

c) fur

d) trunk

e) feathers

f) hump

g) stripes

h) teeth

i) neck

j) tail

6.Match the questions (1-9) to the answers (a-i)

1. Do hyenas live in groups?

2. Where do they live?

3. What do they look like?

4. How much do they weigh?

5. How long are they?

6. How long is their tail?

7. When do hyenas start to hunt?

8. What sound do they make when hunting?

9. What do they eat?

  1. It’s like very loud laughter.
  2. Like strange cats.
  3. Up to 25 centimeters long.
  4. In Africa.
  5. Animals, like zebras and antelopes.
  6. Yes, of 10 to 50 animals.
  7. About 1.5 metres  long.
  8. 40-80 kg.
  9. In the evening.

7. Write the negative forms

1. Elephants eat monkeys.______________________________

2. I work very hard.____________________________________

3. Tom likes snakes and spiders.____________________________

4. She likes her cat.______________________________________

5. Rhino5s  live in America.________________________________

8. Underline the correct word. 

1. John play/plays with his cat every day.
2. A hen is/are a farm animal.
3. The rhino likes to sit/to eat in the mud.
4. What pet has/have you got?

5. A giraffe has got long necks/neck.

6. A peacock has/have feathers.

7. A lion has a mane/a beak.

8. A bear has four paws/four tails.


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