Тест "Past Simple/ Past Perfect/ Past Perfect Continuous" Spotlight - 9, Module 3.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Калягина Татьяна Валерьевна

Данный тест представляет из себя проверочную работу на 20 минут на контроль навыка употребления трёх времён английского глагола группы Past ( Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect Continuous​), употребление которых может вызвать затруднение у обучающихся. В предложениях представлены разнообразные указатели времён глагола. Тест можно также использовать и как тренировочное упражнение.



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Предварительный просмотр:


I. Choose the correct  form of the verb (Past Simple  or Past Perfect)

1) Mr Potter repaired / had repaired his car yesterday.

2) Our grandma baked / had baked a carrot cake by 6 o’clock yesterday.

3) He wrote / had written an article by Monday morning.

4) Tim and Betsy had been / were in Peru three years ago.

5)  Did you water / Had  you  watered the flowers the day before yesterday?

6) John read / had read a book by Agatha Christie  by the 1st of November.

7) My brother  had flown / flew to Berlin last spring.

8) The children cleaned / had cleaned the flat before their parents returned.

II. Past Simple/Past Perfect/ Past Perfect Continuous

1) He ….. (drive) a car for three hours when he ……. (reach) the airport.

2) We …… (pack) already all our bags when they……..  (phone) us.

3) The cat …….. (drink) all the milk which I ……….. (give) it.

4) Our guide ……..  (organize) our trip before we …….. (talk) to him.

5) He ………. (learn) English before he (go) to the USA.

6) She ……… (cook) dinner for two hours before the guests ……… (arrive).  

7) Helen ………(play) for an hour and a half before Tom ………. (come) to the court. 

8) We ……….. (drive) for five hours when suddenly the car ………. (break) down.

9) The scientist ……… (prepare) the article for two hours before he …….. (go) to bed.

10) I ………. (cook) breakfast by 5 o’clock.

11) The boys ….. (to fish) for three hours before Tom ………(catch)  the first fish.

12) Tony ……… (sleep) for an hour before you ……… (wake)  him up. 


I. Choose the correct  form of the verb (Past Simple  or Past Perfect)

1) Mr Potter repaired / had repaired his car yesterday.

2) Our grandma baked / had baked a carrot cake by 6 o’clock yesterday.

3) He wrote / had written an article by Monday morning.

4) Tim and Betsy had been / were in Peru three years ago.

5)  Did you water / Had  you  watered the flowers the day before yesterday?

6) John read / had read a book by Agatha Christie  by the 1st of November.

7) My brother  had flown / flew to Berlin last spring.

8) The children cleaned / had cleaned the flat before their parents returned.

II. Past Simple/Past Perfect/ Past Perfect Continuous

1) He ….. (drive) a car for three hours when he ……. (reach) the airport.

2) We …… (pack) already all our bags when they……..  (phone) us.

3) The cat …….. (drink) all the milk which I ……….. (give) it.

4) Our guide ……..  (organize) our trip before we …….. (talk) to him.

5) He ………. (learn) English before he (go) to the USA.

6) She ……… (cook) dinner for two hours before the guests ……… (arrive).  

7) Helen ………(play) for an hour and a half before Tom ………. (come) to the court. 

8) We ……….. (drive) for five hours when suddenly the car ………. (break) down.

9) The scientist ……… (prepare) the article for two hours before he …….. (go) to bed.

10) I ………. (cook) breakfast by 5 o’clock.

11) The boys … (to fish) for three hours before Tom ……. (catch) the first fish.

12) Tony ………(sleep) for an hour before you ……… (wake)  him up. 

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