Электронный комплект тестов для контроля лексико-грамматических навыков 8 классов к УМК Spotlight
электронный образовательный ресурс по английскому языку (8 класс)

В данной методической разработе представлены примерные тесты электронного комплекта для контроля лексико-грамматических навыков 8 классов к УМК Spotlight. 


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Электронный комплект лексико-грамматических тестов к УМК «Spotlight 8»

Разработали: Чыпсымаа Оюмаа Олеговна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ТывГУ; Чулдум Ч.О.

Module 1 Socializing

Module 1 a

        Vocabulary: Character adjectives; body language

  1. Say in one word
  1. aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings; able to feel or perceive - Sensitive 
  2. enjoying spending time with other people – sociable
  3. caring only about yourself rather than about other people – selfish

2) Say in one word

  1. always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating – honest
  2. annoyed or irritated by somebody/something, especially because you have to wait for a long time – impatient
  3. able to change to suit new conditions or situations – flexible
  1. Choose the words with positive meaning









  1. Choose the words with negative meaning







4) Match the character adjectives with the questions

a) optimistic                                  1) Do you enjoy the company of other people?

b) sociable                                     2) Do you talk a lot?

c) talkative                           4) Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself?

d) shy                                             5) Do you think the future will be good?

5) Match the character adjectives with the questions

a)optimistic                                   1) Do you find it difficult to meet new people?

e) impatient                                   2) Do you often give presents?

f) generous                                     3) Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything?

g) easy – going                      4) Do you think the future will be good?


Module 1 c Grammar in Use

Grammar: Present simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple – Present Perfect Continuous

  1. Choose the right form of the verb

He_______ (have, has) very sensitive hands

She _______ (eat, eats) ice-cream in summer

You _______ (helps, help) your mother in the garden

I ________ (have, has) breakfast at home

Suda said she ______(don’t, doesn’t, do) live there

I __________ (go, goes, going) to school at 7:30

  1. Make correct sentence in the simple present

play/ they/ never/on the computer

They never play on the computer

buy/ my mother/ clothes/ for me

My mother buy clothes for me


She usually plants roses

I/ true/ think/ it/ not/ do/ is

I do not think it is true

  1. Choose the correct variant

Please don’t make so much noise. I _______(am trying; try) to work now.

The earth ______ (are going/ goes) round the sun.

I ______ (have/ had) just _____(had/ haved)  lunch.

It _______ (has been raining/ have rained) for two hours.

  1. Make correct sentence

Clean/ every/ do/ the house/ you/ weekend?

Do you clean the house every weekend?

ten/ has/ Mike/ in/ for/ London/ lived/ years.

Mike has lived in London for ten years.

month./ been/ Alice/ to/ has/ drive/ for/learning/ six

Alice has been learning to drive for six month.

All the people are singing now.

the/ people/ all/ now/ are/ singing

5)  Choose for or since to complete the following sentences

                Jeff has been studying English ___since___ 2007.

                  I have been living here ___for___ last summer.

                _Since__ 2009, she has worked for three different newspapers.

6) Write a question for each sentence

You meet Emma as she is leaving the swimming pool.

You ask: (you/ swim) _____________________ (Have you been swimming?)

It is raining. The rain started two hours ago

You ask: (it/ rain/ for two hours) _______________ (has it been raining for two hours?)

I am learning Dutch. I started classes in December.

You ask: (You/ learn/ Dutch/ since December) __________ (Have you been learning Dutch since December?)


Module 1 f

Vocabulary: phrasal verbs: get: prepositions

Grammar: Forming adjectives (-ful, -able)

1) Match the phrasal verbs with their meaning

a) get along                                      1) have a good relationship

b) get across                                     2) communicating

c) get down                                      3) finish

d) get over                                        4) make somebody sad

e) get over with                                5) recover from

2) Form the adjectives from the words in bold using suffixes

It is _____(use) to know several foreign languages when you are travelling abroad.





3) Form the adjectives from the words in bold using suffixes









4) Fill the gaps with suitable preposition

popular with

Kate felt very nervous about exams.

She is very fond of horses.

jealous of

He is keen on music and football.

My friend Mike is good at  the mathematics.

He is very proud of his daughter’s  achievements.

The house is close to the park.

patient with

5) Match the phrasal verbs with their translations

        a) get along with                                 1) общаться, поддерживать хорошие отношения

        b) get across                                        2) поправиться, выздороветь

        c) get (somebody) down                     3) доносить (идею) до слушателя

        d) get over                                            4) закончить, справиться

        e) get over with                                    5) расстраивать

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