Тест по английскому языку к учебнику English 6 углубленное изучение ( О,В,Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева)
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Трошина Дарья Юрьевна

Тест к урокам 10-14 учебника English под ред Афанасьеой О.В. и Михеевой И.В. (углубленное изучение)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test to Unit10-14

Variant 1

Task 1 Read the text and put the phrases where they belong.


Although Britain is quite a small country, it offers a wide choice of food and drink. The types of food people eat have changed a lot [_____]for several reasons. People have come to Britain from different parts of the world, bringing their favourite food with them and often opening restaurants. British people have traveled [_____] 2 and brought new foods back home. And today big supermarkets companies can buy food from all over the world and sell it [_____] 3.

In Britain you can find traditional food like [_____] 4 and vegetarian food for those who do not eat meat. As well as foods from different parts of Britain, you can buy Italian, Mexican and West Indian food. Tea is often described as the [_____] 5 but in Britain’s pubs you can drink beers and wines from many different countries as well as cider from the West Country and whiskey from Scotland.

Many people do not have time to cook traditional food today, so they buy food which is [_____] 6, but visitors to Britain often want to try “typical” British food. The best place to go is usually a pub.

Going to a restaurant for a meal, instead of eating at home, is called [_____] 7. Only a few years ago this was too expensive for most people; today the British do it a lot more often and there are many different kinds of places to go.

  1. roast beef or fish and chips
  2. over the years
  3. ready to eat or quick to make
  4. while it is still good to eat
  5. to other countries
  6. “eating out”
  7. national drink

Task 2 Open the brackets to complete the sentences.

  1. I’ve never heard my uncle (to sing). 2. Did you see Mary (to dance) at yesterday’s party? 3. John felt somebody (to strike) him on the shoulder and screamed. 4. My mum let me (to watch) TV late. 5. Kim’s brother made him (to walk) their dog. 6. Bob doesn’t want his friends (to ski) in the park.  7. I expect my family (to go) to the sea in summer. 8. He was made (to solve )this problem immediately. 9. I don’t expect my mother (to go) to Scotland. 10. John’s Mother wouldn’t like him (to come) late.

Task 3 Put the definite article where it should be .

  1. ________Lake District
  2. ________Tower of London
  3. ________Mall
  4. ________Buckingham Palace
  5. ________Royal Mile
  6. ________Scott Monument
  7. ________Edinburgh
  8. ________Wales
  9. ________Holyrood house
  10. ________Cardiff castle

Task 4 Translate into English

  1. Говорить бегло
  2. Служить в армии
  3. Горный ручей
  4. К вашим услугам
  5. Раненное животное
  6. Вкратце
  7. Красивый собор
  8. сельскохозяйственная земля
  9. Веский аргумент
  10. Опрятная одежда
  11. Живописный пейзаж
  12. Процветающий фермер
  13. Скромное платье
  14. Преданность семье
  15. Зарабатывать деньги
  16. Нарушать закон
  17. вор
  18. быть довольным чем-то
  19. брат близнец
  20. берег реки

Task 5 Fill in the gaps

To hang

To bury

To rescue

Test to Unit10-14

Variant 2

Task 1 Read the text and put the phrases where they belong.


Although Britain is quite a small country, it offers a wide choice of food and drink. The types of food people eat have changed a lot [_____]for several reasons. People have come to Britain from different parts of the world, bringing their favourite food with them and often opening restaurants. British people have traveled [_____] 2 and brought new foods back home. And today big supermarkets companies can buy food from all over the world and sell it [_____] 3.

In Britain you can find traditional food like [_____] 4 and vegetarian food for those who do not eat meat. As well as foods from different parts of Britain, you can buy Italian, Mexican and West Indian food. Tea is often described as the [_____] 5 but in Britain’s pubs you can drink beers and wines from many different countries as well as cider from the West Country and whiskey from Scotland.

Many people do not have time to cook traditional food today, so they buy food which is [_____] 6, but visitors to Britain often want to try “typical” British food. The best place to go is usually a pub.

Going to a restaurant for a meal, instead of eating at home, is called [_____] 7. Only a few years ago this was too expensive for most people; today the British do it a lot more often and there are many different kinds of places to go.

  1. roast beef or fish and chips
  2. over the years
  3. ready to eat or quick to make
  4. while it is still good to eat
  5. to other countries
  6. “eating out”
  7. national drink

Task 2 Open the brackets to complete the sentences.

  1. They saw the car (to go) round the corner. 2. No one has ever seen Victor (to cry). 3. I saw my little brother (to walk) along the road with the ice-cream in his hand. 4. Dad let his son John (to stay) at home. 5. They made Andrew (to clean) the floor. 6. We made Ann (to play) outside.7. Most European governments were made (to stop) nuclear tests. 8. I would like our teacher (to change) the date of the test.9. I want you (to wait) for me after classes. 10. I don’t expect my friend (to help) me with text 1.

Task 3 Put the definite article where it should be .

  1. ________Scotland
  2. ________Glasgow
  3. ________Princes Street
  4. ________Edinburgh Castle
  5. _________Albert Memorial
  6. _________British Museum
  7. _________Royal mile
  8. _________Houses of Parliament
  9. _________Old Town
  10. _________Cardiff

Task 4 Translate into English

  1. злая ведьма
  2. точное время
  3. зарабатывать на жизнь
  4. кричать громко
  5. глупая идея
  6. оживленная улица
  7. международная торговля
  8. живописная деревня
  9. скромный дом
  10. процветающий город
  11. преданность друзьям
  12. поступить в университет
  13. поранить руку
  14. краткий разговор
  15. тропинка через лес
  16. обслуживание отеля
  17. спорить с кем-то о чем-то
  18. служба спасения
  19. войти в комнату
  20. посетители

Task 5 Fill in the gaps

To argue

To hang

To tell

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