Методическая разработка заданий по английскому языку для проведения станции Лирическая на Дне смотра знаний (День Гимназиста, игра по станциям) для 7-9 классов
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7, 8 класс)

Яковлева Елена Эрландовна

Данная разработка включает в себя весь пакет для проведения станции на Дне смотра знаний (задания, тексты стихов, критерии оценки)


Предварительный просмотр:

Станция – Лирическая (английский язык)

Для учащихся 7-9 классов

На станции команда из 10 человек работает 30 минут.


Команда должна:
1. Выразительно прочитать выбранное командой стихотворение (каждый участник команды должен принять участие в чтении).

2. Сделать литературный перевод стихотворения в любой форме.

3. Представить стихотворение в любом виде (проект, сценка, компьютерная презентация, философское высказывание и т.п.) – время до 4 минут.

Критерии оценивания:

1.Чтение – максимально 20 баллов.

Учитывается: 1) правильность произношения (фонетика)


2.Перевод - максимально 20 баллов.

Учитывается: 1)выдержанность литературного стиля (поэтический перевод приветствуется), 2)Красота образов, 3)Благозвучность.

3.Представление - максимально 20 баллов.


  • Оригинальность,
  • Эмоциональность,
  • Логика выступления

Предлагаемые стихи для работы (5 вариантов). Two Little Kittens; What is a Mother; Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; I’m a Brave, Brave mouse; I’m what I am.

  1. Two Little Kittens

(by Jane Taylor)

Two little kittens,

One stormy night,

Began to quarrel,

And then to fight.

One had a mouse

And the other had none;

And that was the way

The quarrel begun.

“I'll have that mouse,”

Said the bigger cat.

“You'll have that mouse?

We'll see about that!”

“I will have that mouse,”

Said the tortoise-shell;

And, spitting and scratching,

On her sister she fell.

I've told you before

It was a stormy night,

When these two kittens

Began to fight.

The old woman took

The sweeping broom,

And swept them both

Right out of the room.

The ground was covered

With frost and snow,

They had lost the mouse,

And had nowhere to go.

So they lay and shivered

Beside the door,

Till the old woman finished

Sweeping the floor.

And then they crept in

As quiet as mice,

All wet with snow

And as cold as ice.

They found it much better

That stormy night,

To lie by the fire,

Than to quarrel and fight.

  1. What Is a Mother?

(Katherine Nelson Davis)

A mother is someone to shelter and guide us,

To love us, whatever we do,

With a warm understanding and infinite patience,

And wonderful gentleness, too.

How often a mother means swift reassurance

In soothing our small, childish fears,

How tenderly mothers watch over their children

And treasure them all through the years!

The heart of a mother is full of forgiveness

For any mistake, big or small,

And generous always in helping her family

Whose needs she has placed above all.

A mother can utter a word of compassion

And make all our cares fall away,

She can brighten a home with the sound of her laughter

And make life delightful and gay.

A mother possesses incredible wisdom

And wonderful insight and skill -

In each human heart is that one special corner

Which only a mother can fill!

  1. Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky!

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveller in the dark,

Thanks you for your tiny spark,

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,

And often through my curtains peep,

For you never shut your eye,

Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark,

Lights the traveller in the dark,—

Though I know not what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

  1. I’m a brave, brave mouse.

I’m a brave, brave mouse.

I go marching through the house.

And I’m not afraid of anything.

For danger I’m prepared,

And I’m never, never scared.

No, I’m not afraid of anything.

What about a cat?

What – a cat?

Yes a cat!

Big and fat.

Well, except for a cat –

I’m not afraid of anything.

I’m a brave, brave mouse.

I go marching through the house.

And I’m not afraid of anything.

For danger I’m prepared,

And I’m never, never scared.

No, I’m not afraid of anything.

What about a trap?

What – a trap?

Yes a trap!

That goes snap.

Well, except for a trap –

I’m not afraid of anything.

I’m a brave, brave mouse.

I go marching through the house.

And I’m not afraid of anything.

For danger I’m prepared,

And I’m never, never scared.

No, I’m not afraid of anything.

What about an owl?

What – an owl?

Yes an owl –

On the prowl.

Well, except for an owl –

I’m not afraid of anything.

I Am What I Am

(Gloria Gaynor)

I am what I am

I am my own special creation

So come take a look

Give me the hook or the ovation

It's my world that I want to have a little pride in

My world and it's not a place I have to hide in

Life's not worth a dam

Till you can say I am what I am

I am what I am

I don't want praise, I don't want pity

I bang my own drum

Some think it's noise, I think it's pretty

And so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle

Why not try to see things from a different angle

Your life is a sham

Till you can shout out, I am what I am

I am what I am

And what I am needs no excuses

I deal my own deck

Sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces

It's one life and there's no return and no deposit

One life. So it's time to open up your closet

Life's not worth a dam

Till you can shout out, I am what I am

I am what I am

And what I am needs no excuses

I deal my own deck

Sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces

It's one life and there's no return and no deposit

One life. So it's time to open up your closet

Life's not worth a dam

Till you can shout out, I am what I am.

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