Сценарий спектакля на английском языке по мотивам сказки Оскара Уайльда "ЗВЕЗДНЫЙ МАЛЬЧИК (STAR CHILD)"
материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Карасева Ирина Васильевна

В этом материале вы найдете интересную интерпретацию сказки Оскара Уайльда "Звездный мальчик" на английском языке и эта история может вдохновить вас на создание чего-то своего.


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«Сценарий спектакля на английском языке по мотивам сказки Оскара Уайльда "ЗВЕЗДНЫЙ МАЛЬЧИК (STAR CHILD)"»


    Карасева Ирина Васильевна

                                                              Учитель Высшей категории,

                                                              « Старший учитель»

Симферополь, 2019



 Оскара Уайльда


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Звездный мальчик                                

Жена лесоруба                                      

Дети 2                                                    







Нищая (она же королева)                      

Нищий (он же король)                            

       Толпа людей

Февраль 2019

Scene 1

№1 Зимний лес                                                            музыка

AUTHOR Once upon a time two poor Woodcutters were making their way home through a great pine-forest. It was winter, and a night of bitter cold. The snow lay thick upon the ground and upon the branches of the trees. So cold was it that even the animals and the birds did not know what to make of it.

WOLF  Ugh! This is perfectly monstrous weather. Why doesn`t the government look to it! The earth is dead under the snow.

Bird ‘The Earth is going to be married, and this is her bridal dress. It is so romantic!

Wolf  Nonsense! I tell you that it is all the fault of the Government and if you don`t believe me I will eat you. It is terribly cold. Ugh! Ugh!

Author  The Wolf had a thoroughly practical mind, and was never at a loss for a good argument.( there are far away sounds of the song Jingle Bells.   Dancing)

№2 хоровод                                             песня, танец

WOODCUTTER 1 Listen! They are singing Christmas songs, dancing and having fun. Unbelievable!

№3 деревня зимой

Author On and on went the two Woodcutters, blowing lastily upon their fingers, and stamping with their huge  boots upon the caked snow. Once they sank into a deep drift, and it was hard to come out of it. And once they thought that they had lost their way, and a great terror seized on them, for they knew that the Snow is cruel to those who sleep in her arms. But they put their trust in the good Saint Martin, who watches over all travellers, and retraced their steps, and at last they reached the outskirts of the forest, and saw, far down in the valley beneath them, the lights of the village in which they lived. 

Woodcutter 1 (blowing upon the fingers and stamping) The frost bites bitterly. This life is not for us. We had better died of cold in the forest or a wild animal had better eaten us.

WOODCUTTER 2  That`s true. Much is given to some and little is given to others…Look! A star is falling down.

TOGETHER 1,2 Why! There is a rock of gold for whoever finds it. (they run towards the falling star)

WOODCUTTER 1  (sees a baby) This is the end of our hope! A baby wrapped in a cloak of golden cloth! Let us leave it here and go our way, seeing that we are poor men and we have children of our own whose bread we may not give to another child.’

WOODCUTTER 2  No, it is an evil thing to leave the child to die in the snow, and though I am as poor as you are, and have many mouths to feed,  I will bring it home with me and my wife will take care of it.

WOODCUTTER 1 You have the child, therefore give me the cloak, for we should share. We are friends.

WOODCUTTER 2 No, the cloak is neither mine nor yours, it belongs to the child only. (knocking at the door, wife hugging him)

WOODCUTTER 2 My dear! I have found something in the forest and I have brought it to you to take care of it.

WIFE  What is it? A child?   Goodman! Don`t we have enough children of our own! Our children don’t have enough bread and shall we feed this child of another mother? Who will take care of us and give us food?

WOODCUTTER 2 Hey, but God cares even for the sparrows  and feeds them.

Wife Don’t the sparrows die of hunger in winter? And is it not winter now?’

Author And the man answered nothing, but he didn’t come into the house. And a bitter wind from the forest came in through the open door and made her tremble, and she shivered and asked him.

WIFE Will you close the door, please? There comes a bitter wind into the house, and I am cold.

WOODCUTTER 2  Into a house where a heart is hard there always comes a bitter wind?’

Author And the woman answered him nothing, but crept closer to the fire. And after a time she turned round and looked at him, and her eyes were full of tears. And he came in swiftly, and placed the child in her arms, and she kissed it, and laid it in a little bed where the youngest of their own children was lying. And in the morning the Woodcutter took the curious cloak of gold and placed it in a great chest, and his wife took a chain of amber that was round the child’s neck and set it also in the chest .

№5 деревня

Teller  So the Star-Child was brought up with the children of the Woodcutter, and sat at the same board with them, and was their playmate. And every year he became more beautiful to look at, so that all those who lived in the village were filled with wonder, for, while they were dark skinned and black-haired, he was white and delicate, and his curls were like the rings of the daffodil. His lips also were like the petals of a red flower, and his eyes were like violets by a river of pure water.

AUTHOR Yet his beauty worked him evil. For he grew proud and cruel, and selfish. He despised (did not like) the children of the Woodcutter, and the other children of the village, saying that they were of poor parents, while he was noble, being born from a Star, and he made himself a master over them, and called them his servants. No pity had he for the poor, or for those who were blind or invalids but would throw stones at them and drive them forth on to the highway, and made them beg their bread elsewhere.

And he himself loved when the winds were still in summer, he would lie by the lake in the priest’s garden and look in the mirror at the marvel of his own face, and laugh for the pleasure to see his beauty. Often the Woodcutter and his wife told him.

Wife We did not deal you as you deal those poor children Why are you  so cruel to all who need pity?’ The fly is your brother. Do it no harm. The wild birds that roam through the forest have their freedom. Don’t try to catch them for your pleasure. Who are you to bring pain into God’s world? Even the cattle on the field praise God.’

Teller But the Star-Child did not listen to their words, he ran back to his companions, and led them. And his companions followed him, for he was beautiful, and ran fast and could dance, and play the pipe, and make music. And wherever the Star-Child led them they followed, and whatever the Star-Child made them do, they did. And when he did bad things, they laughed, and when he cast stones at people they laughed also. And in all things he ruled them, and they became hard of heart even as he was.

AUTHOR 10 years passed

Scene 2

№6 Деревня, дети                                                 Музыка

Author Now a poor beggar-woman  passed one day through the village. Her clothes were torn and ragged, and her feet were bleeding from the rough road on which she had travelled, and she was in a very evil state. And being tired she sat  down under a chestnut-tree to rest. But when the Star-Child saw her, he said to his companions

 Star child Look! There is a beggar-woman sitting under that nice green-leaved tree. Come on, let us drive her away, for she is ugly and ill-favoured and poor.

Author So he came near and threw stones at her, and mocked her, and she looked at him with terror in her eyes, she couldn’t move her gaze from him. And when the Woodcutter, who was working in the yard, saw what the Star-Child was doing, he ran up and scolded him, and said to him.

Woodcutter 2  Stop it! What are you doing? Surely your heart is as hard as a rock and you have no mercy, for what evil has this poor woman done to you that you treat her  this way?’

(And the Star-Child grew red with anger, and stamped his foot upon the ground)

 Star child Who are you to question me what I am doing? I am not your son to obey you.

Woodcutter It is true, I am not. But I showed you my pity when I found you in the forest in winter. I saved you.

(And when the woman heard these words she gave a loud cry, and fell into a swoon. And the Woodcutter carried her to his own house, and his wife had care of her, and when she rose up from the swoon into which she had fallen, they set meat and drink before her, and asked her have comfort. But she didn’t want either to eat or drink)

BEGGAR-WOMAN  Did you say that the child was found in the forest? And was it about ten years ago? What signs did you find with him? Did he have a chain of amber on his neck? Was there a cloak of golden cloth around his body?

WOODCUTTER 2 Truly. It was as you say. (shows a cloak and chain)

BEGGAR-WOMAN He is my little son whom I lost in the forest. I pray you send for him quickly, for in search of him I have wandered over the whole world.

WIFE Star Child! Come into the house and you will find your mother, who is waiting for you.

(So he ran in, filled with wonder and great gladness. But when he saw her who was waiting there, he laughed scornfully) 

STAR CHILD Why, where is my mother? For I see none but this beggar-woman.

BEGGAR-WOMAN I am your mother.

STAR CHILD You are mad to say so. I am not your son, for you are a beggar, you are ugly and in rags. Let me see your dirty face no more. I am beautiful and you… (looking in the mirror) Get away!

BEGGAR-WOMAN No, you are indeed my little son. I gave you a birth in the forest, (she cried and she fell on her knees and held out her arms to him) the robbers stole you from me and left you to die. I recognized you and these things: the cloak of golden cloth and the amber chain. Therefore I pray you come with me, for I have wandered in search of you over the whole world.  Come with me, my son, for I need your love.

STAR CHILD If in very truth you are my mother it would be better for you to stay away. Don’t come here to bring me to shame. I thought I was the child of some star, and not a beggar’s child. Get away and let me see you no more!

BEGGAR-WOMAN Alas! my son. Will you kiss me before I go? For I have suffered much to find you.

STAR CHILD No, I would rather kiss a toad then you! (puts on a mask of a toad)

 (The woman rose up and went away into the forest weeping bitterly. The boy was glad and ran back to his playmates. But after looking at him they began laughing and mocking him)

Children Oh, look, look! Who is it? You are as ugly as a toad. Get out of here, we don’t want to play with you.

Star-child Oh! What`s happening? (looking into the mirror) Where is my beauty? I look like a toad. Surely this has come upon me because of my sin. I have denied my mother and I have been proud and cruel to her. So I will go and seek her through the whole world, I wilI not rest till I have found her and she will give me her forgiveness.

 (sad music, song about a star.)

7 Лес летом

Teller So he ran away into the forest and called out to his mother but there was no answer. He asked the birds and animals but they flew away from him, because they remembered his cruelty. He was alone only a toad watched him and a slow snake crawled past. He asked the Mole  

8 крот

Star-child  Mole! You can go beneath the ground. Tell me is my mother there?

Mole You blinded my eyes. How could I see her?

Teller He talked to a Bird

9 Птичка

Star child Bird! You can fly over the tops of the tall trees and you can see the whole world. Tell me could you see my mother?

Bird You cut my wings for your pleasure. How could I fly?

10 Белочка

Teller  He talked to a small Squirrel who lived in the fir-tree and was lonely.

Star-child Squirrel! Could you help me, please? Where is my mother?

Squirrel you killed my mother. Do you seek your mother to kill her too?

TELLER And the Star-child wept and bowed his head, and prayed forgiveness of God’s things. He went on through the forest, seeking for the beggar-woman. For the space of three years he wandered over the world, and in the world there was neither love nor loving-kindness nor charity for him, but it was even such a world as he had made for himself in the days of his great pride.

And one evening he came to the gate of a strong-walled city that stood by a river, and, though he was very tired, he wanted to enter the city.

Scene 3

№ 11  ворота

SOLDIERS  What is your business in this city? (drop their halberts across the entrance) What do you want?

STAR-CHILD I am seeking for my mother. And I pray to let me in, for she may be in this city. She is a beggar as I am. I treated her evilly, badly and I pray you to let me in. She may forgive me.

SOLDIER 1  Your mother will not be happy to see you, for you are like a toad. Get away. Your mother is not in this city.

SOLDIER 2  Wait! I have an idea. We will sell the guy for a slave for the price of a bowl of sweet wine.

MAGICIAN (passing by) I will buy him for this price. (takes the Star Child by the hand and leads him into the city) You are my slave now. In a wood near the city there are 3 pieces of gold, 3 coins: white, yellow and red. Today bring the piece of white gold, and if you don`t I will beat you with a hundred stripes. Get away quickly and at sunset I will be waiting for you.

12 Лес

Teller But when he was walking in the wood, he heard from a thickest part of it a cry  of someone in pain. And forgetting his own sorrow he ran back to the place, and saw there a little Hare caught in a trap that some hunter had set for it. And the Star-Child had pity on it and said to it

Star-child   I am  a slave myself, yet I may  give you freedom.

 Hare Surely you have given me freedom, and what shall I give you in return?

 Star-Child  I am seeking for a piece of white gold, but I can‘t find it anywhere, and if I don’t bring it to my master he will beat me.

HARE   Come with me, I know where it is hidden and for what purpose.

STAR -CHILD Thank you for your service and kindness.

HARE  As you dealt with me, so did I deal with you.

(on his way back Star Child sees a beggar-man sitting at the gate of the city)

BEGGAR-MAN Give me a piece of money or I must die of hunger. They have driven me out of the city and there is no one who has pity on me.

STAR CHILD  I have but one piece of gold and if I don`t bring it to my master he will beat me, for I am a slave.But take my piece of gold, you need it more.

MAGICIAN Have you got the piece of white gold?

STAR CHILD  I don`t have it.

MAGICIAN  Eat, drink. If tomorrow you don`t bring me the piece of yellow gold I will surely keep you as my slave and beat you.

(the following day in the forest)

HARE  Why are you weeping? And what do you seek in the wood?

STAR CHILD I am seeking for a piece of yellow gold, and if I don`t bring it to my master he will beat me.

HARE Come with me I know where it is hidden.

STAR CHILD How can I thank you? This is the second time that you have helped me.

HARE  But you had pity on me first. How shall I reward you?

 (on his way back Star Child sees a beggar-man sitting at the gate of the city)

BEGGAR-MAN  Give me the piece of money or I must die.

STAR CHILD  Take it. Your need is greater than me.

(comes back to the Magician)

MAGICIAN  Have you got the piece of yellow gold?

STAR CHILD No, I have not.

MAGICIAN How dare you come to me without gold, ugly slave?

(beats him)

MAGICIAN  If today you bring a piece of red gold, I will set you free, but if you don`t I will surely beat you again .

(Star Child is sitting in the forest and weeping)

HARE  The piece of red gold you are seeking is in the cave behind you. Don`t weep and be glad.

STAR CHILD  How can I reward you? For this is the third time that you have helped me.

HARE  But you had pity on me first. (runs away)

BEGGAR-MAN  (in the center of the road) Give me the piece of red money or I must die.

STAR CHILD Take it. Your need is greater than me. (takes off the mask of a toad)

(in the gate of the city soldiers bow down) Much more than me.

13 Город, люди

SOLDIER 1  How beautiful is our lord! There is none so beautiful in the whole world!

SOLDIER 2  Surely there is none so beautiful in the whole world!

STAR CHILD  Are they mocking me? (touching his face) Oh no! My face has come back to me!

SOLDIER1  You are our lord for whom we have been waiting, and the son of our king. It was prophesied that on this day would come he, who was to rule over us. Let our lord take this crown and be our king over us.

STAR CHILD  I am not the king`s son, but the child of a poor beggar. And why do you say that I am beautiful, for I know that I am ugly to look at. Let me go. I must find my mother and ask for her forgiveness.

(among the crowd he sees the beggar-woman and the beggar-man, kneels down and kisses her feet)

Mother, accept me. I gave you hatred, give me your love. I rejected you, receive your child now. Give me your forgiveness and let me go back to the forest.



(Star Child looks up and sees a King and a Queen)

QUEEN This is your father whom you helped in need.

KING  This is your mother whose feet you have washed with tears.

(they hug and kiss him and set the crown upon his head)

AUTHOR  And he ruled over the city. Much justice and mercy did he show to all, and to the Woodcutter and his wife he sent many rich gifts, and wasn`t cruel to birds or beasts, but taught kindness and charity, and to the poor he gave bread, and there was peace and plenty in the land. 

Есть много людей с красивой внешностью, которым, однако, нечем похвастаться внутри».

                                                                                 (Джеймс Фенимор Купер)

Одним из дурных последствий жестокого поступка является то, что ожесточаются сердца очевидцев.


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