Самостоятельная работа к Unit 5. Are you happy with your friends?
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Подъема Дарья Игоревна

УМК English-7 В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова. Cамостоятельная работа на повторение лексического материала по теме Friends, грамматического материала  "Придаточные определительные с союзными словами"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Task 1. Listening

Task 2. Fill in the gaps: together, forever, sense of humour, turns, fall out, friendship, neighbour, make up, there

My best friend is Ashley. She is very kind and has a good ____________. She lives next door, so she is my ______________too. So we often get ____________. We like walking in the park, watching new movies in the cinema or doing the shopping. However, sometimes we _____________ with her over little things but we ____________quickly. She always __________to me for help and advice and is always _________for me. She is a true friend and I hope our ______________will last ____________.

Task 3. Fill in – who/which

1) I’ve got a friend ___I am never bored with. 2) Friendship is a feeling ____can last forever. 3) I like reading books ____ Ican learn something new from. 4) Sometimes I get marks ____ make my parents upset. 5) I’ve got a brother ____I can rely on.

Task 4. Add the information:

There are 30 children in our class and 10 of them are from different countries. It’s really interesting to have so many people from all over the world in one school. Everyone has different religions, lifestyles, families and stories to tell. We all different but all get on well. We communicate every day and I have learnt a lot about their religions. I have also learnt about their cultures from festivals and performances which are organized at our school. I advise an international school to everyone. They make you understand how big the world is and how many people live on the planet we call home. They help you to understand that we all different and at the same time we are much alike.

1) Harriet goes to ….

2) There are …..and ….

3) Everyone has …

4) They …

5) Harriet has learnt …

6) International schools …

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