Влияние машин на жизнь горожан
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Чистякова Наталья Анатольевна

Урок английского языка в 10 классе. Основная цель - обучение написанию эссе с элементами рассуждения. В процессе обсуждения учащиеся придумывают аргументы в поддержку  и против растущего количества машин в городах, рассматривая проблему с точки зрения пешеходов и владельцев транспорта.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Influence of Cars on the Life of City Dwellers.

Form – 11

Level – intermediate


  • To develop reading and speaking skills
  • To introduce new vocabulary
  • To encourage discussion about the positive and negative aspects of cars
  • To enable students to come up with their arguments and counterarguments

  1. Warm-up.

Look at the pictures. What can you see? Use the words to describe the pictures.

What problem are we going to discuss today?

  1. A letter to the editor. (M. Vince, page 276)

Who is the letter written by? (by the members of the organization Cities for People)

What do they suggest? (that all the cars should be banned from the city centre)

What are their main arguments? (the amount of pollution is unbearable, the streets are crowded with cars)

What do they blame the government for? (for putting off the problem)

What measures are the members of the organization going to undertake? (they are holding a demonstration next week)

Would you take part in such a demonstration? Why?

  1. Think of your own ideas to complete the sentences.

     Among the effects of using cars we usually regard ...

The reason we find shopping and entertainment centres convenient is that …

Older shops and services in town ….

Cars have enabled us to …

Even outside the cities green spaces are beginning to …

Streets in our towns …

  1. Vocabulary.

To compromise

The rush hour

To encroach upon

Hand in hand

To fringe

To erode

A thoroughfare

To expand

  1. Reading. Text “The Rise of the Machines”(Exam Excellence, page 118)

Read the text. Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.

f – B

a –D

               c - D

d – A

g – E

b – C


Why is it said that cars have given us freedom?

In what way do cars change the face of the towns themselves?

What do pedestrians suffer from?

Why are corner shops disappearing?

Have you noticed any changes, caused by the increasing number of cars in this town? What are they?

  1. Parts of a car. Let us see if you are good drivers. Students show parts of a car and name them. If they succeed, they join the group of drivers, if not – pedestrians (see Smartboard activity)

  1. Discussion. Cars make city dwellers` lives much more complicated (students are divided into two groups “Drivers” and “Pedestrians”. Drivers are convinced that their life has become easier, while the pedestrians think that their life has become much more complicated. Students have several minutes to think over their arguments and then they come up with their ideas. After having heard an argument, the other group thinks of the counterargument)

I agree

  • People suffer from pollution, the amount of toxic fumes is unbearable
  • Roads keep getting widened, pavements become narrower
  • Parking spaces change the face of towns themselves (flowerbeds, loans and trees are disappearing)
  • It is difficult to get about in the car in the rush hour

I disagree

  • Cars have made our lives less complicated because we don`t have to use public transport which is often overcrowded and dirty
  • Cars allow city dwellers to get to any destination quickly

  1. Paraphrasing techniques.

While writing an essay you will have to paraphrase the theme of your essay several times. What are the main paraphrasing techniques?

Find the synonym.

A car – a vehicle, an automobile

Complicated – difficult, complex

City dwellers – citizens, residents, inhabitants

  1. Feedback I know/can …(see workouts)
  2. Hometask: write an essay.


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