Презентация на тему:"Категория прошедшего времени"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Иванова Валентина Анатольевна

Презентация предназначена для обучающихся 9-11 классов.Образование времён категории прошедшего времени для удобства даны в виде формул.Употребление времён подкреплены примерами.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Past Tenses Category

Слайд 2

Past Simple + V 2/V-ed __ Did not/didn’t V 1 ? Did _S _ V1 ?

Слайд 3

We use the Present Simple to talk about: Actions that started and finished in the past He sent the e-mail yesterday. Did they do the job last night? Actions that happened one after the other in the past She opened the door, picked up the telephone and made a call. Actions that were repeated or were habits in the past I caught the early train every morning. Past Simple

Слайд 4

Time Expressions with the Past Simple how long …. ago? a month ago a year ago every summer in 1957 in January last spring last year the day before yesterday then yesterday Time expressions usually come at the end of a sentence.

Слайд 5

Past Continuous + was/were V – ing __ was/were not V - ing ? Was/Were _ S _ V – ing?

Слайд 6

We use the Past Continuous to talk about: Actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past I was having lunch at one o’clock. Was he listening to the radio when you left? Two or more actions that were in progress at the same time in the past My brother was putting the tools away and I was cleaning the garage. The background events in a story The wind was blowing and the clouds were moving across the blue sky. An action in progress in the past that was interrupted by another I was reading when the telephone rang. Past Continuous

Слайд 7

Time Expressions with the Past Continuous at ten o’clock yesterday all evening at that time yesterday while

Слайд 8

Past Perfect Simple + had V3/V–ed __ had not/hadn’t V3 ? Had _ S _ V3/V–ed?

Слайд 9

We use the Past Perfect Simple to talk about: Something that happened before another action in the past We had seen a program about Thailand, so we went to the places they recommended. Something that happened before a specific time in the past Anna had finished the project by 10 p.m. Something that happened in the past and had an effect on a following action or state I had won the first prize, so I was very excited. Past Perfect Simple

Слайд 10

already before as soon as never just when by the time ever till/until Time Expressions with the Past Perfect Simple

Слайд 11

Past Perfect Continuous + had been V- ing __ had not been V- ing ? Had __ S __ been V-ing?

Слайд 12

We use the Past Perfect Continuous to talk about: One action in the past lasted for some time before another past action I had been teaching at that school for some time before I met you. One action that lasted for some time in the past had an effect on a following action or state He knew the city very well because he had been working as a taxi driver for ages. Past Perfect Continuous

Слайд 13

Time expressions with the Past Perfect Continuous for since how long before until

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