1 юнит 7 класс тест УМК Кузовлев
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Лебедева Анна Витальевна

Тест УМК Кузовлев 7 класс 1 юнит "Are you happy at school"


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Предварительный просмотр:





Listen to two pupils talking about their schools. Take notes in the table with information about each person.





School starts

Favourite subject

School uniform

Likes school?


  1. Read the text


     Summerhill is in Leisten in Suffolk. It’s more than seventy years old. There are only seventy students, aged from five to sixteen. The children have classes usually according to (в соответствии с) their age, sometimes according to their interests. Every Saturday the students and the teachers have a meeting where they make their own rules and laws. There is a timetable – but only for the teachers. Students can either go to the lessons or spend their time playing. They very rarely (редко) have fights–quarrels, of course. The question is: do Summerhill students ever get any qualifications? Yes. They become doctors, teachers, businessmen and lawyers. A. S. Neil who founded (основал) this school in 1921 believes that his school is possibly the happiest school in the world. Parents should pay for the teaching. It costs about £6,000 a year to go there.

2. Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.

1). Summerhill is more than 100 years old.

2). There are only 70 students aged from 6 to 16.

3). Every week the students and the teachers have a meeting.

4). There is a timetable – but only for students.

5). They often have fights-quarrels, of course.

6). Parents should pay for the teaching.

7). A. S. Suffolk founded this school in 1921.

III . Report what the children say. Use the following reporting words: to be happy, to be sorry, to be sure, to be glad, to be worried

1). Lucy: Ugh! Again that uniform. Why do we have to wear it?

2). Susan: Oh! We’ll have a lot of tests. Sometimes they are very difficult.

3). Dan: Most of the school subjects are great! We’ll do interesting projects!

4). Linda: Last year we didn’t have outings and field trips. That’s a pity!

5). Robert: I’m a new pupil at this school. I have no friends here.


What do you know about British schools? Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false

1. Children of your age can go to a grammar school in England.

2. Science includes chemistry, physics, biology and math.

3. There are schools only for boys and only for girls in Britain.

4. A school year in Britain has four terms.

5. The marking system in Britain is similar to that in Russia.

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