Мастер-класс "My free time"
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Родичев Марк Эдуардович

Мастер класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Мастер-класс на тему: «My free time»

Учитель: Родичев Марк Эдуардович


  • Тренировка навыков монологического говорения по теме;
  • Развитие лексических и грамматических умений;
  • Развитие умений работы в группе


Предметные: Развивать умения учащихся в монологической речи на английском языке. Закрепить использование изученной лексики и грамматики в основных видах речевой деятельности.


1. Регулятивные: Развивать способность к аналитическому мышлению и построению высказываний на его основе.

2. Коммуникативные: Формировать умение работать в группе. Учить представлять результат своей работы. Развивать умение строить речевое высказывание в соответствии с поставленными задачами, оформлять свои мысли в устной форме.

3. Личностные: Развивать умение устно и письменно высказывать своё отношение, выражать свои эмоции. Оценивать поступки в соответствии с определённой ситуацией. Формировать мотивацию к обучению и целенаправленной познавательной деятельности.

Личностные: Обеспечить условия для создания благоприятного, эмоционального психологического климата в учебном сообществе для формирования коммуникативной культуры учащихся.


  • интерактивная доска
  • доска классная
  • проектор
  • видеоролик
  • презентации и отдельные слайды

План мастер-класса:

  1. Знакомство

Good morning, children! How do you do? I am glad to see you today. And first of all let`s introduce yourself. I am going to be first and give you an example how to do it, OK? Have a look at the board please. (слайд 1) My name is Mark, so you can see an illustration of my qualities which arise from the letters of my name. I am musical, hardworking, smart and kind and the pictures illustrate this.

Now try to do the same with your own names!

These words will be useful for you, you may use some of them. (слайд 2)

  1. Определение темы

Fine! Now we have made the acquaintance and can start our work! I`d like you to look at the board and tell me what am I doing there? And how are these activities connected? In other words how do you think what will be the topic of our lesson today? (слайд 3)

  1. Повторение теоретической части

And now please listen to me and try to define which constructions will I use in my speech and try to illustrate them on the blackboard if you can.

«So, my name is Mark Eduardovich. I live in Tikhvin, Leningrad region and I am a teacher. I like to travel very much. I visit various interesting places and meet many wonderful people. Also I like cooking. Usually I cook at home for myself or for my friends and relatives. I like to cook meat best of all. I like to ride a horse. That`s a fabulous open air activity for me. I do it regularly. And finally I like to swim. In a boat or just simple swimming. I admire it every time. »

So can you tell me what have I used in my speech? Which tense is it? Correct! It is Present Simple! Can you put down the scheme on the blackboard? One student affirmative and one negative form. Thank you!

  1. Работа с лексикой

The next task will be connected with lexis on the topic because it is important to know words for making a speech. Please look at the board and repeat the phrases. Then you will pronounce them themselves and translate aloud. The pictures will help you. Together we will check. I think we can start. (видео слайд 4)

  1. Phrase shoot-out

Great! We have learnt the words, repeated grammatical constructions and I think that now we all are ready to do so called «phrase shoot out» activity to our topic! We will make it in a group. Please stand up and form a circle here. I will start the game. The rules are following: I say what I like to do in my free time in Present Simple. If somebody likes to do it too, he says the same sentence and adds something about himself. If somebody doesn`t like it he makes a negative sentence and says what he likes to. Let`s try!

  1. Монологи учащихся

Sit down please. The game was great! And now is anybody ready to do what I have done in the beginning of the lesson? Who can make a short monologue about his free time activities? You may use these examples from the board. Please, raise your hands!

(слайд 5)

  1. Рефлексия

Our lesson is almost over and I want you to express your emotions and attitude to it. Please look here. Let`s make «Cinquain poems»! I will show you. We will make 5 line poems based on our emotions. First line – 1 word, second line – 2 words, third line – 3 words, fourth line 4 words, fifth line – one word again.


Work well

On the lesson

Of the English language


Now try to make your own poems and read them aloud! Who wants to? Please!

Thank you for your work! I was pleased to meet you! Good bye! (слайд 6)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

extravert - общительный carefree - беззаботный, беспечный truthful - бесхитростный, правдивый frank - искренний, честный strong- minded - решительный, волевой self-confident - уверенный в себе ambitious - честолюбивый energetic - энергичный sensitive - чувствительный imaginative - восприимчивый creative - творческий, созидательный emotional - эмоциональный polite – вежливый shy – скромный clever – умный kind - добрый

Слайд 5

In my free time I (like to)… + V1 OR In my free time I like + Ving Also I… + V1 I often… + V1 Besides I… + V1

Слайд 6

« Students – 1 word Work well – 2 words On the lesson – 3 words Of the English language – 4 words Fantastic! » - 1 word

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