Текст для чтения в 8 классе
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

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Текст для чтения в 8 классе.

Presents for the Natives

Miklukho-Maclay was a Russian scientist and traveller who lived more than a year on the island of New Guinea. The ship came to the island in the evening of a September day in 1871. Next morning the captain said to Maclay:

“You are coming ashore. Why don’t you take more men with you? Have you a gun?”

“I don’t need a gun. I have presents for the natives.”

The island was beautiful. There were trees and flowers everywhere, and it was very hot. The sun shone brightly high above Maclay’s head. He walked for some time down a forest path. Suddenly he stopped because he heard a noise. A native stood in front of him. He looked at Maclay quickly and then started running away. Maclay ran after him. The native looked back and suddenly stopped. Maclay took out some presents and showed them to the man. The native took the presents and smiled. This was how Miklukho-Maclay met the first black man on the first day of his life in New Guinea. The native’s name was Tui. He was Maclay’s best friend all the time that the traveller lived on the island.

On the first of October Maclay started out for a walk in the forest. He carried no gun. He had only a notebook and a pencil. In the forest, he met a native boy who saw him and ran away. Maclay heard the voices of men and women and the cries of children. Suddenly many men with spears in their hands came out. They stopped and looked at Maclay angrily. When he tried to say something, one of the men wanted to throw his spear at him. Maclay did not know a word of their language. He could not explain that he was their friend. He knew that he had to do something quickly. And a good idea came to him. He suddenly sat down on the ground and began to take off his shoes. Then he lay down, put a bag under his head and ... slept. The natives did nothing to him.

Задания к тексту.

Задание 1. Say YES /NO

  1. Did Mikiukho-Maclay take a gun when he came ashore? Yes / No
  2. Was it very hot on the island? Yes / No
  3. Did the native boy run away when he saw Mikiukho- Maclay? Yes / No
  4. Did Tui take the presents from Mikiukho-Maclay? Yes / No

Задание 2. Correct the following sentences according to the test “Presents tor the Natives".

  1. Miklukho Maclay lived on the Island more than two years.
  2. Miklukho-Maclay took a lot of men with him when he came ashore.
  3. Miklukho-Maclay did not run after the native
  4. Tui became his enemy
  5. When Miklukho-Maclay went for a walk he had a gun and a spear with him.
  6. Miklukho-Maclay could easily explain to the natives that he was their friend.

Задание 3. Read the text and say if the statements are true or false.

  1. The island was beautiful.
  2. The native didn’t take the presents and were angry.
  3. The island was New Guinea.
  4. Maclay knew the natives’ language and could speak well.

Задание 4. Complete the sentences according to the teхt.

  1. I don’t ... a gun.
  2. The sun shone ... high above Maclay’s head.
  3. A native stood ... him.
  4. This was how Miklukho-Maclay met the first ... on the first day of his life in New Guinea.
  5. Maclay heard the ... of men and women and the cries of children.
  6. Maclay did not know ... of their language.

Задание 5. Why in your opinion Miklukho-Maclay didn’t take a gun to the island?

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