Раздаточные материалы на тему "Harry Potter"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Лукманов Фанис Фаритович

Раздаточные материалы на тему "Harry Potter"


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Harry Potter _________ (BE) a very special boy. He _________ (BE) a young wizard. His  hair ________ (BE) black and his eyes ________ (BE) green. He ________ (HAVE) a scar on his forehead. He ________ (LIVE) with his aunt, his uncle and his cousin. He ________ (NOT BE) happy living there because they ___________ (NOT LOVE) him.

He ________ (GET) a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He ________ (BE) a new student there!!  He ___________ (BUY) a new pet, too: an owl. Its name _________ (BE) Hedwig.  But his uncle ____________ (NOT WANT) to have a wizard in the family and ___________ (TAKE) Harry to a lonely island.

Rubeus Hagrid ____________ (RESCUE) Harry and __________ (GO) to Diagon Alley with Harry. There he ____________ (BUY) his new clothes, books and his wand.

He ________ (GO) to school for the first time by train in Platform 9 ¾. There he __________ (MEET) his new friends: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They __________ (TALK) and __________ (EAT) candies and chocolates.

They ____________ (ARRIVE) at school and __________ (HAVE) a big dinner with all the students and the teachers. A special hat (the Sorting Hat) __________ (SELECT) a house for the students. Harry, Ron and Hermione __________ (GO) Gryffindor House. They _________ (BE) very happy!

At school they __________ (TAKE) Potions classes, History of Magic classes and Defense against the Dark Arts classes. Harry also ____________ (PLAY) a sport: Quidditch. He __________ (HAVE) a broom, the Nimbus 2000, because he __________ (FLY) and __________ (CATCH) a ball, the Snitch.

Draco Malfoy ________ (NOT LIKE) Harry. He ________ (BE) a member of Slytherin House and always __________ (TRY) to beat Harry.


  1. Was Harry Potter a young wizard?
  2. Did he live with his mother and father?
  3. Did his uncle love him?
  4. Did Harry get a letter from Hogwarts?
  5. Did Snape rescue Harry Potter?
  6. Did Harry buy new clothes and his wand?
  7. Did he go to school by bus?
  8. Did he meet new friends in the train?
  9. Did the Sorting Hat select a house for the new students?
  10. Did Harry, Ron and Hermione go to Gryffindor House?
  11. Were they happy?Resultado de imagen para harry potter's patronus clip art
  12. Did they take Maths and Literature classes?
  13. Did Harry play a sport?
  14. Did Draco Malfoy like Harry?
  15. Was he a member of Gryffindor House, too?


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