Books in our life
тренажёр по английскому языку (7 класс)

Терпелова Александра Валерьевна

тренировочные упражнения 


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                                              Books in our life

  1. Answer the questions.
  1. Can we live without books? Why?
  2. How can books educate people?
  3. Do books only teach us?
  4. In what way do books link us with our past?
  5. What kind of friend is a book?
  6. What books do people usually prefer?
  7. Is it a problem to find a good book nowadays?

  1. Prove that….
  1. Books follow us during all our life.
  2. Books develop our intellect.
  3. Books expand the boundaries of the familiar world.
  4. A book is a faithful and undemanding friend.
  5. Different people like reading different books.
  6. Nowadays there is no problem to find a good book.

  1.  Complete the sentences…
  1. We cannot imagine … without books.
  2. Books follow us….
  3. They develop ………, make us think and……., and they can help to form…..
  4. They also stir….., expand……, and fill our life with……
  5.  Thanks to books……
  6. A book is a faithful and ……
  7. Children like to read…..
  8. Many people are generally fond of reading…..
  9. Nowadays thousands of books are published……
  10. …………are at reader’s disposal.

                                              Books in our life

  1. Answer the questions.

1.        Can we live without books? Why?

2.        How can books educate people?

3.        Do books only teach us?

4.        In what way do books link us with our past?

5.        What kind of friend is a book?

6.        What books do people usually prefer?

7.        Is it a problem to find a good book nowadays?

2.        Prove that….

1.        Books follow us during all our life.

2.        Books develop our intellect.

3.        Books expand the boundaries of the familiar world.

4.        A book is a faithful and undemanding friend.

5.        Different people like reading different books.

6.        Nowadays there is no problem to find a good book.

3.         Complete the sentences…

1.        We cannot imagine … without books.

2.        Books follow us….

3.        They develop ………, make us think and……., and they can help to form…..

4.        They also stir….., expand……, and fill our life with……

5.         Thanks to books……

6.        A book is a faithful and ……

7.        Children like to read…..

8.        Many people are generally fond of reading…..

9.        Nowadays thousands of books are published……

10.        …………are at reader’s disposal.

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